My gaining story volume 2 - after 400

Chapter 11 - the ski resort, part 1

"So what are we doing for the holiday?" I asked. I was secretly dreading spending time with certain relatives, as I'd obviously gained a bunch of weight since the last time I'd seen them. I knew they would want to lecture me, make me feel uncomfortable, and essentially ruin my holiday.

"Rachel and I booked a ski chalet for the weekend," my wife said.

My wide-eyed expression must have revealed my disbelief, making her smile. "You want me to go skiing?" I asked.

She laughed. "No silly, it's going to be a couple's weekend. We're going, Rachel is taking her new girlfriend, Ying. Doug and Annie are going to join us. It's in Quebec, so it's not too far for them."

Immediately memories of our first weekend with Doug and Annie flooded through my mind. This ski chalet idea was starting to sound a whole lot better!

What transpired was perhaps the most excitingly erotic experience I'd had in over a decade, possibly my whole life. But beware, it does get a little graphic, so if it's that's not your thing... consider yourself warned! Then skip to chapter 15. :)

My wife drove Rachel, Ying and I to the resort. Doug and Annie would meet us there. The place was like a cute little village with tiny little mountains growing out behind it. We pulled into our own cute cottage, which faced out onto a walking trail that led directly to the ski hill. The place was beautiful inside, with four separate bedrooms, a spacious kitchen that was open to the living area. There was a large fireplace, a giant flat screen TV, nice wide couches (thank goodness!) and plush leather chairs. The ceiling stretched up to the rafters two storeys above. I thought I could get used to this!

My wife quickly claimed one of the bedrooms on the main floor for us. Two bedrooms were upstairs, and they were not an option for me. The room she picked also also had a king-sized bed, the largest in the place, which was a plus.

The four of us sat around and got used to our luxurious surroundings while Rachel started to serve drinks. It was only the third time I'd met Ying, so we got a chance to talk and get to know each other better, which was nice.

When I'd first met Ying, she'd told me, "Rach told me you were really fat, but I didn't expect you to be THIS fat!" Then she asked me, "Why'd you let yourself get so fat?" In response I just pointed at my wife, who grinned slyly and nodded.

"Once you go fat, you never go back," my wife said. Ying merely shrugged her shoulders. Clearly if Rachel was her type, she didn't get the whole Fat Admirer thing!

Ying herself was maybe an inch or two shorter than my wife, and was in pretty good shape. I guess she would have to be, to keep up with Rachel. Her physique was certainly more average than my wife's strong, athletic build, or Rachel's super-lean wiryness. As she exercised with Rachel, I knew she'd have to be pretty fit.

"So, are you coming skiing with us?" Ying asked, seated on the couch next to me.

"I don't think it's wise for someone who can't see their feet to attempt skiing," I said.

All three ladies laughed in response.

"Jay's sport of choice is eating," Rachel said. "Don't worry, tubby, we'll make sure there's enough food here to keep you busy while we hit the slopes."

Doug and Annie arrived about two hours later, with seemingly vast amounts of food in tow. Everyone proceeded to be introduced, and make pleasantries. More drinks were distributed by Rachel.

"I didn't know it was possible, but you look even bigger,"Doug said to me.

"He is," my wife confirmed. "He's almost 500 now. But you," she continued, taking Annie by the arms, "you look like you've lost weight."

Annie nodded. "A little. Maybe twenty pounds."

"Well, we can't have that! I have a project to work on while we're here, I see."

Doug and I laughed, and soon our whole group dug into the first feast of our holiday.

After the meal the others headed out to collect their ski gear and go for a run down the slopes. Not thinking skiing would suit my slightly enlarged frame, I stayed at the chalet. As soon as everyone had left, I made myself comfortable by removing my pants and underwear, planting myself on the largest couch that faced the TV, and with a tray of pasta and a tray of fudge brownies, I turned on a movie. I lounged there, resting one edge of the food tray on my chest, and leisurely shoveled the goodies into my mouth while watching the huge flat screen TV.

Bored of the television after a little less than two hours, and having finished my treats, I hefted myself up from the couch and waddled to the bedroom. I was feeling quite bloated and lazy from all the food, and my shirt was covered in crumbs and drops of food. I pulled it off before laying down on top of the covers. I arranged myself onto my side so that I could cradle my heavy, full stomach as it splayed out beside me on the mattress.

I was still in that position when I awoke to the sounds of laughter and voices in the other room. I couldn't see a clock, but the darkness outside suggested I'd slept for some time. I rolled myself onto my back, grateful that the fullness of my stomach had diminished. The room flooded with light as the door opened, and laughter grew in volume.

"Oh good, he's already naked," I heard my wife say, and then she came into view. She was also naked, and carrying a large bowl. She climbed up onto the left side of the bed, next to me. "Hey sweetheart," she cooed.

Rachel had followed her into the room. She was naked, too, and approached from the other side of the bed. Before I knew it, my wife had pulled my left arm out, and was straddling it, sitting on it. Rachel did the same on the other side. My arms were trapped under their bums, held between their thighs as them knelt facing me.

"Um, what's going on, ladies?" I asked, meekly.

They giggled in response. I felt Rachel shifting her ass against my forearm, wrist, and in the palm of my hand.

"We were having so much fun, we thought we'd bring the party to you, my chubby little lover," my wife said, and she took something out of the bowl and placed it against my lips. I opened my mouth to accept it, and was pleased to discover she had fed me a chocolate truffle. "And I thought you could probably use a little snack."

I felt Rachel's hands on my moob, fondling it and squeezing it. I looked over at her. Rachel's figure was lean, thin-limbed and angular, with small little breasts and seemingly no fat on her frame. "Oh I can't believe it! I think his tits have grown even more!"

"Of course they have," my wife said, and she placed another truffle in my mouth, "I've worked hard at growing my little piglet. Haven't I, piggy?"

I nodded in response, still chewing, while Rachel jiggled my moob between her hands.

Ying's voice could be heard in the other room, and then her footsteps grew closer. "Oh," she said, coming into view of the doorway. "You're in - oh my gosh!"

She dropped out of my field of vision, hidden behind the mountain of my stomach. "He's sooo fat!" Suddenly I could feel her hands on the bulge of my underbelly. "Look at all this fat!"

My wife smiled and giggled, still feeding me truffles, while Ying ran her palms over my gut. She started kneading the flesh. She squeezed it, poked it and jiggled it between her hands.
15 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 2 years
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Giantjay 3 years
As of 2021 Annie & Doug are still together. Annie lost quite a bit of weight a couple years ago, but the pandemic looks like it has got her back up over 200 lbs again. smiley
Bbman30 4 years
Since Annie lost weight I wonder if Doug found someone else to gain for him or if he started gaining himself, I think it’d be interesting to hear what happened to him if you return to writing this memoir
Giantjay 7 years
Thank you to everyone who read, and especially those who took the time to comment here, or send me a PM - really very much appreciated! I am just going through the story now and doing some final editing (grammar, spelling, etc.). Cheers!
Girlcrisis 7 years
A wonderful read and so well written. Thanks again for sharing.
Girlcrisis 7 years
I usually body swerve the "true life" stories on here but I read this and your previous one and they're both fantastic and so well expressed. I hope you have just as much fun whatever the next phase of your journey brings.
Helloitsme 7 years
I love when you talk about the challenges you have as you grow bigger. I hope you will add more details!
Giantjay 7 years
Thanks for the supportive comments! The comments and PMs mean a lot. A few more chapters left, and yes, it is heading toward 500. smiley
BigFA 7 years
Love your story. Really turned me on. Looking forward to future installments.
Giantjay 7 years
Me too! smiley We are trying to work something out for Canadian Thanksgiving....
Edxl 7 years
Insanely hot (chapters 3-5 most definitely included ... I hope there is a follow up meeting with the other couple!)
Giantjay 7 years
Thanks for the feedback folks, and sorry if Chapters 3-5 got a little too wild for some! Chapter 6 is more traditional feeder fare (haha, as if that were a thing! lol)
Beautybelly 8 years
so hot! smiley
Csmith 8 years
Very sexy