
chapter 5

Next morning Shannon had two muffins on breakfast, then a sundae on the beach. For dinner Greg took them to a restaurant that Shannon had refused earlier as their servings were big and fattening. Shannon ordered bacon burger. The serving was way too big for Shannon and she could only finish half, but she didn't mind as she was in ecstasy from being truly satiated. Her mind wandered back in time to an evening when she had eaten a similar burger meal on her way to home after work. Back then the meal had been but an appetizer and she had been starving already when she got home.

-I'm sorry Greg, I'm such a pig. Are you already regretting that you wanted me to let go? Shannon asked when she pushed the plate away and realized that she had never eaten that much in front of him.

-What are you talking about silly? It's good to see you eat like normal people for once, Greg said. What he didn't say was that seeing Shannon eat rich food was really erotic. He couldn't help trying to imagine where the extra calories she was eating would end up. Hopefully her breasts get the first load, he thought. He couldn't wait.

The rest of their two-week honeymoon went in a flash. Shannon was now like any newly wed wife on a honeymoon: sinful treats of chocolate or ice cream few times a day followed by kissing and fondling. Then long dinners in small romantic restaurants where the food was to die for and loaded with calories which no one counted.

Both of them enjoyed all this immensely and after awhile Shannon got to be comfortable about eating her fill in front of Greg. She didn't want to be a pig though and ate what she thought was acceptable for an ex health nut who reluctantly had decided to let herself go a bit. Most of the time this was enough to get her stomach full, but a few times she had to restrain herself and leave a dessert unfinished.

When they got back home Shannon hopped on the scales to see the damage. It wasn't as bad as she had feared. Her weight was 3 pounds up from her normal weight of 119 pounds.

-Honey, how about some ice cream while we watch a movie? Greg shouted from the kitchen.

-Greg, we don't have ice cream, Shannon answered. She had kept all temptations out of the house, not even a crumb of anything unhealthy was to be found in their house.

-Yes we do. Now that you behave like normal people with food, I bought some. And Hershey's too.

Shannon's stomach grumbled. She recalled one evening when she had ran out of food. It had been around 10pm and she had eaten her way through an extra large Wendy's meal, half of a cheesecake, seven cream puffs and two huge slices of wedding cake. She was already near to her limit, but she still had a craving for something sweet. Earlier that day at work they'd had a rare occasion to get to eat a wedding cake that had been returned as the wedding had been cancelled. It was a three layer cake with all the goodies. The boss had taken the bottom layer somewhere, but the rest of it was leftovers.

When Shannon's lunch break came, she stole the remaining wedding cake and took it to the storage closet where she had some privacy and started to spoon it in. The top layer was more like an appetizer as it was only about 7 inches across. The middle layer however was 13 inches across and even Shannon couldn't finish it during her 30 minute break. She was absolutely stuffed and still two big pieces were left. Being that full she thought she'd manage the evening with a little less food. That had been a mistake, but she would never forget Hershey's chocolate syrup after that. Holding her globular belly Shannon waddled to the kitchen and found a quart of Hershey's in the fridge. Without thinking she took the top off and started to pour the thick stuff in her mouth. It was heavenly and after she had drank it all, she was ready for bed.

-Oh my god, Hershey's...maybe I'll indulge once more, then I'll stop, she thought.

-Why not, but just a little, she shouted to the kitchen.

Greg came back with bowl that had at least four scoops of ice cream and loads of syrup. While watching the movie, Shannon ate it all and though she felt full, she was dying for more.

-Oh honey, you're spoiling me rotten. I didn't mean to eat all of this. Sorry I'm such a pig.

-Honey you've got to stop being so neurotic about eating. I like to see you eat properly and I've always liked girls with a healthy appetite although I think you still eat like a bird.

About three weeks later Shannon was 10 pounds fatter. She stood on the scale one morning and read the number: 129.5lbs. Looking in the mirror the changes were almost unnoticeable. She stomach was just a bit softer and her butt maybe a tad wider. She could feel the difference only in her tightest jeans that felt a bit uncomfortable now. Her breasts had gotten somewhat bigger, at least Greg said they were fuller and he really seemed to enjoy them.

Actually everything seemed enjoyable. Their relationship was doing better than never and sex was much better.

Perhaps the most noticeable change was in her appetite. When she had started, she could barely finish half of the servings they got in restaurants, but the previous night she had eaten half of the serving and felt only content. Not full like before. She wanted to try and finish the serving, but didn't for two reasons: first, Greg would notice and think she was a pig; second, she had to keep her appetite in control or she would turn into a blimp again. In fact, she would probably have to revert to her old diet if she didn't want to gain another ten pounds.

Shannon felt miserable. All she really wanted to do was to keep eating the way she was used to during the four weeks. Greg had been really passionate with her and he was touching her much more than before. And not even once had he even suggested that she was eating too much. In fact he almost seemed to encourage her to eat more, now that she thought about it. So why couldn't things continue like they were?

-Because you're getting fat! The health nut in her head shouted.

-Oh come on, it's only ten pounds. If I just don't start eating more than now, my weight will level to maybe 140 pounds or so. And Greg said he prefers chubby girls, her greedy side said.

Shannon decided to try to keep her appetite in check so that she would gain 10 more pounds tops and then stop gaining. That way she didn't have to give up chocolate and other goodies entirely.

Her plan worked perfectly. During the following two months she gained 11 pounds and then her weight started to settle on 140 pounds. Her boobs were noticeably bigger now and Greg was in heaven. Shannon was happy too. Most of her clothes were quite tight, but nothing too bad. Their sex life had improved more and Shannon enjoyed sex more then ever. She still didn't climax, but she felt it was close sometimes.

Things weren't always easy though. She rarely felt truly satisfied after meals and many times she had to try and eat slower so that Greg wouldn't notice how hungry she was. And she had to command herself to put down the fork after eating half a plateful of delicious pasta in a cream sauce when she was nowhere near being full. And she hated acting up for Greg, telling him she was too full to eat another bite when all she wanted was to eat enough to be properly satisfied.

The pressure was rising, Shannon could feel it. Some nights she had considered sneaking in the kitchen and eating ice cream out of the carton. Even after just eating a bowl of ice cream with Greg, all she could think about was another bowl of ice cream. Or a third.

Finally Shannon couldn't take it anymore. One night when Greg had fallen asleep, she went in the kitchen and made a big sandwich with lots of cheese, ham, mayo and pickles. She practically inhaled it. Then she ate two chocolate bars. She was in heaven. Next she had a bowl of ice cream. Then a few cookies and milk. So so full, a feeling she hadn't had for over four years. Sure, the first few days on their honeymoon she had been quite full, but not like this.

-Oh God, I've missed this! She gasped aloud while clutching her small but visibly swollen belly.

After recovering from her secret binge, Shannon tried to cover up so Greg wouldn't notice and sneaked back to bed.
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Td0057 15 years
Looks good so far! Hope there is more to see!
FatteningDemon 1 year
I don't think there will be....