Kat gets fat

chapter 2

Kat stood in front of her full length mirror, stomach muscles pull in, holding her breath. She finally let out a sigh and her little gut was visible again. A solid 15 pounds had found their way to her once slim 5'6" frame. She stared in the mirror, running her hands over her body, examining her new pudge. Her face was fuller, thighs thicker, hips starting to soften and widen. But most of all was the chubby roll of fat on her stomach.
She had never been fat enough to have a belly. She could no longer deny that she had put on weight.
The red bodycon dress she was wearing showed off her fuller hour glass shape, which she admired. But when she turned to the side all you could see was her protruding belly in the tight dress.

This would have to do. None of her clothes really fit right anymore and she didn't want to be late. Kat's friend had set her up on a blind date. She was to meet her date, Marie, at an Italian restaurant.

Kat got there first. She nervously munched on breadsticks. What if Marie didn't like women who carried some extra weight? Kat was definitely in that category now. A million thoughts ran through her head but then this gorgeous woman approached her.

She had wavy dark hair and bright blue eyes, she was a little taller than Kat and slender.
Talking came easy, and Kat forgot all about trying to hide her belly. Their food came, Kat got a delicious fettuccine Alfredo, and Marie ordered chicken Parmesan. Kat couldn't believe how hungry she was. She started taking big mouthfuls of the twirled cheesy pasta.
Kat had just finished her dish when Maria pushed her dish of chicken Parmesan in front of her.
"You've GOT to try this!" Said Marie.
"Okay... But I don't think I can eat all of that."
Kat took a bite, the flavors were phenomenal. She took another bite then a few more, befor she knew it she has eaten a good portion of Marie's meal.
Kat began to feel uncomfortably full. Under the table she rubbed her hand over her distended pot belly. 'Ugh' she thought 'I over did it.'
"We have to get dessert!" Maria announced.
"Okay, you can but I am so stuffed!" Kat said.
Dessert was brought out, a large chocolate covered cannoli, a thick wedge of tirimisu, and some creamy gelato.
Kat's mouth watered, 'just a couple bites...' she thought.
She took a bite of the cannoli. It was to die for. She was slightly embarrassed because it was a messy good to eat but Maria seemed okay with it.
"You can eat all of that, if you really like it!" Marie told her.
"Are you sure??" Kat said, mouth full of dessert.
Marie picked at the other desserts and decided she was no longer hungry.
Kat stared at the uneaten food. She could feel her right round belly bulging out.... But she couldn't resist. She was putting a forkful of cake in her mouth when Marie said; "boy! You sure can eat!"
Kat felt her face start to redden.
"I like a girl who enjoys her food! Let's get back to my place and we can give that food baby of yours a rub!"
Kat wasn't sure what to say, no one had ever been so blunt about her eating habits and belly before. But she definitely wanted to go home with Marie. Check please!
2 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 6 years
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Stuffing Our... 10 months
Very erotic and totally relatable!
Billedmeup 1 year
This was a good start. Would like to have seen Chapter 3.
GrowingLoveH... 7 years
You capture in just a few words so much about this fetish -- the ambiguity of it all, the denial when the pounds first start to arrive, the fear that others won't approve, the excitement if they do... Would love to read more.
Jazzman 7 years
I like it. Easy read.
PlumpSoftKitty 7 years
But... Tomorrow did come for little orphan Annie
Jojo828 7 years
Thanks! :] it's my first go at this kind of writing. Definitely want to bring in a significant other, there will be more!