Softening standards

chapter 8 - year two part 4

Over the next few weeks, Chloe was on cloud nine. Discovering that Jeremy was enchanted by her new weight made their relationship better than ever. Before Valentine's Day, Chloe only overate when she encountered a meal that she really enjoyed (which, to be fair, had become more and more frequent). Now, however, she stuffed herself for a new purpose: sex. It was as though a switch had flipped, causing Chloe and Jeremy to make love after she pigged out. Jeremy frequently brought home desserts to not so subtly encourage Chloe to stuff herself, which she often did. Then, they would proceed to bed. The sights and sounds of their love-making were incredible as Chloe would often waddle into the bedroom (a bit of an embellishment on her part), moaning and bloated from her personal feast.

Even though her relationship with Jeremy was blissful, Chloe still had to suffer the near daily torments of Stacy. Since about November, Stacy had made it her goal to bully Chloe. She used her cruel nickname, "Doughy Chloe", every chance she got. Although Chloe had love and support from Jeremy and Lisa, she'd be lying if she said that Stacy's constant criticism didn't have a negative effect on her. Chloe often felt a mixture of humiliation and anger afterwards; she usually dealt with Stacy by either ignoring her or telling her to back off, but neither approach caused her to stop.

However, as Chloe's self-confidence grew, she became less willing to suffer Stacy's critiques. One day in early May, Stacy had cornered Chloe by herself.

"My God, look at you! You've been really packing it away lately haven't you? How much have you put on since the start of this year?" said Stacy in a catty tone.

Chloe was sick of being taunted; she didn't deserve this abuse. Stacy's opinion meant nothing to her, but it was the fact that she was so persistent that bothered Chloe. Chloe decided to finally speak her mind.

"Last I checked it was 10 pounds this year, but I'm sure it's gone up since then. I just really love to eat, as you so keenly observed." replied Chloe.

"I'll say! You've become a little butterball. The worst part is that it sounds like you've resigned yourself to being a fatty. I'm not giving up hope on you though, I can help you get in shape if you want, Chloe" she teased.

"Actually, I'm happy just the way I am, thank you very much".

"Ah, but what does the hubby think? I'm sure he misses the thinner you. Oh, the bedroom activity has probably slowed down too, hasn't it?" retorted Stacy.

Chloe would have been furious if Stacy's suggestion hadn't been so incredibly off the mark. She erupted with laughter much to Stacy's surprise.

"Oh, you have no idea how wrong you are, you ***; it's barely worth correcting you. I will say this though: You tried so hard to bring me down this year and you totally failed. You got under my skin, but you couldn't stop me from living my life. You have nothing to show for your efforts, while I've got a husband who can't wait to *** my brains out tonight. Now, if you'll excuse me...". Chloe exited the room as Stacy stood there, completely stupefied.


"Mother of God, that actually came out of your mouth? What ever happened to the demure Chloe that I used to know? asked Lisa. "Not that I'm upset or anything; she had it coming."

"I guess I'm just coming out of my shell. I think what you and Jeremy have been saying about following my passions and living for myself has finally connected with me." replied Chloe

"That's my girl. Just keep rocking on. Hey, I wanted to let you know that you'll mostly be on your own this summer. Mike and I are doing some extended traveling so I won't be around that much. He suggested that we go on a three-week cruise. Unlimited food and drink for 3 weeks? Sign me up!"

Chloe was happy for Lisa, but also sad that she wouldn't see her friend much this summer. "That's exciting! I'm sure you'll have a great time. But who's going to encourage me to eat that extra brownie and watch General Hospital with me?" joked Chloe.

"Ah, I think you can handle yourself. After all, you've learned enough from me to know what I'd say. It's time for the young padawan to become the master."

Summer began a few weeks later. Chloe found that she didn't eat as much without Lisa by her side. Instead, she became lazier, sleeping in to the late morning and almost always wearing sweat pants. Besides the occasional trip to the grocery store, Chloe had little contact with others and so she didn't feel the need to maintain her usual prim appearance. She became a bit of a slob, spending most of her time either napping or watching TV on the couch.

One day Jeremy arrived home to find Chloe laying on the couch wearing sweat pants and a t-shirt; her hair was a tangled mess. "Hi honey!" she said excitedly, but remained fixed on the couch. Chloe felt some pressure build inside her and she farted loudly. "Goodness me..." she said winking at Jeremy. She began to beckon him to come towards her, curling her index finger repeatedly.

"Uh, ew. No thank you" said Jeremy with a wry smile.

"Aw, c'mon. You know you love my smelly ass!" she shouted and gave her wide rump a playful smack.

Jeremy laughed, dropped his work briefcase where he stood, and jumped onto the couch where Chloe laid. She was right; he loved his slovenly wife.

The summer rolled into August. Despite eating less than she did during the previous summer, Chloe noticed that her weight continued to increase slowly. It seemed to accumulate evenly across her body. Arms, legs, face, butt, belly, even Chloe's back, all seemed to be thicker, wider, and softer. In contrast to when Chloe first began to gain, she now felt as though the weight looked very natural on her. She felt very comfortable with herself and looked at her full-figured body with a sense of pride knowing that she had "made" every bit of cellulite. Chloe wasn't actively trying to gain or be a certain weight; she was just doing what made her feel happy. Still, she figured she might as well keep tabs on what she weighed these days. "162. Only three pounds less than Jeremy" she thought pensively.

It was Jeremy and Chloe's 2nd anniversary. They decided that going to Frank's Pizza would be their tradition, especially after their unforgettable experience last year. As before, they decided to dress formally to commemorate the occasion. Chloe purchased a new size 12 black dress and although it wasn't nearly as tight as the dress she wore last year it didn't exactly leave a lot of wiggle room. Of course, Jeremy didn't seem to mind.

Later that night, they arrived at Frank's and placed their orders with their young waiter.

"I'll have the meatball sub" said Jeremy.

"I'll have a large pizza with sausage and peppers" said Chloe.

"A whole large pizza for you ma'am? You must be hungry." joked the inexperienced waiter.

"Yes, I'm famished and I wouldn't worry about bringing any to-go boxes if I were you." replied Chloe matter-of-factly. The waiter looked puzzled and walked away. Jeremy marveled at Chloe's new attitude and confidence. One year ago, a similar comment would have made her cry and be self-conscious. Now, she not only didn't hide her appetite, she seemed to take pride in it. When their food arrived, he couldn't stop himself from ogling as she devoured each slice. True to her word, Chloe finished every last piece. She groaned, leaned back in her chair, and began to slowly caress her round, fully stuffed gut.

"Would you like some help with that?" Jeremy asked coyly. Chloe grunted softly, which Jeremy took as a "yes". "Then let's get out of here" he said. He helped her out of her chair and the two headed back home.

They arrived home and Chloe felt a little less comatose than she did in the restaurant. The sexual tension between her and Jeremy was electric and they both prepared themselves for a night of lascivious acts. Chloe, however, had no idea about what was to happen next.

"Get undressed and meet me in the living room" Jeremy said sternly.

Chloe felt her lady parts quiver with excitement at Jeremy's tone. She did as he asked of her and wondered what he had in store. When she returned to the living room, she found him sitting naked on the couch. She saw that a large cupcake on a plate had been placed on the floor. She gave Jeremy a puzzled look.

"It's your anniversary present. Go ahead and have some" said Jeremy calmly.

Chloe walked over to the cupcake and bent down to pick it up. "Ah, ah. You're not allowed to move the plate or the cupcake." said Jeremy as he wagged his finger. Chloe, who was becoming increasingly aroused, got down on her hands and knees and reached out a hand to grab the treat. "No, you can't touch it with your hands either."

Chloe was incredibly turned on as she realized the implications of Jeremy's game. "You want me to eat it with my face, just like a pig" she said. "Well, I'll try not to make too much of a mess then". She plunged her face into the cupcake, smearing the frosting all around her face and mouth. Her ample rear stuck upwards while her bloated belly rested on the floor as she ate the dessert while on all fours. As she ate, Jeremy paced around her slowly, inspecting her as though he were judging a prized pig. After a few minutes, Chloe finished the cupcake, her stomach gurgling from all the food she had eaten.

"Now it's time for your present" she said with frosting still around her lips. She crawled over to Jeremy, grabbed his throbbing member, and began to suck slowly. Her head bobbed up and down as Jeremy moaned with pleasure. After a few minutes, they took their act to the bedroom and had mind-blowing sex.

"You're incredible." said Jeremy to Chloe after they finished climaxing. In two years you've really learned to let loose, both with me and others. What's next?" he said breathlessly.

"Oh I've got something up my sleeve. Guess you'll just have to wait to see
14 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 7 years
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Zachi 8 years
Epilogue please, they goes in cruise...
Jazzman 8 years
Of course these two items can also taste sinfully when made correctly so it's good tasting stuff but some of the most fattening things available. The objective would be a massive amazing gain to over 300.Bringing the Feederism All the Way to the forefront
Jazzman 8 years
Epilogue please. Perhaps with some things that Only Gainers do. Purely for gaining. A weekly or bi-weekly 10000 calories cake shake.OR a every Saturday trip to Dunkin Donuts for Chocolate Coconut donuts. A dozen at 550 calories each.
Tommmy 8 years
I love this story. Is there more to come??? I hope so !
Jazzman 8 years
So Wonderful. Anyone not reading this is missing out!
Jazzman 8 years
With a Feeder?Piece of Cake. Or Pies! smiley
Jazzman 8 years
Great Writing. Just Enough Characters. Great Development of Each Character.
Super realistic gaining for Both Women.
And now?An intentional gain looming.
30 lbs in 30 days? It's been done.But it's rare. But for an intentional gainer in 5-6 weeks with
Td0057 8 years
Great story!. I like how you're progressing, and the angst that the characters feel sometimes. Looking forward to the next chapters.
Growingsofty 8 years
Great story. I want Jeremy to get in on the action and start feeding Chloe!
Berserker1 8 years
really like where this is going!! The dirty/fat talk of the end is so sexy smiley
Jazzman 8 years
Mutual meaning they agree on it together. He stays slim.
Jazzman 8 years
This is Fabulous! And now I am certain she'll be gaining quicker. It will be their mutual sexual trigger when she is stuffed.Maybe a mutual goal of 200 by Christmas?Or next Valentines Day?
Nok 8 years
So is her husband really an FA? I remember him rubbing her tummy earlier on.
Pd500 8 years
First 6 chapters are great! I'm digging that she's got an eating friend enlightening her.
Mental5125 8 years
This is great!!! I look forward to updates and her weight gain!
Jazzman 8 years
So Good! Is the husband truly that virtuous?OR is he a closet FA? Either way this is a fabulous story.
GhostPepper 8 years
She's about 5'7". Thank you for your kind feedback! I'll be working on the story the next couple of days so stay tuned for updates.
Jazzman 8 years
How tall is Lisa.? And you're a great writer with an easy to read style and actual spelling and grammar skills.
And this plot is one of the less explored in the genre. I'm glad You are tackling it. Please continue quickly