Some girls are bigger than others

chapter 11

Miss Hardy gazed contemptuously at the fat butterball wheezing and panting with exertion before her.

"Come on, Miller," Miss Hardy said. "Even you should be able to manage ten push ups."

Amy's arms shook, her face was red with the shame and effort of heaving her heavy body off the ground. Every PE class was a degrading parade of public humiliation, a weekly reminder of her physical defects.

Having been fat or at least chubby her whole life, Amy was well aware that sadism was a proud tradition upheld by most PE teachers and she had suffered much at their hands over the years from Miss Douglas in elementary school who flatly told her to "Drop the weight or develop a thicker skin." when she overheard kids teasing her in the changing room to Mr Moore in middle school who openly called her "tubby" and jeered at her when she came last in every fitness test.

In all her years as a teacher Miss Hardy had never taught a girl as fat as Amy. She considered her an irredeemably lazy lump of lard but she could at least try to prevent her from piling on even more pounds. She was well aware that the 300 lbs girl had no hope of keeping up with the other girls but still she was merciless, taking delight in subjecting her to the same exercise regime as the girls less than half her size and sneering at her when she inevitably failed.

Miss Hardy turned her attention on the other girls who had finished the initial workout of sit ups, push ups, squats and burpees long ago and had moved on to running laps around the track.

"Come on girls, move those legs. Marnie is putting you all to shame as usual."

Amy looked up to see Marnie running with an ease that made her feel even more clumsy and awkward just to behold her. Marnie's blonde ponytail bounced up and down to the rhythm of her long strides and there was only the slightest sheen of perspiration on her forehead. As she passed Amy she looked down at her with unconcealed disdain.

Finally the school bell rang out across the track signalling the end of the lesson and Miss Hardy blew her whistle.

"Hit the showers, ladies," Miss Hardy called to the other girls. "Except you, Miller. I want you to do at least one lap before we finish."

As the other girls filed into the changing rooms Amy began to make her slow way around the track. Her thick thighs jostled and her belly shook and swayed ponderously with every step she took. Even a pace that was only a little more than a brisk walk was too much exertion for Amy and soon she became breathless and longed to give up. The tender flesh of her inner thighs had began to chafe together, becoming raw and uncomfortable. Her t-shirt, already soaked with the sweat of her previous exertion, clung to her skin, sticky with perspiration.

Yet a part of her was grateful for the delay. She always hung back a little after gym until the other girls had finished showering and changing. She could not face the shame of revealing her own embarrassingly rotund form in a room full of tight stomachs, pert bums and and perky breasts.

Finally finishing the lap, Amy went to the changing rooms to shower in private. She had just removed her t-shirt, releasing her blubber from its confines when she heard the ominous sound of footsteps echoing against the tiles in the empty shower room. Marnie, Becki and Melissa began to oink and grunt like pigs as they approached her.

"Here, piggy," Marnie called and the other two girls laughed.

A cruel smile spread across Marnie's face and her flinty eyes glinted at the sight of her victim so intimately exposed. Amy was wearing nothing but her sweat pants and a bra so ill fitting that the cups barely contained her breasts and the straps cut into the fat rolls of her back. The soft and vulnerable flesh of her doughy stomach was fully on display.

"We wanted you to settle a bet, piggy," Marnie said. "See, we never see you shower after gym. We wondered if you ever wash at all."

Marnie moved towards her and made an exaggerated show of sniffing her.

"You stink, piggy. Like a big, sweaty hog."

Amy felt dizzy and confused. She could feel her own blood pulsating in her brain. She felt like her head was on fire, her cheeks ablaze with the shame of her obese body being on display for all to see.

"Oh my God, she's huge," Becki said, her lower lip curling in disgust as she stared at Amy's belly hanging low below the waistband of her sweat pants.

Melissa said nothing but her eyes were on the deep red stretch marks that striped Amy's full, round belly.

To Amy's horror Marnie jabbed her in the stomach, her finger sinking into the mountain of uncovered flesh. Her face was so close that she could smell Marnie's sweet, bubblegum scented breath "You know why you're such an enormous tub of lard, don't you, piggy? Because you can't stop stuffing your big, fat face."

Marnie pushed Amy, causing her to stumble backwards and lose her footing on the tiles, still slick with water. Amy crashed heavily to the floor of the shower cubicle, her well cushioned ass absorbed most of the impact of the fall but still it sent shockwaves through her whole body that caused her fat to wobble uncontrollably.

"Come on Marnie," Melissa pleaded. "That's enough."

"What if she tells someone?" Becki said.

Marnie was undeterred by the protests of her minions.

"You won't squeal on me. Will you?" She reached down and gripped Amy's face by her chin, her perfectly manicured nails digging sharply into the swollen flesh of her cheeks. She forced Amy to shake her head dumbly. "Good piggy."

Marnie turned on the shower and then left with Becki and Melissa scurrying at her heels.

All alone Amy began to cry, her tears mingling with the water pounding down upon her. She felt no real resentment for Marnie or her friends, only a deep self loathing. Every word Marnie had said had been the truth. They wouldn't do this to her if she wasn't such a weak willed lard ass. If she wasn't such a greedy blimp. If she wasn't such a slave to her own gluttony. She knew her body was not only unattractive but unworthy and unacceptable. She felt like less than a person. She was not a girl, she was only fat and she deserved everything she got.
25 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 2 years
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Girlcrisis 8 years
Thanks for your kind comments, Jazzman and Eponymous.
Eponymous 8 years
Well, you've really got me looking forward to seeing where this is going. Can't wait to see Amy return to her old self.
Jazzman 8 years
Absolutely Fabulous Writing. An Amazing and Unique Plot. Please update regularly. (Daily would be Great)
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