
Chapter 5 - the cart

Navigating the site, Jess noticed that the message box at the bottom remained open even as the next page opened. This meant she could read over the conversation as the site pulled up her cart. She was still adjusting to her sudden gain, feeling the extra strain upon her back and feeling puffed up in the now overly tight white sweater. She would need to sneak some new clothes from Samantha this afternoon. Sitting there watching the page load it didn't occur to Jess that her sneaking days were most likely behind her.

The cart looked akin to the check out pages one could find all across the internet. If she didn't know any better, and by now she knew much better, Jess would mistaken the site for any other forum. This page reminded her of Amazon, only in Jess's cart was an order the site claimed she had already purchased. Jess heard a small chime and looked down to see a message from the site.

Crossroads: Are you pleased with your purchase Jessica? Perhaps you'd like to rate your experience? I think you'll find that as a company, we always deliver.

Jess looked the page over, seeing that in get cart were four different shirts. Each one was a women's cut and each one had the words "The other white meat" written across the chest and abdomen. Underneath of each listing was a number in bold text and below this was a blank place where text could be entered.

Crossroads: We know that the order was only for three shirts Jessica but since you paid so much for them we decided to give you a fourth shirt free.

Jess pouted at the page as she read the numbers below each shirt, her mouse hovering over each blank box. The first number read 150. Under the second shirt the number was 300 and below the third Jess could see it said 600. Scrolling down and looked for a number below the final shirt but found that this one had three question marks in place of any amount.

Jess: What's with the blank spots?

Crossroads : Now you start asking questions Jessica? Don't you think you might have asked before you agreed to all of this?

Jess: It seemed preferable to being stuck inside an airplane bathroom.

Crossroads: I hope you know we enjoy that mouth on you Jessica. It has gotten you into so much trouble, and we sincerely hope you're trouble is just beginning.

Jess: Are you going to explain it to me?

Crossroads: These spots are for you to place names in Jessica. The name of a future recipient of one of these three shirts you designed.

Jess: I didn't create these, you did. And they're are four. Is that a mistake? I don't want to pay anything extra.

Crossroads: I think you will find the shirts have been made to your specifications Jessica, not ours. And you have nothing to worry about, there will be no extra payment, the fourth shirt is a gift for your... shall we say shopper loyalty. Besides once a thing is given, we do not take it back. The shirt is all yours.

Jess: Fine, whatever. What names am I expected to put in these... Blanks?

Crossroads : Why Jessica we're shocked you have to ask. The names of girls who deserve such fantastical gifts.

Jess: And I have to pick four? And what happens when they get the shirts? What's with the numbers?

Jess fidgeted a bit in her seat, forgetting how hungry she got now with her swollen belly. She rubbed the exposed white flesh to try to calm it as her tummy rumbled.

Crossroads: Opp! Sounds like we had better make this quick eh Jessica? I think we smell mommy's famous Belgium waffles and it sounds like some one is hungry.

Jess swallowed heavily, and edged to the front of her seat, even as her nose did indeed catch the first touch of the waffles being made below.

Crossroads: You do not have to pick any names our dear piglet. And let us just say those numbers forecast things to come for each recipient. We can not force you to choose anyone at all.

Jess: And if I never did? If I just closed the site out and never returned? I'm supposed to believe that will be the end of it? As if you won't come back with more threats of fifty pounds or more?

Crossroads: We have an agreement Jessica, for it to work, you have to willingly choose the destinations for each shirt. The plumping you have already recieved was in order for you to understand the gravity of your situation, and to dispel any lingering doubts.

Jess: In that case I suppose this is goodbye.

Jess sat back in her seat, took a deep breath and held it, watching as her breasts swealt up and partially blocked the keyboard as the ghostly legion typed their response.

Crossroads: Go and eat piglet. Enjoy your holiday. But do not assume we have made a mistake with you. It is certainly possible you are correct, and that you have gotten the better of us, but we did not idley nor randomly choose you Jessica. We may be gambling here, but we do not do so blindly. You're greediness will bring you back to us, if not your vanity. Enjoy the waffles, we are quite sure they will look great on you. A moment on the lips...a lifetime on the hips. Or in some cases, much much longer than that.
16 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 2 years
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Sonic16 7 years
great job PSK, ienjoyed your story, not only do youseemlike a nice person you're really talented writer. Keep at it.
PlumpSoftKitty 7 years
Thank you very much. smiley I'm glad I was convinced to continue
Girlcrisis 7 years
With regards to you saying that the story doesn't have an audience, I notice that people on FF seem to have a taste for slow, realistic gains but I really enjoy the fantasy aspect of rapid gains so hope you will continue.
Girlcrisis 7 years
This is really excellent. Incredibly well written and has a dark sexiness as well as being an eery and suspenseful supernatural tale.
PlumpSoftKitty 7 years
Thanks for the support everyone! Chapter two is up now, has a bit more of what you all love in it smiley Much more of that to come.
Androozie 7 years
nonsence. keep going. its great so far. cant wait for more.
Ccwolf60 7 years
Nice story, but what will happen to her on her trip,
PlumpSoftKitty 7 years
Was working a bit today on chapter two. But the story doesn't seem popular enough to be worth it. Oh well, at least I have it all worked out in me noggin.
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