
chapter 4


-Mmh, what honey?

-Did you really mean what you said this morning?

-What did I say?

-That you would still like me even if...if I gained some weight? Shannon asked nervously. She had a knot in her stomach and part of her was screaming for a permit to start eating chocolate, donuts, cakes, pies, cookies...all the things she had denied herself for years. Her other half was afraid that she would lose Greg or that he would lose interest in her. Oddly, no part of her was concerned about getting fat..

-You seem really worried about that and I can't figure out why. I have a feeling there's something you're not telling me that's important. We're married now Shan, we shouldn't have secrets if we want to spend the rest of our lives together.

Shannon burst in tears and threw herself on Greg's shoulder.

-Oh Greg, I never should have kept the truth from you! It's so hard to tell you now, she sobbed.

-Whatever it is, it can't be that bad honey. Come on, let it out of your system.

Shannon took a deep breath and gathered herself.

-Greg, I've told you that I have a profession. I studied to become a baker. But I told you that I've never worked in that profession. That was a lie. I worked for a baker's shop for a year and during that year I gained some weight. I was fatter than you've seen me in my old pics. Then I lost all the weight and swore I'd never tell anyone that I had been fat.

-Honey, it's okay now. I really don't mind that you have been fat. I already told you, I think you look really hot in your old pics and I'm sure you looked just as good with some more extra pounds too.

Shannon didn't have the heart to correct Greg and tell him that she wasn't just a bit heavier than in the pics he'd seen. The pics Greg had seen were from her first year in bakery school and she could easily imagine that at her fattest she had been like 100 pounds fatter. She had a faint memory that she'd been to a doctor around the time the pics were taken and she had been around 150 pounds then, maybe a bit more.

-Greg, it's not just about that. I really let myself go then. I ate way too much and didn't take care of my appearance. I'm afraid that if I let go just a bit, I'll soon end up the same way, stuffing my face with fattening food all the time.

He couldn't believe it, but listening to Shannon talk about eating too much and getting fat was really arousing. Greg had always been a chubby chaser and if there was a secret he had kept from Shannon was that all her girlfirends before her had been bigger than her. Not really fat, but very much like Shannon looked like in her old pics, maybe a bit bigger. When he had met Shannon he'd noticed that his upper limit to what he found sexy had gotten higher and he had to admit that he found even women considered too fat sexy. But then he met Shannon and fell totally in love with her. He didn't mind that she was a bit thin for his tastes and as Shannon was a health nut, he kept his preferences to himself. But this was all new. He'd never fantasized that his woman would get bigger, but the thought of Shannon as a plumper turned him on so that he had trouble concentrating on the conversation.

-Shannon I think its time I share a secret of mine with you too. Whenever you've asked me about my previous girlfriends I've been really secretive. The reason for that was that they were all at bit...hmm bigger than you Shannon. Very much like you were in those old pics.

Shannon thought about that awhile. -I really can't understand why, you're so good looking that I can't see why you dated fat girls. Did you have some self-esteem problems or something?

-No, nothing like that. The thing is...I prefer women with a little meat on their bones.

-You're kidding right? Men don't like fat girls and that's a fact, Shannon was starting to get angry, but didn't really know why.

-No, I'm not kidding. There are lots of men who prefer plump and chubby women. I'm one of them, Greg didn't have the heart to tell Shannon that his tastes exceeded plumpness and that he liked fat women too. He started to wonder how much bigger Shannon had been. 180 pounds? 200? Trying to imagine Shannon at 200 pounds caused an embarrassing erection to swell in his pants. Luckily Shannon didn't notice.

-So what you are trying to tell me is that you'd actually like me more if I was fatter? Shannon challenged.

-Well if you want to put it that way, yes. But that doesn't mean I didn't like you now. I love you Shannon and your weight has nothing to do with that. But yes, I think that with a few extra curves you'd be hot as hell.

There was a major battle going on in Shannon's head. The part of her that was ready to do anything to just get another muffin or donut or maybe some pizza had gotten devastating ammunition from Greg and her health-nut self was losing the battle.

-Just think of all the goodies you could eat again. You could easily put on like, maybe 10 pounds and what would happen? Greg would just like you more, that's what, her greedy side told her.

-You know it won't stop there! You'll lose control and end up really fat again. What about when you're a bit heavier? You'll just go back to eating lettuce again? You know that's not going to happen, her reasonable side argued.

-Cream filled donuts, salami pizza, pastries, ice cream, chocolate, cheese cake, deep fried chicken, oh my...

-Ok Greg, I'll do it. Starting tomorrow I'll let myself indulge a bit, Shannon said trying to appear reluctant.

-Honey you don't have to do anything for me, but that's an offer I can't refuse.
8 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 15 years , updated 54 years
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Td0057 15 years
Looks good so far! Hope there is more to see!
FatteningDemon 1 year
I don't think there will be....