
Chapter 3 - waking up

Sunlight trickled into Jess's bedroom, lighting up a few months worth of dust particles. She shifted under the covers and tried to shake the Nightmare from her groggy head. She kept her eyes closed as she turned away from the morning sun and tried to scare the odd dream away. Images of loading pages flashed across her Minds eye. Of contacts and user agreements. Of shadowy alleyways and sunrise In the corn fields, a dark stranger with a scroll and quill, and her own hand taking the quill and signing away.

There was something about an airplane, and then an airport. Riding the escalator down and feeling her new softer body move in new and surprising ways. She remembered cradling her distended belly as she rode down he automated stairs, the eyes of the young girl in front of her trained directly on her belly button now exposed by too tight clothing. Why would she ever wear something so small?! She wondered as she smacked her lips recalling the strange unnerving dream.

The little girl was mesmerized as Jess's freshly punished tummy, and swollen breasts atop, jiggled their way down the escalator. There girls rude staring should have aroused Jesse's rage but in the dream and had been distracted for some reason. There had been something important, no something vital! Someone was coming... Coming to pick her up and she couldn't be caught looking...oh God. Her mother was coming. Her mother was picking her up from the airport and she had to get new clothes, a hoodie, a sweater, anything! She rushed down the steps but thats when they saw one another. Her mother's face dropping, her jaw swinging open as all color ran away from her features. At the bottom of the escalator, with her hand still on top of her tummy, she felt her mother lay her own smaller hand over top as the free hand tapped the underside of her gullet and ask her, " Oh Jessica, my silly little girl, what gave you got yourselfers into this time, why didn't you tell me about it... and how many months along?"

Jessica turned about in the bed as her recollection of the dream came to an end. She felt her body move awkwardly underneath her childhood blankets. She knew it was no Nightmare. She knew she would peel back the covers dramatically, that she would hope against hope that all that new flesh wouldn't be heapes upon Her, staring back up at her hungrily, expectantly, she would hope and pray and wish. But she knew what was waiting under the blankets. She peeled them back like a bandage coming off, and the tan skin of her belly laughed up at her as she adjusted the t shirt her mother had given her. "One of Samantha's" her mother had said in disbelief. She sat up a bit in bed and peered down over her clevage which reached up and touched her now softer chin as she craned her neck to see over her breasts. She sat with her mouth wide open, trying to reconcile the idea that this was now her body.

"I'm glad I'm not the only one who looks shocked Jess," came Sammy's voice from the doorway. "If mom hadn't told me you weren't pregnant id swear that belly was brewing twins. " Jess looked up and covered herself in vain, seeing the outline of her tummy through the blanket. Her younger sister sneered playfully from the doorway. Her younger sister who had clearly been losing weight these past few months. "Think we should trade clothes BIG sister? I don't think I'll be needing that anymore, but I'm sure you have something nice to share in exchange hmmm?" Sammy sat on the edge of the bed and prodded Jessica's belly playfully.

"Who's the butterball now?"
16 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 2 years
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Sonic16 7 years
great job PSK, ienjoyed your story, not only do youseemlike a nice person you're really talented writer. Keep at it.
PlumpSoftKitty 7 years
Thank you very much. smiley I'm glad I was convinced to continue
Girlcrisis 7 years
With regards to you saying that the story doesn't have an audience, I notice that people on FF seem to have a taste for slow, realistic gains but I really enjoy the fantasy aspect of rapid gains so hope you will continue.
Girlcrisis 7 years
This is really excellent. Incredibly well written and has a dark sexiness as well as being an eery and suspenseful supernatural tale.
PlumpSoftKitty 7 years
Thanks for the support everyone! Chapter two is up now, has a bit more of what you all love in it smiley Much more of that to come.
Androozie 7 years
nonsence. keep going. its great so far. cant wait for more.
Ccwolf60 8 years
Nice story, but what will happen to her on her trip,
PlumpSoftKitty 8 years
Was working a bit today on chapter two. But the story doesn't seem popular enough to be worth it. Oh well, at least I have it all worked out in me noggin.
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