
Chapter 11 - a new deal

Jess locked the door to her room and considered what to wear during her chat online. The last time she had asked anything of the Crossroads she was wearing her sisters too tight sweater, and had gained a heavy penalty in each breast. And that was before she knew the forum had the ability to see everything she wad doing. Considering the tumultuous chat room that bounced along underneath her sisters video feed, Jess thought it was best to enter the site with something she wouldn't mind being seen in. An even more pressing issue was the thought of wearing something loose fitting just in case she caught the deal makers in a particularly foul mood.

She slipped on a pair of yoga pants and a t shirt that had been given to her at Christmas time and which had grown loose an baggy over the last six months. Neither piece of clothing was really hanging off of her, and Jess was still heavier now than she had been before she met the crossroads, but both pieces would no doubt hold if she did pay a price for her request today.

The page loaded up and she sifted through a handful of messages as she contemplated what she would say to Crossroads once she contacted them. She was heavily considering giving up on the whole idea and returning downstairs where Maria was making dinner, when a message box popped up in the bottom right corner.

Crossroads: You rang?

Jess: Hi I'm...well I think i would like to discuss something.

Crossroads: Discuss something? Or would you like to ask something of us Jessica?

Jess: I think so yes.

Crossroads: You are unsure? I thought you would have learned the danger of indecision by now our young friend.

Jess: I be able to share whats happening to Sammy with another person.

Crossroads: Then bring Maria upstairs Jessica, and show her the feed. Let her know what sort of sister you really are...

Jess: That isn't what I meant. And besides...even if i did bring her up here ,she would just see a fat girl. Whatever it is you did to my sister, the people who see her don't truly recognize what is happening to her. At least, not the people in her life.

Crossroads: And you think it would be better if your new lover could see just how rapidly your sister is becoming an obese banquet?

Jess: She isn't my lover. We're just...ugh why am i explaining myself... No i don't want her to like freak out when she sees Sammy gain, i just want her to be able to see just how fat my sister is getting.

Crossroads: So she won't want to make you as big as she is? An unusual distraction Jessica. You really must learn to better manage your guilt.

Jess: Can you do it or not?

Crossroads: So you want a pet is that is Jessica? For you and your lover to watch from afar? Is that it? I don't see what we get out of this. We would have to alter the Hex, and that would require calling in a few favors. Expensive favors.

Jess: What would you return.

Crossroads: We would like to double your sisters gain.

Jess: No. No way.

Crossroads: You are not much of a negotiator Jessica, do you want something of us or not.

Jess: Make another suggestion.. I'm willing to work with you, but not on Sammy. She's already in this mess because of me.

Crossroads: I am very tempted to reject you outright you spoiled little brat. However, an...associate of mine has made an interesting suggestion to help mitigate our loss here.

Jess: I'm all ears.

Crossroads: Careful with your phrasing Jessica and be glad that you are not indeed all ears. That is the sort of statement that my kind hungers to hear.

Jess: My...apologies. I will be more careful in the future.

Crossroads: See that you are. Now then, on to business. Jessica we would like to present this quandary to one of our chat rooms. For the low low price of one million dollars the members of the chat room will get a chance to make a suggestion of what they would like us to do to you in return for your request. At that time...

Jess: Are you out of your mind?! I've seen the things those people say, you think I'm dumb enough to let you throw me to that pack of wolves??

Crossroads: Please Jessica, we do not make any assumptions about your intellect. The simple truth is that we have no intention of listening to the majority of suggestions we get from this room. Many, if not nearly all, will be things you would never ever agree with. However, when the suggestions are done, we will choose one from the group, and at that time, if you are still interested in our arrangement, we will play a game. The winner of this game will get both of the things that they want, while the looser will...well lets just wait and see what happens shall we? You do not have to agree to anything now. Not just yet.

Jess: Okay, I'll stick around and see what the room has to say.

Crossroads: That is fantastic Jessica. It will take about an hour or so for us to gather our people together and make sure the room is set up for this sort of business. In the mean time we have a little game to keep us all entertained.


Crossroads: In a moment or two Maria will ask you down for dinner. There is one particular item on the table that will cause whomever eats it to gain...a certain amount of pounds. We have no intention of course of informing you which item that is, but it will be up to you to find out, and to decide whether or not you would like to eat them and gain selflessly, or if you are going to let that lovely young girl swell in your stead.

Jess: You sick...

Crossroads: Careful now Jessica. We would hurry downstairs now if we were you. I hope Maria has as much foresight as you did. Wearing such loose clothing was very likely a lifesaver.

Crossroads: Oh and one more thing little piglet, if the item in question does not get eaten, or if for any reason it ends up being discarded, the amount you BOTH gain will be doubled.
16 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 2 years
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Minifan 7 years
Loving the story, but wasn't it the 300lb shirt that she picked?
PlumpSoftKitty 7 years
Thank you so much! Would love to chat
Girlcrisis 7 years
I'm still really enjoying this. You have a real skill for building anticipation.
PlumpSoftKitty 7 years
Thanks smiley
PlumpSoftKitty 7 years
smiley everyone has been very supportive. Thank you all
Sonic16 7 years
i really like this story, and i love how you used chapter 6, cuz that last part idk if others would agree but i kinda felt the emotion coming from the story
PlumpSoftKitty 7 years
Why thank you very much. How mind
PlumpSoftKitty 7 years
Thank you smiley
Sonic16 7 years
i replied i think, great job on the story
Sonic16 7 years
if its not an issue can you message me so i can ask you something PSK?
PlumpSoftKitty 7 years
Thank you for the compliment. And thank you Des for the recommendation
PlumpSoftKitty 7 years
Thank you smiley hopefully more coming tomorrow
PlumpSoftKitty 7 years
Wanted to get more in today, but ran out of time. Hopefully tomorrow morning smiley
BS Writer 7 years
Excellent start. I'm eager for more taunting and humiliation. I wonder what her old friends will say.
PlumpSoftKitty 7 years
No worries haha. You too!
Sonic16 7 years
(my previous comment didn't inset some spaces sorry about that, have a good summer PSK)
PlumpSoftKitty 7 years
Very much so. Thank you for all the support
Girlcrisis 7 years
Good to see you've been persuaded to continue with this. smiley
PlumpSoftKitty 7 years
Ohhh my how flattering smiley thank you
PlumpSoftKitty 7 years
Thanks sonic that's very sweet!
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