
Chapter 13 - maria's meal pt 2

Smiling at Jess with the bowl of olives in her hand, Maria crosses the room and tips her victims head back, sensuously opening her mouth as Jess stares at the ceiling. "Does the little piglet require proof?"

Jess nodded obediently at Maria, who had no idea just what Jess was about to sacrifice for their relationship. She closes her eyes, chewed and swallowed as one by one the olives popped into her mouth. As she was being fed she could the cool and comforting touch of of Maria's hand rubbing in circles around her belly. "I hope these aren't even making a dent in that belly widdle tubby one," cooed Maria as she dropped in Olive after olive, already passed the halfway point of the bowl, "You came prepared tonight with that loose fitting outfit Jesse, but you wont be working off any of what I add to your bubble butt tonight."

Jess is also relieved to find that her tummy is barely full after she gulps down the Olives, but naturally concerned as she waits for them to take effect. Each one might add weight to a different part of her body, and frankly shes surprised that the first one hasn't taken effect yet. Then it occurs to Jess that it might already be working away at her bum, or perhaps her thighs hidden inside the loose fitting yoga pants. Perhaps there would be a way to appease Maria over having to end the stuffing early, after all, now that Jess had discovered which food was hexed, their was certainly no reason for the two girls to continue on like this was there? Jess would swell, probably gain sixty pounds in the next few minutes, it would only be adding insult to injury if she had to sit through such a momentous stuffing as well.

So she sat and waited, considering how to let her roomy down easy as she waited for the pounds to crash down upon her. Maria gathered the rice and beans and moved them across the table so that the big bowl, meant to be split between four people was sitting right in front of her. Jess opened her mouth to protest but the first spoonful swept up quickly and as she chewed Maria prepared the next and the next after that. Something was wrong here, Jess had seen the rate at which Maria had gained. The punishment was almost immediate after the girl had munched and swallowed, and yet the olives had done nothing to her! Was the gain delayed? Did that mean that Maria had been munching before hand and that the olives had nothing to do with the hex? Or were they just incubating inside her, and one more inside Maria, waiting for the opportune moment to swell each of them up?

All these thoughts swelled inside of Jessica as her tummy filled with the rice and beans. She hardly noticed the bowl empty piece by piece into her growing tummy but could feel it begin to press her shirt out and take a rounder, more bulbous shape as Maria's hand rubbed and patted it tenderly. "You're being such a good widdle piglet Jesse, I can't wait to see you fill this shirt up and squeeze against the waistband of those yoga pants hmmm? And maybe in the morning we can go through your room and get rid of all that work out gear hm? You don't want to be an ungrateful little piglet and undo everything your farmer has done for you do you?"

Jess could hardly believe what she had gotten herself into here, and even worse she was shocked at how much her body betrayed her as she lay there tied up, her mouth working endlessly as her tummy swelled. She could feel a damp warmth growing deep inside of her and as Maria talked she tipped her hips forward in the chair and ground them against the air. Maria's face lip up with crimson delight and she patted Jess on her head tenderly, condescendingly. "I'll take that as a yes. What a good little piggy you are Jesse"

By the time Jess was done with the rice and beans, she leaned forward in her chair, breathing a bit heavily from the constant stream of food cutting off her air and filling her greedy tummy. She slumped in her bindings and watched as Maria grabbed the plate of tacos and moved them across the table towards her. It was becoming more and more clear that the olives had not been the hexed item, and looking more and more likely that Jess would have to munch down every item on the table in order to see this through right.

"I think it might be time for a little rest and a drink, what do you say piglet?" asked Maria as she cradled Jessica's soft cheeks in her hand. Jess nodded happily, looking relieved and Maria sat beside her, picking up a taco and bringing it to her lips. "I agree piglet, but right after we finish this plate." The flash in Maria's eyes was of pure pleasure as Jess opened her plump lips and her cheeks were filled with the entirety of the taco. Jess chewed and swallowed and gave a guttural moan as the taco hit her belly like a lead balloon.

The taco plate passed in a similar fashion, one after the other as Jess tried to lean back, trying to make room for her overstuffed tummy as Maria played with the swollen orb. There were still two full platters on the table, and neither one of them looked to Jess like it was going to fit into her body, yet the thought of giving up now and watching all those pounds pile onto Maria seemed a complete injustice after she had come so far and so she nodded her head obediently as Maria brought over the chimichanga which she had sliced into four equal pieces.

"Don't think your farmer forgot your reward piggy, you finished up those Tacos and so now you get a break, and a nice cool drink," Maria gave her tummy one more playfully loving pat and then bounced out of the room into the kitchen. Returning from the kitchen with a bottle of water Jess was met with a new shock, in the middle of Maria's dress, pressing the frilly orange material out ever so slightly was the shimmering outline of a round potbelly. It had to be at least ten pounds worth of soft round belly protruding from the thin girls middle. Whatever was hexed, whatever the crossroads had chosen to curse the two of them with, it wasn't in this room! It was sitting in the kitchen, likely some form of desert and every time Maria popped out of the room to grab something, she stopped to snack a little on it. Worst of all, what Jess had gone through so far was now pointless, and she would have to persevere through the items left on the table while trying her best to keep Maria in the room with her.

Drinking down the cool water, Jess tries her best to sit up on the seat and give Maria a hungry look as she stares over the delicious fried food sitting before her. She opens her mouth and makes a light oinking noise to distract Maria and keep the stuffing going so that she can get to that desert before her friend swells up too much more. The penultimate meal goes down easier with the relief that is intermixed by the water pouring down her throat, but all the time the fajitas are on the horizon, and the swelling Jess, who can feel the waistband of those once loose yoga pants already tickling her hips, can not imagine how that meal will fit inside her as well as the desert Maria has been hiding.

Jessica can feel her breathing grow heavy over the course of the meal and by the time it is over Maria has untied her hands to let Jess lay back in the seat. "I don't think piggy is going to be escaping anytime soon hmm?" asks Maria who nibbles at the Fajitas in the center of the table. "We should move you to the couch Jess, you have done very good, but I think we both know you could never fit the rest of this inside you." Jess nods timidly and her friend helps her stand from the table. The two of them walk into the mercifully cool den and as they go, Maria guides Jess with a strong hand on the small of her back, the other hand rubbing her extended, growing tummy. "Good piggy, you made your farmer very proud."

Maria lowers Jess onto the couch and turns to leave the room. Gurgling Jess reaches out from her position, stuck on the couch, and tugs on the edge of Maria's dress just before it slips away from her. Maria looks back and smiles wryly. "Do not worry Piglet, we can have the Fajitas for breakfast tomorrow, once you have slept off all that belly and turned your greedy meal into soft squishy chub." But Jessica shakes her head no at this and struggles to put what she has to say into words. "Hehe Piggy," Maria giggles down at her, "You have made your farmer very very proud. You deserve a reward of rest." But again Jess shakes her head no and this time, after releasing a timid belch she looks Maria right in the eyes.

"If I deserve a reward...I want dessert."

(Running out of space again, looks like Dessert will have to wait. Hope everyone is enjoying :D )
16 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 2 years
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The Sky 4 months
I really liked your story, I found it very interesting and fun to read. I know it's been a while since you wrote, but I hope one day to read another of your stories.
Karenjenk 3 years
I have read this a bunch of times.
weird how it has over 100,000 view and 53 likes and 80 comments.
usually there are more likes.
this story really does it for me.
Love the premis and the characters
seems to real
even though its a fantasy
LOVE you
LoopsnBloops 5 years
Absolutely amazing story! One of my new all time favorites!
Nicolas Eric 6 years
hoping for a sequell
Nicolas Eric 6 years
hoping for a sequell
GrowingLoveH... 6 years
Wow! Now, that's one horror/erotic story!


No wonder it has 80,000+ views!

You have outdone yourself, Kitty!
Insanity2222 6 years
i wish you'd make some more of this amazing story
Hazardose 7 years
Waiting for the next several chapters smiley
PlumpSoftKitty 7 years
Oh absolutely. If I post anything anywhere I'll also post it here
PlumpSoftKitty 7 years
I'm really not sure. I have lots of ideas but I've kinda run out of steam here. I'm not certain this is really even the site for where the stories going
TheDemolitio... 7 years
I love it! Well done!
PlumpSoftKitty 7 years
Thank you as always Girlcrisis smiley
Girlcrisis 7 years
...tantalising tease. I think it really powerfully conveyed the horror of the amount of control Crossroads has over Jess's body and how high the stakes are when bargaining with them. In short, I am impressed as always.
Girlcrisis 7 years
I liked it. Not because I found it a kinky turn on (lactation/fertility is really not my thing) but because I admire you for being ballsy enough to write something so shocking. The shock only heightened by the story so far unfolding as such a slow and tan
PlumpSoftKitty 7 years
For those with similar concerns, this is likely going to be the height of kinky for this story. Things will not be escalating with these particular kinks, this was for reference, so that Jess now knows how bad of an idea it is to ask for something from th
Girlcrisis 7 years
PlumpSoftKitty 7 years
Thank you very much. smiley I'm going to try and update it tonight
PlumpSoftKitty 7 years
Thank you very much smiley you're comment comes at a very good time as my confidence in my stories popularity has been waining this week.
Brickman 7 years
I made an account just so I could say how much I appreciate your writing! You leave me raving like a starving man for more!
PlumpSoftKitty 7 years
Thank you smiley
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