Please pick me

Chapter 9 - beet red

Theresa woke the next morning with a groan. The events of the previous evening were a blur to her. She knew she had eaten a lot, but what and how much, she had no idea. Her head was pounding, as though she had a bad hangover. She made to get up, and noticed how sluggish she felt. It was as though she was moving more than just her body when she tried to get up. She fumbled around in the dark room until she found her bathrobe and wrapped it around herself.

She walked out into the living room and froze. It looked as though a tornado had torn through the room. Candy wrappers littered the floor, next to empty boxes of cereal and crackers. Looking at the trash, memories of the previous night began to emerge from the haze. Theresa vaguely remembered eating the crackers, slapping pieces of cheese on them.

She went to the kitchen, where a battle had been waged from the looks of things. Half-eaten pieces of bread littered the room, and what looked like a bottle of juice had been spilled across the room.

As Theresa took in the scene, she heard a voice behind her. "Do you remember doing this?"

She spun around to face Danielle, who had a look of pure disgust on her face. "You were an absolute terror last night. I have never seen you do that. What gives?"

"I don't know," Theresa said. "I don't remember most of it. I just remember eating."

"Oh, that you did. You tore apart this place. And have you seen yourself recently? What are you doing to yourself?"

Theresa looked a little confused. "What do you mean?"

In response, Danielle grabbed her by the arm and dragged her to the bathroom. When in there, Danielle basically ripped the bathrobe off, then motioned for Theresa to take a look.

Theresa glanced in the mirror, then looked again, her jaw dropping. She looked....huge. She was still in her bra and panties from the night before, which accented the way she looked. Her breasts were nearly flopping out of the top of her bra, and she could see it straining to stay together. From there, she moved down her body. Her belly, while not huge, was far more noticeable than before. It stuck out, but did not hang. She then looked at her ass. Most of the weight she had gained had gone there; her panties almost looked like a thong, based on how small they were compared to the two orbs of flesh they were stuck between.

Theresa gave another glance at her body, then ran her hands down her new curves, making sure they were real. They were, and she realized that it felt good when she did that. She looked in the mirror, and for the first time in a long time, she was actually happy with what she saw.

Danielle saw a small smile play across Theresa's face. It couldn't be. No way. The cow could NOT actually like what she was becoming.
She gave Theresa a disapproving glare, then pulled out a scale. Theresa got on and watched the numbers twirl. Eventually they settled on 147. Danielle's eyes widened. That had to be about 30 pounds in the past month and a half!

She looked at Theresa for a response, but Theresa had not noticed. She was exploring her new curves again, with a dreamy smile on her face. Danielle watched her, and for a moment, she too was entranced by the movement of her hands. She quickly pushed the thought from her mind, and stomped off to clean up.
10 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 12 years
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Jazzman 12 years
Your pacing is perfect! Astounding story! smiley
Kamina 12 years
I'm stopped at part 8 and the war is just beginning I sense...
Gary1627 12 years
Love the way this story is going and plenty more chapters to enjoy by the looks of things.
PatchM13 12 years
Thanks for the kind words, everyone. I added a few more chapters, but I estimate I am only about halfway through this. I will keep adding more over the next few days. Hope you enjoy the direction it goes!
Jazzman 12 years
This is Terrific. I am almost guessing where it will go. And I like it! smiley
Debela 12 years
I hope you continue!
PatchM13 12 years
Will be putting more up tomorrow. Trust me, this story still has a long way to go before it is over...