Some girls are bigger than others

chapter 21

"Do you really think that that was enough to satisfy this fat girl? If you want to touch these curves then you're going to have to feed me first."

Fat. Just saying the word aloud sent her pulse racing. How could the word that she had dreaded her whole life now, there in the dark of Cassie's kitchen be filling her with illicit excitement? In that moment she didn't want to be Amy with all that that entailed. She just wanted to be a hungry fat girl and she wanted to be fed.

"Amy... Are you sure you want to do this?"

She cupped Cassie's face in her hands and forced her to meet her eyes. "Can we just not talk about it or overthink what this all means for once and just do it. I appreciate you trying to be so nice and chivalrous all the time but sometimes girls don't want nice. Sometimes it's OK to take what you want. And I know you want this so just take it. OK?"

But still Cassie looked at her uncertainly, paralysed by doubt.

Amy leaned in closer and whispered in her ear. "Ask me. I won't say no. How could I?"

Cassie nodded. "OK."

She felt Cassie's hips grinding against hers, sharp hip bones against all her extra cushion and Cassie's naked thigh against the slight wetness through her underwear. And then they were kissing. Cassie's lips always so pretty pink and sweet but never carrying much heat now met her'a with searing passion.

"Say goodbye to these because you're going to be bursting out of them by the time I'm done with you." She tugged at Amy's underwear, her voice coming out shyly brave. "Now sit down and just... wait."

As she waited for Cassie to return she sat gripping the seat of the chair, he fingers tapping nervously against the wood. Her ankles twisted around the legs of the chair making her thighs look even bigger and thicker. Given time to reflect she had to wonder what the hell she was doing, her bloated body naked and exposed, waiting for a girl that it turned out she really barely knew at all to explore desires she hardly understood. But still her tensed body thrummed with excitement like the reverberations of the pluck of a harp string as her mind raced with crazy thoughts about being bound and fed until she burst.

When Cassie returned she was holding a black funnel with a short tube attached to it and a leather strap for fastening it around a feedee's head.

Oh. Shit. Why did she have that?

She smirked a little at the shock in Amy'a eyes. "What did you think we were just going to play with whipped cream and strawberries? Now open wide and remember: you asked for this."

As she sat with the funnel strapped to her face she felt completely vulnerable... and totally turned on.

"You know, I read a study on junk food and brain chemistry in college that said that foods rich in both fat and sugar aren't found in nature. Our poor primitive minds just weren't designed to cope with them, they stimulate the brain's hedonic system, supercharging the brain's reward systems and overriding satiety signals," Cassie said as she blended up the milkshake. "It's why doughnuts, cheesecake and ice cream are so addictive. It's why this is going to taste so good. And it's why you're not going to be able to get enough of it."

The milkshake was thick and creamy with a syrupy sweetness but it almost tasted refreshing after the cloying richness of so much dark chocolate. Her cheeks bulged for a moment before she started eagerly sucking it down.

She was no stranger to bingeing, to filling herself up until she was so stuffed that her belly ached and she could barely eat another bite but this was an entirely new sensation. She could feel her body being stretched to its limits and she had no control over it, she was a slave to her gluttony and Cassie's desires. She couldn't see her belly but it felt enormous.

She closed her eyes. It was so liberating to be absolved of all responsibility for her ruinous figure. To just be a mindless eating machine, to have no other thought than swallowing more and more. But all too soon it was over and she was snapped back to reality.

"Amy? Are you OK?"

Her eyes fluttered open to see Cassie standing before her. She removed the funnel, a little of the milkshake spurting out onto Amy's naked breasts.

"Don't speak," she said breathlessly. "Just let me surrender myself to lust and gluttony. Just let me not be trapped inside my head for once. Just do whatever you want with me."

Cassie hesitated but only for a moment. She ran her finger up the sticky trail of milkshake than ran down her chest and brought it to her lips, pleasure rippled through her body and culminated in her clit as Amy greedily sucked it from her fingers.

"I want you on top of me. I want to see that beautiful bloated belly above me and feel your weight while I pleasure you."

She uttered a groan as she heaved herself up, struggling against her straining stomach to follow Cassie to the bedroom. Her belly was so full that it hurt even to move as it jostled painfully with each step.

Cassie pulled her on top of her, allowing her weight to bear down on her chest for a moment before lifting her onto her face. Her tongue slipped inside her and she moaned at the gratifying sensation of wet on wet. And Amy was very wet right now.

She squeezed a handful of her ample ass as she moved her forward to lick up to her clit. The nice, polite shy girl was gone as she allowed herself to indulge fully in her hunger for Amy's well fed body.

Any other night Amy would have found this all excruciatingly intimate, as if Cassie was ripping her apart and exploring her most secret places. But Cassie'a tongue was circling her clit, fucking her as if she was the sweetest thing that she had ever tasted and Amy found herself wantonly crying out for more.

"Mmm... Oh God, yes."

With Amy's lusty moans ringing in her ears, she pulled her back and thrust her tongue back inside her. She reached up and grabbed a handful of the overhang of Amy's belly, feeling it's weight, it's firm fullness.

Her hips thrust needily into Cassie's mouth. Unashamedly she allowed her breasts to bounce and her belly and thighs to jiggle as she rode Cassie's face.

Her rhythm slowed, knowing that she was only seconds away, wanting to prolong the moment of bliss. As she came her back arched in pleasure, pushing her belly even further forward. Creases formed around her lower back and sides that hadn't been there just a couple of months ago.
25 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 2 years
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Girlcrisis 8 years
Thanks for your kind comments, Jazzman and Eponymous.
Eponymous 8 years
Well, you've really got me looking forward to seeing where this is going. Can't wait to see Amy return to her old self.
Jazzman 8 years
Absolutely Fabulous Writing. An Amazing and Unique Plot. Please update regularly. (Daily would be Great)
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