Softening standards

chapter 10 - year three part 2

It was January and Lisa and Chloe were having lunch at Frank's Pizza. Lisa watched as Chloe finish yet another slice of pizza, her fourth so far.

"Good God, woman. I hope you don't mind me saying this but you're really putting it away lately." said Lisa.

"I can't help myself; my appetite has just been insatiable recently." Chloe grabbed another piece of pizza and started to munch on it. She stopped momentarily when she felt her belly rumble and a large belch escaped her lips. "Ugh, and I've been so gassy too."

"Is it that time of the month?" asked Lisa.

"No, I think I've just felt like porking out recently." replied Chloe as she rubbed her belly absent-mindedly.

"Well, you'll get no argument from me. Besides, you're damn good at it. You could probably be one of those competitive eater girls that I've seen on Youtube. You know, those chicks that attempt food challenges that even 300 pound guys struggle to complete?" suggested Lisa.

"Haha, you really think so?" asked Chloe.

"Yeah, definitely. I mean, no offense or anything, but that thing is like a bottomless pit." said Lisa, pointing to Chloe's bloated midsection. "You must have a good metabolism or something."

"Maybe. All I know is that I'm still hungry." responded Chloe. She then released another deep, unlady-like burp ("Oops...excuse me") and went back to eating.

The months passed by and Lisa watched as Chloe's weight and appetite increased slowly. By May, Chloe was eating as much as Lisa fairly regularly. As a result, Chloe bulged out of almost all of her clothing, which allowed others to view the outline of her navel and the soft, plushy belly fat that surrounded it. As she sauntered down the school hallways, she jiggled with each step that she took; her breasts and belly bounced with an alluring synchronicity. Her hips had grown wider too and her much rounder butt filled out and strained her now tight pants. Her arms and legs had become thicker and meatier, giving her a stout and sturdy appearance. Unknown to all except Jeremy, Chloe's thigh dimples had grown larger and more numerous; the slightest hint of red stretch marks had begun to appear on her outer thighs. Chloe's face had softened and she now displayed a slight double chin, making her all the more agreeable and approachable. In summary, she looked downright curvaceous.

Their third year of teaching together was almost complete and Lisa was amazed at how much Chloe had developed over that relatively short amount of time. When they first met, Lisa suspected that there was an aspect of Chloe's personality that yearned to be expressed despite her apparent insecurity with herself and others. However, she never thought that Chloe would become so self-assured as to overeat and belch in front of others. Indeed, partly due to her guidance and friendship, Chloe had blossomed into a confident and voluptuous young woman Lisa felt a surge of pride as she reflected on her role in helping Chloe come out of her shell, but she also wondered what Chloe thought about her new changes.

"Hey, Chloe. This might sound weird, but, are you happy?"

"Yeah, of course, Lisa. I'm probably happier than I've ever been. Why do you ask?"

"It's just, I've watched you change both personally and physically over these past two years and I know that any change, good or bad, can be tough. I just remember back to that first summer at my place when you were so upset with yourself. Seeing you that way really broke my heart and I want to make sure that you don't feel uncomfortable or like you're rushing into anything." said Lisa, solemnly.

Chloe looked at Lisa with her warm, inviting eyes. "Lisa, you're the best friend I've ever had. You helped me adjust to my new life and discover what's most important to me. I will always be thankful for that. I'm so much happier now that I'm a bigger girl. I feel like I've finally let go and started living the life I was meant to live."

"I'm so happy to hear that from you. You've come such a long way and I'm sure it's all been worth it. Still, I just can't help but wonder, what's with all the extra helpings lately? I know you're definitely enjoying it, but this seems a bit out of character for you. Are you pushing yourself to eat more or what?" asked Lisa.

Lisa's perceptive observation seemed to catch Chloe off-guard. She put her hands on her well-cushioned hips and thought about how to answer her friend's innocent question. After a brief moment, she collected herself and answered calmly. "So you noticed, huh? I guess it's time to come clean then. You're right, I am eating more on purpose, but that's because there's something I've been wanting to do for a while."

"What's that?" asked Lisa, genuinely curious.

"Well, remember how you said that I'd make a good competitive eater a few months back? About that..."
14 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 7 years
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Zachi 8 years
Epilogue please, they goes in cruise...
Jazzman 8 years
Of course these two items can also taste sinfully when made correctly so it's good tasting stuff but some of the most fattening things available. The objective would be a massive amazing gain to over 300.Bringing the Feederism All the Way to the forefront
Jazzman 8 years
Epilogue please. Perhaps with some things that Only Gainers do. Purely for gaining. A weekly or bi-weekly 10000 calories cake shake.OR a every Saturday trip to Dunkin Donuts for Chocolate Coconut donuts. A dozen at 550 calories each.
Tommmy 8 years
I love this story. Is there more to come??? I hope so !
Jazzman 8 years
So Wonderful. Anyone not reading this is missing out!
Jazzman 8 years
With a Feeder?Piece of Cake. Or Pies! smiley
Jazzman 8 years
Great Writing. Just Enough Characters. Great Development of Each Character.
Super realistic gaining for Both Women.
And now?An intentional gain looming.
30 lbs in 30 days? It's been done.But it's rare. But for an intentional gainer in 5-6 weeks with
Td0057 8 years
Great story!. I like how you're progressing, and the angst that the characters feel sometimes. Looking forward to the next chapters.
Growingsofty 8 years
Great story. I want Jeremy to get in on the action and start feeding Chloe!
Berserker1 8 years
really like where this is going!! The dirty/fat talk of the end is so sexy smiley
Jazzman 8 years
Mutual meaning they agree on it together. He stays slim.
Jazzman 8 years
This is Fabulous! And now I am certain she'll be gaining quicker. It will be their mutual sexual trigger when she is stuffed.Maybe a mutual goal of 200 by Christmas?Or next Valentines Day?
Nok 8 years
So is her husband really an FA? I remember him rubbing her tummy earlier on.
Pd500 8 years
First 6 chapters are great! I'm digging that she's got an eating friend enlightening her.
Mental5125 8 years
This is great!!! I look forward to updates and her weight gain!
Jazzman 8 years
So Good! Is the husband truly that virtuous?OR is he a closet FA? Either way this is a fabulous story.
GhostPepper 8 years
She's about 5'7". Thank you for your kind feedback! I'll be working on the story the next couple of days so stay tuned for updates.
Jazzman 8 years
How tall is Lisa.? And you're a great writer with an easy to read style and actual spelling and grammar skills.
And this plot is one of the less explored in the genre. I'm glad You are tackling it. Please continue quickly