Sarah - gretel

Chapter 11 - special part xi

'Gah! PUT ME DOWN!' Sarah squirmed in her brother's arms as he hefted her completely off the ground in a bear hug. The fact that he could still do this to her, relatively easily, was a testament to his strength.

'Sorry... "Big Sis"...' He teased. 'But you should know by now that I'm gonna do that whenever you let me give you a hug!'


Sarah let herself absently wander between the stacks, taking in only a casual glance to make sure everything was presentable. Customers were idling about as well, browsing on their lunch-breaks and getting coffee from the cafe up front. Her brother, being an idiot as little brothers are want to do, never-the-less reassured her. It was such a comfort to have family who didn't try to make her feel awkward about her weight. He made her feel awkward as a side effect of being playful, there's a difference. With her mother it was all diet tips and health worries; with her brother it was a little sibling looking up to an older sibling and teasing her about being a bigger sibling.

Her uniform included an apron that covered and slightly disguised her round front, but left her round backside exposed. Her black work-pants were getting uncomfortably tight, especially clinging to her hips and heavy cheeks. After a glance to see if anyone was watching, Sarah let herself strut a bit. For her, strutting was her normal walk, except she paid attention to the feeling. She waddled, moving her legs with excessive emphasis on the hips, and reflected on how... certain people... approved of how she looked from behind, emphatically.

She'd be waiting for Sarah at the apartment, after work, with a big, hot meal and a full body massage.

Life had changed so much since freshman year. For one, freshman year took much longer than originally planned. Second semester became a 'sabbatical,' which Sarah thought was an awfully polite way to put it; instead of 'being kidnapped by a magical cannibal who almost decided to eat her.' Her parents were never really satisfied by her explanation for why she'd disappeared for those months, or what she was doing that made her so much heavier. But then she returned to her studies that summer with gusto and moved into an apartment with a 'roommate' named 'Zelda.'

It was only in private, particularly during... intimate moments... that Sarah called the witch by her real name.

Sarah had started her college career in the theater program, but after her 'sabbatical' found she couldn't quite keep up singing and dancing. She sang just fine, well actually, but Zelda kept her so lazy and relaxed that dancing was right out. She shifted her focus to writing scripts and the chorus, and found a comfortable niche for herself. She graduated a few years later with honors.

She chose the exact worst possible time to enter the job market, and ended up at a bookstore to save up for grad school. Fortunately though, she had Zelda to 'bring home the bacon,' or conjure it, summon it... however the heck the witch procured their food. Actually, she provided room and board, and kept house, and took care of Sarah. She also disappeared from time to time, never more than twice in any given year, for a week; and she always came back ever so slightly fuller for a while.

Sarah had learned to predict when the witch was going to leave for a 'feast day' based on whether Gryselda looked plump or thin.


Sarah started taking off her work apron as soon as she was inside and closed the door; the appetizing odor of steak and potatoes greeted her and caused her substantial middle to rumble loudly in anticipation.

'Well welcome home to you too.' Teased Zelda, smiling prettily at Sarah from the kitchen. 'Glad to see that you brought your appetite.'

'For your home cooking, always.' Sarah strutted over to her love and offered a very squishy embrace. She felt a slight chill when she realized that Zelda was feeling a bit squishy around the edges too.

The witch checked the timer on their dinner, then led her 'favorite little Gretel' back into the bedroom. She lovingly unfastened Sarah's belt, poking the submissive girl in her well fed belly in the process, then undressed her. She started with the tight work pants, to Sarah's relief, and paused to kneel down and admire the sight of her in her tight, pink panties.

'Goodness, those were tight. I don't mean to worry you but it looks like you might be putting on a few...' Zelda said coyly, her tongue sticking out.

'Oh, really... I hadn't noticed...' Feigned Sarah.

Once Sarah was neatly tucked into a soft gown she made her way to the reclining seat on the couch. Zelda helped her sit down, the witch was so unnaturally strong and Sarah was so weak from years of pampering. A few minutes later dinner was served. Zelda nestled up next to Sarah's plush side and took her time cutting and feeding the tender beef to her pet love. Bite by bite the meal vanished into a happy tummy, which Zelda proceeded to rub for a few gentle minutes.

'There will come a day when this isn't enough.' Zelda whispered. 'I can protect you, keep you healthy, happy, young, and fat. But even I can't make you live forever on steak and gingerbread.'

'But you know how much I love your gingerbread.' Said Sarah, flirtatiously. 'I'm waddling around, more than two-hundred-and-forty-five pounds thanks to your gingerbread.'

'Is that what you're up to? I never pay attention to scales when I can just pinch you...' Zelda took a moment to squeeze Sarah's love handle. '... and feel how nice and fat you're getting. You're plumper than ever.'

'Can I have some gingerbread for dessert?' Sarah pleaded, pretending to pout.

'Of course sweetie, but first we need to talk a bit.' Zelda leaned in close and kissed her for a long time. 'I mean it, I can't keep you forever on normal food. Sooner or later, if you want to stay with me, mine, my love, my pet, my darling Sarah-Gretel, you'll have to partake.'

'Partake of... of what?' Sarah was turning white as a sheet. She didn't want to admit what she knew was coming next.

'Of a vivacious young person. Someone lively and full of enthusiasm.' Zelda smiled her horrible, evil smile that Sarah hadn't seen since the day they declared their mutual love. 'One day, to keep on living with me, you will have to eat someone the way I do.'

Sarah looked sick. The witch rubbed her tummy and then her upper chest to steady her breathing. The shock took some time to settle in.

'I prefer sweet girls, as you know. We could find some nice boys if you like, I know women aren't normally your taste, except for me. You can eat them fat or thin, it doesn't really matter as far as the magic goes. But personally, I want my prey plentiful, soft, quivering and jiggling with juicy flesh.' Gryselda curled up with Sarah, who being seated as snuggly as she was, was helpless to pull away in horror.

'And if I don't...?' Sarah almost croaked as she asked.

'Then one day you'll just... stop. You'll be young and healthy, but your time will simply run out. I'll be left with an adorable corpse to bury.' The witch sounded genuinely frightened at the idea of losing her. 'You don't have to decide now, but I want you to start thinking about it. This is your burden, as it is mine.'

Zelda repositioned herself so that she could gaze lovingly at Sarah, and held the roly-poly sweetheart's hands. The two exchanged a tender moment, each imagining life without the other and neither wanting such a thing to ever happen.

'I can't love a monster without becoming one, eventually... can I?' Asked Sarah, deadpan.

'No you can't my darling.' Zelda gave up the serious talk quickly and returned to her normal teasing. 'Now let me get that gingerbread. I want to put a smile back on your face before I take you to bed.'
11 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 12 years , updated 12 years
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Piturekapiteka 4 years
I have to say it. Still find myself coming back to this one sometimes, what a great story, truly amazing not only for the theme but also just for how good the writing actually is by itself. One the stories that inspired me on how I made my own
Fuzzyfeeder 12 years
I wanted to put my own spin on feeding stories as much as this particular fairy tale: -Talk about how the protagonist feels, what she thinks, establish her character and not just her weight gain. --Make the witch clearly be a villain, so that she can be appealing (we're all rooting her on) and threatening at the same time, it's more dramatic. -Less emphasis on the numbers on a scale and more attention to how the body grows and changes over time, with plenty of descriptive language. -Even though there are fantastical elements (it's a fairy tale after all), such as how quickly the victim gains weight (something like a hundred pounds in six months), don't get too carried away and keep most details realistic and believable. I also mentioned many other fetishes in passing that I don't personally prefer, but that you all might want to think about as you read the story. Thank you all again and please message me with any suggestions, criticisms, or any story ideas
Hrothvitnir 12 years
Possibly the best story ever. I personally liked the way it ended, and am glad there was minimal cruelty, that would totally ruin it for me.
Fuzzyfeeder 12 years
The more and more detailed feedback I get, the more likely I am to write more. Talk to me people.
Gary1627 12 years
This story is brilliant, you can't end it just yet, we must have more.
Giantjay 12 years
Great work, nice take on the fairy tale... looking forward to the resolution!
Redneck9 12 years
oh please add more!