Sarah - gretel

Chapter 2 - part ii

In dream...

She felt like a little girl again, for a moment. She ran through a bright, sunny summer day in the forest. Her white dress clung loosely to her lithe frame and her hair blew prettily in the wind. The moment of childish giddy passed and a feeling of defiance washed over her. She wasn't going back. Neither her overbearing mother, father, or obnoxious brothers would ever see her again. She would find her own way through the woods to a town, a city, anywhere else... which was good since her way home was long since lost.

She wandered from path to path and trail to trail, till the way forward was the only way and the way back was more foreboding than any other. A pain settled in the pit of her tummy shortly before the smell of confections and sugar filled her petite nose. With a sudden upsurge of energy she scrambled over brush and ran into a clearing where a house made entirely of gingerbread, frosting, and assorted sweets stood before her. Lost in the moment, filled with cravings from her sweet-tooth, her mind was filled with one thought alone: 'Gretel, you have hit the jack-pot!'


Upon waking...

The break of day brought boring, introductory sessions of boring, introductory classes. It was noon before a famished Sarah found her way to the dining center and, happily, found that they served breakfast all day. She chided herself yet again for indulging, remembering that skipping breakfast and having a heavy brunch would make her put on weight, or so she'd heard. But Belgian-waffles with whipped cream and syrup quieted her misgivings for a time. Afternoon classes kept her too busy to contemplate her eating habits until dinnertime, by then she was enjoying yet another big meal.

Sarah took a small bag of gumdrops back to her dorm afterwards, and some cookies, and some extra sweet tea. She wouldn't finish all of that, that evening, but it wouldn't take her too long.

Every night, a little light came from the little porcelain gingerbread house, from the window, for just a moment.
11 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 12 years , updated 12 years
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Piturekapiteka 4 years
I have to say it. Still find myself coming back to this one sometimes, what a great story, truly amazing not only for the theme but also just for how good the writing actually is by itself. One the stories that inspired me on how I made my own
Fuzzyfeeder 12 years
I wanted to put my own spin on feeding stories as much as this particular fairy tale: -Talk about how the protagonist feels, what she thinks, establish her character and not just her weight gain. --Make the witch clearly be a villain, so that she can be appealing (we're all rooting her on) and threatening at the same time, it's more dramatic. -Less emphasis on the numbers on a scale and more attention to how the body grows and changes over time, with plenty of descriptive language. -Even though there are fantastical elements (it's a fairy tale after all), such as how quickly the victim gains weight (something like a hundred pounds in six months), don't get too carried away and keep most details realistic and believable. I also mentioned many other fetishes in passing that I don't personally prefer, but that you all might want to think about as you read the story. Thank you all again and please message me with any suggestions, criticisms, or any story ideas
Hrothvitnir 12 years
Possibly the best story ever. I personally liked the way it ended, and am glad there was minimal cruelty, that would totally ruin it for me.
Fuzzyfeeder 12 years
The more and more detailed feedback I get, the more likely I am to write more. Talk to me people.
Gary1627 12 years
This story is brilliant, you can't end it just yet, we must have more.
Giantjay 12 years
Great work, nice take on the fairy tale... looking forward to the resolution!
Redneck9 12 years
oh please add more!