
chapter 6

Shannon soon made a habit of having one nightly binge each week. She figured it couldn't hurt as long as she would work out more the next day. However her binges were like adding fuel to a fire when it came to her appetite. Her stomach, not being stretched for the first time, grew in capacity very easily as did her binges. Soon she had to admit that eating a half serving just took away her hunger and left her totally unsatisfied. She told Greg she was full, but couldn't help looking at the food on her plate hungrily.

Soon she had to break her promise and had to relieve her hunger two nights a week. Extra workouts she had planned to keep her weight in check had been forgotten after the first few times.

This pattern continued for a month. Shannon had gained more weight. She wasn't sure if Greg had noticed, but she had. Her clothes were really tight and she had to stop wearing jeans and other pants that had no stretch. Also her breasts were bulging out of her b-cup bra a bit. Greg however seemed to be always touching her body, even more than before, and he seemed to go crazy with her breasts. She wasn't sure if it was because he had noticed her gain or because he hadn't. Whatever the case, they were having sex more often and it felt great..

Greg was well aware that Shannon had put still more weight on and he couldn't get his eyes or hands off her. The extra weight looked amazing on her, she was getting slightly curvy especially around her hips which combined with her bigger breasts made her look really hot. Greg had also noticed that her clothes were getting tight which was also a turn on for him.

He had also noticed that an increasing amount of food was disappearing from the closet and fridge. Greg pretended not to notice and secretly re-stocked with even more fattening treats, hoping that Shannon wouldn't notice his attempt to fatten her up. Was that what he was doing? Fattening his wife up? The thought made him feel like a weirdo, but felt really exciting. Did he really want to see Shannon get fat? Not just plump or chubby, but truly fat. Yes. He tried to imagine Shannon with 10 more pounds, no 25 - at least. Fifty pounds? Oh yes.

The downside was, Greg thought, that Shannon was so neurotic about her eating habits. If he hadn't known that she binged secretly, he wouldn't even have any hopes of seeing her get bigger. And he didn't dare start a conversation about the subject. Instead, in his frustration, he started to search pictures of fat women in the internet. At first he found only unflattering pictures of really obese women meant as a warning of what might happen if you didn't torture yourself with the latest fad diet. Soon he ended up on the Dimensions site and found a forum where owners of BBW paysites posted preview pics and was awestruck. So many extraordinary and beautiful women. And they were big!

Shannon looked like a twig compared to most of the women posting on the site. Even the thinner ones were at least 50 pounds fatter than Shannon. To his own surprise he found most of the women really hot - even the ones that weighed around 300 pounds. Earlier he had thought three hundred pounds to be way too big for his tastes. And some of the women were gaining more weight! Being already so fat and still getting fatter was something Greg had never thought of but liked a lot.

Then one evening when Greg came home from work, Shannon was waiting at the door looking really upset.

-What's the matter honey? Are you alright? He asked already remembering that he had forgotten to clear the browser history the night before.

-Come and see for yourself, ***. She marched to the work room where the computer was.

Greg wasn't surprised to see a big picture of a big, fat woman from Dimensions forum on the screen. Luckily she wasn't one of the fattest, but Greg didn't know if Shannon had browsed through them all. He didn't say anything, just waited.

-You don't have anything to say, huh? So you like laughing at fat women, does it make you feel like a man or something? You're a sad mother***er.

-What are you talking about? I look at the pics because I like them. Not because I think they're ugly.

-So I just found your porn stash. Is that what you're telling me?

-Yes. Greg could feel himself blushing and was certain that he had never been so embarrassed before in his life.

-You mean there are guys who like that fat women? And that you're one of them?

-Yes, I've already told you, remember? On our honeymoon.

-No what you told me was that you like chubby women, these women are seriously fat.

-Well I didn't know I like that big women myself a few weeks ago. And it's not that I wouldn't suddenly like chubby women too. I've just found that I like fat women also.

Shannon couldn't believe what she was hearing. Saying that some men preferred fat women was like saying that some days the sun revolved around earth. The woman in the picture on the computer screen was even fatter than she had been at her biggest, she thought. Not much, but bigger. Had to be. The picture itself was just as shocking. The girl looked so confident. She knows she's sexy, Shannon thought. And no, she didn't look ugly. In fact she looked very pretty.

-But you married me when I was thin.

-I fell in love with you. The weight is just a preference. Think of this as the upper limit of what men find sexy weightwise. Some guys start nagging to their wives when they weigh 130 pounds. Some start suggesting diets when they weigh 150 pounds. My limit is just a bit higher.

-How fat I could get before you started nagging, then?

-Honey it's not like that. I love you no matter what you weigh.

-But the pics on this site. They look like they're pushing 250 or 300 pounds. What would happen If I got that fat?

-I would think you're the sexiest woman in the world.

The conversation went on like this for quite a while. The situation in general was really weird. Greg was doing the best he could to convince Shannon of his best kept secret and Shannon was trying not to freak out. Her head was boiling inside. Her greedy part was celebrating a blank check on eating, but even louder was the part of her that had made her diet and exercise for the past years.

You got thin to find a man. Man found. Then you dieted to keep your man. Now he's telling you he likes fat women. What's the reason to diet now?

What about all the years of denial and various diets? If I you get fat now, its all been for nothing, was her answer to herself. She turned back to Greg who was still dangling in her hook.

-Greg, do you want me to get fatter?

-Darling, that's not for me to decide. It's your body, Greg squirmed and started to blush again.

-Let's just pretend it were up to you to decide. So?

-It's not that simple...

-I'm making it that simple. Yes or no?

-Yes. Greg turned away from Shannon. He couldn't look into her eyes. The cat was out of the bag, his most personal fantasy was out in the public. He was at her mercy.

Shannon took a deep breath. Although she had insisted a straight yes-or-no answer, now that she got it she was deeply upset. Greg's answer had been like the falling axe of a medieval executioner. For the longest time her health nut -self was silent...dead, killed by one word from Greg's lips. She knew Greg was telling the truth, he looked like a man who just had confessed being a serial killer.

-Greg wants you to be fat. You want to eat. Why would you deny this from yourself and Greg? Think of all the cookies, pies, cakes, chocolate, pizza, fried chicken you could eat and not have to think about what Greg will think!

-He will think you're a pig if you start bingeing in public! Ah, not quite dead yet, but weak...

-Then I'll just tell him and ask if he thinks its gross and stop guessing what he thinks or doesn't think. He's my husband after all.

-So if you want me to get fatter, do you mind if I start to eat a lot? I mean really pig out, she said out loud.

This wasn't what Greg had expected. Hoped for, yes, but not expected. He had been afraid this was the end of their marriage. Greg had no idea what Shannon had been thinking, he only knew that her lithe wife had gained a bit of weight and would soon go back to dieting. He was sure that she was disgusted that he liked fat women, and even wanted her to get fat. Now he got caught totally off guard.

-I'd love to see you pig out, he blurted not really thinking what he was saying.

-Really? I know you like to watch me eat, but I've thought you like it only when I eat like a lady, not like a hog.

-That's true, but I also like it because I know the food you put in your mouth will end up rounding up your beautiful stomach and then finally under your skin as a soft layer of fat. You looked really amazing a few nights back in the kitchen when you spooned that fudge straight from the carton.

-What!? You were spying on me? Shannon gasped. Now it was her turn to get embarrassed.

-Yeah, I've known for some weeks now. But it was the only time I've spied on you. I happened to wake up when you got out of bed and I couldn't help myself. Did you really think I wouldn't notice how the food disappears from the kitchen?

-I...I suppose I didn't care. I thought that you'd catch me and then I'd be forced to go back on a diet.

-And you didn't notice how the cupboards were being restocked with even more goodies than before? I knew, but didn't want you to know I knew so you'd keep eating and maybe gain a little more weight. I'm sorry for being such a sneaky bastard.

-So you really do want me to gain weight. Wow.

-Well, like I said, it's all up to you...

-But you want to make sure I have every opportunity to stuff my face with fattening goodies and gain weight, right?

-You make it sound so devious. Think of it more like I just want to spoil you lovingly with food.

-Well the result is the same though. I'll get fat.
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Td0057 16 years
Looks good so far! Hope there is more to see!
FatteningDemon 1 year
I don't think there will be....