
Chapter 14 - just desserts

Laying on her back, Jess felt her newfound heft as it settled deeper into the cushions of their soft couch. The cooler room was more comfortable for the overfed girl and the combination of sensations threatened to send her into an all consuming food coma. She struggled to keep her eyes open as Maria looked down at her where she lay, a curious look in her eyes. Jess could see a half smirk on her friends face, playful ideas passing across the back of her head and sparkling momentarily in her mischievous pools of hazel.

Jess watched all this in the tiny spaces her vision allowed her as she breathed deep, her chest rising and falling. This motion, coupled with her position laying across the couch, made it so that with each deep breath, the intake of which struggled against her overfed belly, pressed her breasts up to block her vision and then lowered them from her cheeks so that she could see Maria standing there in the cool dim of the room.

"What makes you think there is any desert at all little piggy? I let you off easy not making you finish that fajita, and now you want your farmer to get you something more for this..."she laid her fingers across Jess's drum tight tummy, "sizable lil belly you've decided to give me control of?"

Maria came closer to where Jess's face was being squeezed by her large breasts, dipping her bare feet back under a coffee table as she got down on her knees and looked into Jess's wide concerned eyes. "Just how badly do you want this dessert piggly wiggly?"

Jess struggled in several ways as she lay there pinned under her stuffed belly, the orb of her core pressing her down and trapping her to the couch as sleep was pressing at her eyes and she found that no answer was forthcoming. She could not simply explain the situation to Maria, neither could she claim that she was hungry, as no one would possibly believe a lie as bold and blatant as that one. Yet she couldn't let sleep overtake her, nor remain quiet in the face of a direct question. At best it meant the dessert would go uneaten and that would mean the pounds Maria already ate would be doubled. The idea of fifteen pounds turning into thirty didn't excite Jess who had gone through all this stuffing just to stop her friend from being the victim of the Crossroads, and besides things might not be as simple as that. Jess still didn't quite now the nature of the dessert. Was it a pie, and was Maria gaining five pounds per slice she tried in the kitchen, was it chocolate covered strawberries, and was each one worth five pounds in a different place. What if there were twenty more laying in a bowl in the other room? Would Maria peck at them throughout the night, would Jess awaken to a sunrise and find a distraught Maria who had gained one hundred unexplained pounds. And worst of all, what would happen if Maria ate nineteen of twenty and then threw out the last strawberry, would it go from ninety five pounds right up to one hundred and ninety?

There were too many questions, and none of them had much promise of being answered if Jess simply let her tummy get the best of her and send her off to sleep. She smiled at Maria from under her heft and resorted to the only thing she could think might work. There were many places that Jess had not allowed their feederism to go in the past, but there was an element which Maria had been seeking very passionately back then. Something that represented to Jess, and she believed to Maria as well, a ceding of control, a loss of self, and a doorway to helplessness. There was a single sound that Jess believed might overcome the moment, a noise that in their most debaucherous moments, Maria tried to get out of her. Jess had never given in, never gave Maria the entirety of her, never granted her friend and lover full control.

In her desperation Jess was forced to rethink her independence and so she moved from the couch with newfound vigor, swinging her knees out and forcing Maria to back up, and give her friend room to slide off the couch. Jess came down on her knees and her belly swayed off the couch as her hands came down to match them. Her breasts sprang from their resting place on her chin and hung heavy in her bra as her belly slipped from the shirt that earlier today was loose on her. She looked up at Maria, a wild strand of hair across her face as she settled into the position on her hands and knees.

"What are you doing my lil piggy?" giggled Maria who was kneeling down and now studied Jess and her swaying pudge, the way her body filled her work out clothes and her rump rose above soft thighs, hips flaring against the now tightly pulled fabric of the yoga pants. Jess looked up at Maria and opened her mouth in a slow, bovine manner before letting out a deed and desperate, "Mooooooo."

Maria was left in shock, never expecting to hear the noise she had so often sought in the past. She bit her lip, moving the strand of loose hair out of Jess's face and looking into her eyes before standing and walking out of the room towards the kitchen. Jess watched the slight new jiggle of Maria's rump as it slipped around the corner. When she returned she had a large bowl of sugar coated, sweeter than sweet, deep fried, churros. There were five or six of the sweet streets left, and evidently she had been sneaking them in her hunger and excitement earlier. She knelt down around Jess and smiled almost timidly now, so recently thrown into a position of power she had not expected ever, let alone to come swooping into her life all at once.

"You have made your farmer very happy cowgirl," smiled Maria as she picked up one of the long churros and brought it to Jess's waiting lips. Plump soft lips that opened at her new masters beck and call and let the cursed dessert slide in half way. Jess munched on the it and as she did Maria pressed the second half in, pride beaming in her eyes. "Tomorrow we will make some changes in our lifestyle my sweet fattening pet, and do not worry, even though you have made such a brave decision today, to become my helpless cow, you'll still always been my widdle piggy."

Jess nodded at this, unsure after the long evening, what else there was to do. She had given up so much to save her friend from piling on the pounds, and now there was little to do but live with the bargain she had agreed to. Jess could feel the effect of the desert already working on her body, swelling her hips with the five pound gain as the yoga pants hugged her growing body. As the second churro was finished, Jess couldn't help but whimper to herself as she was quite sure the Crossroads would be exceptionally pleased with this turn of events. The second and third dessert found its way to her thighs and ass respectively and Jess wondered if each one was somehow magically labeled by the hex it held inside it, or whether it randomized every time she swallowed.

As Jess chewed, she hardly noticed the Churro that Maria was absentmindedly snacking on before her. Even as the fourth sugar stick was brought to her lips, Jess watched as Maria swallowed the treat, her breasts swelling once again in the tight orange summer dress. When Jess had first seen the dress, it had looked elegant and classy, now Maria looked like she was planning a desperate night at the club, the material straining around her perky chest. There was little Jess could do to stop the snacking but the fifth and final Churro ended up in her tummy, before plumping up her soft greedy cheeks.

As Maria helped Jess back up onto the couch, rubbing her belly proudly, and helping her drift off to sleep, the new cow girl took stock of the evening. The threat of gain from the Crossroads was a mere forty five pounds split between the two of them, not the monstrous numbers Jess had been worried over when she rushed down to save her friend, and yet in the end, the promise of pounds to come in Jess's life had just increased ten fold. Maria clearly had a vision for her friend, and though the pounds to come horrified Jess, she knew she was stuck her now. She had given a piece of herself up in the moment of her submission, ceded everything over to Maria in the moment she made that dreadful sound.

Perhaps the worst part was, Jess did not desire to wrestle that control free, she found the helplessness warm and inviting, she would let someone else do the stressing for the both of them. She would hopefully survive the dilemma with Crossroads to come, and on the far side of it, if she came out triumphant, she would be able to share Sammy's gain, and the crushing guilt that came with it. In her final moments of consciousness, as her belly wooed her to sleep, Jess had the terrifying thought of Sammy being lead into a barn and snugly closed into a pen. The light grew dim as the dream overtook her, but Jess was almost certain that the person that had lead her in was Maria, and that the pen behind her had been labeled "Lil Piggy"

The Crossroads herd was growing.
16 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 2 years
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The Sky 4 months
I really liked your story, I found it very interesting and fun to read. I know it's been a while since you wrote, but I hope one day to read another of your stories.
Karenjenk 3 years
I have read this a bunch of times.
weird how it has over 100,000 view and 53 likes and 80 comments.
usually there are more likes.
this story really does it for me.
Love the premis and the characters
seems to real
even though its a fantasy
LOVE you
LoopsnBloops 5 years
Absolutely amazing story! One of my new all time favorites!
Nicolas Eric 6 years
hoping for a sequell
Nicolas Eric 6 years
hoping for a sequell
GrowingLoveH... 6 years
Wow! Now, that's one horror/erotic story!


No wonder it has 80,000+ views!

You have outdone yourself, Kitty!
Insanity2222 6 years
i wish you'd make some more of this amazing story
Hazardose 7 years
Waiting for the next several chapters smiley
PlumpSoftKitty 7 years
Oh absolutely. If I post anything anywhere I'll also post it here
PlumpSoftKitty 7 years
I'm really not sure. I have lots of ideas but I've kinda run out of steam here. I'm not certain this is really even the site for where the stories going
TheDemolitio... 7 years
I love it! Well done!
PlumpSoftKitty 7 years
Thank you as always Girlcrisis smiley
Girlcrisis 7 years
...tantalising tease. I think it really powerfully conveyed the horror of the amount of control Crossroads has over Jess's body and how high the stakes are when bargaining with them. In short, I am impressed as always.
Girlcrisis 7 years
I liked it. Not because I found it a kinky turn on (lactation/fertility is really not my thing) but because I admire you for being ballsy enough to write something so shocking. The shock only heightened by the story so far unfolding as such a slow and tan
PlumpSoftKitty 7 years
For those with similar concerns, this is likely going to be the height of kinky for this story. Things will not be escalating with these particular kinks, this was for reference, so that Jess now knows how bad of an idea it is to ask for something from th
Girlcrisis 7 years
PlumpSoftKitty 7 years
Thank you very much. smiley I'm going to try and update it tonight
PlumpSoftKitty 7 years
Thank you very much smiley you're comment comes at a very good time as my confidence in my stories popularity has been waining this week.
Brickman 7 years
I made an account just so I could say how much I appreciate your writing! You leave me raving like a starving man for more!
PlumpSoftKitty 7 years
Thank you smiley
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