
Chapter 15 - live studio audience

When Jess awoke several hours later, she shifted on the couch and felt the awkwardness that her latest gain added to her figure. The clothing she had put on earlier that day fit her less tightly than it had when she was at the ends of her stuffing, but the pounds added by the churros had permanently expanded her body in several places and this left the outfit only partially capable of covering her soft,rounding body. As she stood she felt her belly shift downward, pulling her greedy tummy over the waistband ever so slightly. Her shirt pulled up around her breasts which were heavier and yearned for a place to rest, and this action left her deepening belly button exposed. Jess moved towards the steps and realized it was quite late, or perhaps very early in the morning. As she took each step she felt her love handles jiggle over the strain of her yoga pants, creating the illusion of a pout curling downward on either side.

Jess stepped into her bedroom and was relieved to feel how cool it was with the fan blowing lightly across her bed. She yawned loudly, still quite sleepy after eating so much and took another step before stopping dead in her tracks. A light splashed down from above Jess and she found she could no longer move. She wriggled in place by the door as she felt it swing closed behind her, and tried to imagine where the light could be coming from. It splashed a circle of white around her feet and reminded her of a spotlight from a Tv show. Her eyes darted about the room and she recalled briefly that the Crossroads had expected her back to discuss their deal. The evening with Maria had taken such a turn that she had almost completely forgotten. Across her room, on a wall where several paintings were displayed Jess watched a light begin to flash as though a projector was beginning to spin up in a movie theater. The painting on the wall shook momentarily, rocking back and forth on their pegs, before clattering to the ground. Jess wondered if Maria could hear such a commotion but had to admit it seemed more likely that the Crossroads would eliminate any chance of their being interrupted.

The square on the wall flashed several times before casting a solid image on the wall. Jess could see the large movie screen sized image of her desktop computer as it loaded up the Crossroads chat room. While it loaded a small chat box opened in the lower right hand corner and welcomes Jess back.

Crossroads: Hello Jessica, did you forget about us?

Jess was unable to speak, her eyes darting over the chat room as she willed her legs to move, willed her arms to hear her please, to turn and yank the door open and flea this place. But she was stuck there trapped under the spotlight like a game show contestant.

Crossroads: Things are almost complete. The room has gotten quite rowdy waiting for you but they trust in our ability to deliver and as such they have remained. You really know how to make a mans mouth water don't you Jessica?

Crossroads: But I'm afraid our audience has waited far too long for you to show up, and there is no way we can present you looking like that hmmm?

In the darkness of the room before her Jess saw several red boxes slide across the floor. Each one was wrapped with a black ribbon and each had a tag with a delicately written letter on it.

Crossroads: So what will it be Jessica? Do you want door A, B, or C? Come come we must not keep our people waiting.

Jess looked over the three boxes but had no idea what each one contained. They were all the same size, and each one was practically identical. She stood for several more seconds before deciding it didn't matter. She opened her mouth to answer, but nothing came out. She whimpered loudly in the dark room and tried to lift her hand to point in vain. She could not move a muscle.

Crossroads: Very well Jessica, if you won't make a decision we will have to make one for you.

The bow on the center box, the one labeled B, began to undo itself on its own, as the other two boxes faded into the darkness of the room before disappearing into oblivion. Out of the box snaked a silky red material and a smaller black snake of leather. Jess studied them intently as she felt cold hands reach out from the darkness behind her and begin to undress her roughly. They pulled free her shirt and tugged down her pants while taking their time. They patted, poked and prodded Jess like a piggy being sized up before disappearing into the shadows with Jess's clothing, leaving her standing there in her bra and panties.

By now Jess could see that the material that was snaking its way across the floor towards her was a red dress, and could already tell just how it would fit on her. She watched it wrap itself around her leg, snaking its way up and beginning to wrap itself around her, enveloping her figure in the skin tight red fabric. She would have looked quite classy in the dress fifty pounds ago, but now, with her large hips pressing out to the sides, her soft thighs on display, and the very bottom of her rump slipping out the back, the dress looked more like she was a lady of the evening than a Hollywood movie star. As it covered up her tummy and began to cup her heavy breasts it completed this image, cutting off right above her bra and displaying several inches of cleavage as it pressed each breast up and out. Jess thought she must look like a cartoon and as she did she felt the black leather slink its way across her back and wrap itself rightly around her plump throat, biting into the tender flesh ever so lightly.

Crossroads: There we go! There is out star! No makeup i think but lets do something with that hair!

Jess could not see what was happening but after a time she could see her hair falling about her shoulders in big luscious curls. She felt them bounce healthily across her shoulders and across her neck. She blinked wondering what was going to happen next and dreading the answer.

Crossroads: Now I take it you remember our agreement? We will ask our audience, the lovely Chat Room you have seen so many times before, if they would like to purchase a request. The request alone will cost them a million dollars. For some of these requests we might give the audience a slight preview of what that would mean for you, for others we will spare you. Either way we will get our funding, and you will experience an evening of unfathomable...experiences.

Jess could not believe what she was hearing. Previews? She had seen what some of these people were interested in. Had seen their "requests" about Sammy and knew what sort of twisted things they would invent for her. This was not the sort of group she wanted to be around, never mind have any power over her.

Crossroads: We have spoke our associates and have decided to grant you your wish. At the end of tonight's ordeal Maria will be able to understand just how heavy Sammy is getting, and you will be able to share your guilty sinful heart with her. We will gain the support of our viewers, and you will gain a friend, or is it ...a farmer?

Jess was filled with mental anguish. She was not surprised to hear that the Crossroads had been watching the events of this afternoon but was horrified all the same at the thought of them having any hand at all in her relationship with Maria. She just had to struggle through this evening, get to the other side of however long it might take, and then she could show Sammy's gain to Maria, and take the spot light off of her own body. Surely Maria would be happy having another piggy? A different piggy? There was nothing Jess could do to stop Sammy from growing, but she could funnel Maria's desire to plump and fatten into her sister, so that she could regain her own figure. Poor Sammy was a lost cause, but surely there was time for Jess to save herself!

She stood in the spotlight as the Crossroads chat window closed down and the chat room began to ping to life. Jess could see an image of herself on the screen now, and knew that everyone sitting at home, everyone in this dank dark chat room could see her as well. She stood in the absurd dress, the choker wrapped rightly around her neck, and the longest night of her life stretched out before her. It took only a moment or two, but watching the screen as the room began to explode with action and excitement. Then she heard it, a unique sound, distinct from the others chiming into the room, and besides one of the names was a small green emoji indicating a stack of dollar bills.

The First Request had been submitted...
16 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 2 years
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Minifan 7 years
Loving the story, but wasn't it the 300lb shirt that she picked?
PlumpSoftKitty 7 years
Thank you so much! Would love to chat
Girlcrisis 7 years
I'm still really enjoying this. You have a real skill for building anticipation.
PlumpSoftKitty 7 years
Thanks smiley
PlumpSoftKitty 7 years
smiley everyone has been very supportive. Thank you all
Sonic16 7 years
i really like this story, and i love how you used chapter 6, cuz that last part idk if others would agree but i kinda felt the emotion coming from the story
PlumpSoftKitty 7 years
Why thank you very much. How mind
PlumpSoftKitty 7 years
Thank you smiley
Sonic16 7 years
i replied i think, great job on the story
Sonic16 7 years
if its not an issue can you message me so i can ask you something PSK?
PlumpSoftKitty 7 years
Thank you for the compliment. And thank you Des for the recommendation
PlumpSoftKitty 7 years
Thank you smiley hopefully more coming tomorrow
PlumpSoftKitty 7 years
Wanted to get more in today, but ran out of time. Hopefully tomorrow morning smiley
BS Writer 7 years
Excellent start. I'm eager for more taunting and humiliation. I wonder what her old friends will say.
PlumpSoftKitty 7 years
No worries haha. You too!
Sonic16 7 years
(my previous comment didn't inset some spaces sorry about that, have a good summer PSK)
PlumpSoftKitty 7 years
Very much so. Thank you for all the support
Girlcrisis 7 years
Good to see you've been persuaded to continue with this. smiley
PlumpSoftKitty 7 years
Ohhh my how flattering smiley thank you
PlumpSoftKitty 7 years
Thanks sonic that's very sweet!
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