
chapter 8

During the next month they were both in constant bliss. Well, with Shannon it was more like stupor from the countless calories she was consuming. She had never been much of an athlete, but now she had dropped all physical activity and spent her days lying around reading, watching tv and eating.

Greg had kept his promise and there was always something fattening to eat. He woke up early in the morning to prepare pancakes, waffles, bacon, sometimes even getting fresh donuts from a nearby bakery. When he came home after work, he made a lavish dinner, usually italian or mexican swimming in butter, cream and different cheeses. He also carried bags full of chocolate, ice cream, cookies and all kinds of snacks and planted them everywhere in the house. On weekends he pampered Shannon from the time she woke up til the time she fell asleep.

Just after the first week it was obvious that Shannon needed bigger clothes so for the first time in four years, Shannon had to buy bigger clothes. At first she was mortified, but the thought that Greg actually wanted her bigger eased the jump of two sizes up.

Shannon could hardly believe how easily her capacity to eat was growing and how fast she seemed to grow. She knew that fat cells, once created, would only deflate when you lost weight and that second time around they didn't need to be created, just refilled. And refilling she could do, oh yes.

Two weeks into their new lifestyle neither Greg nor Shannon could even imagine living any other way. They both were in almost constant bliss parted only by short periods of Shannon being uncomfortably full or too tired to eat or have sex. Although life was quite decadent, at least for Shannon, Greg was still going to work as usual and bills had to be paid just the same. And grocery bills were skyrocketing, Greg noticed.

Shannon had almost endless craving for bakery delicates and every other day she would send Greg with a detailed list of items to buy from the most expensive bakery in town. Nothing cheaper would do for the ex professional baker.

Greg loved to see Shannon indulge herself in the incredibly fattening cakes, pies, croissants, pastires and handmade chocolates, but only after the first few weeks it was obvious that they couldn't afford to buy all those treats.

He confronted Shannon with this.

-Greg don't look so mortified, you don't have to pay for all my indulgences you know. Remember that I'm a professionbal baker? I can start making my own cream puffs and chocolate cakes. Besides when I was working at Fred's I used to daydream of being able to eat all the stuff I made myself. Lord knows how fat I would have been back then if Fred had allowed us to eat while working, Shannon smiled.
8 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 15 years , updated 54 years
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Td0057 15 years
Looks good so far! Hope there is more to see!
FatteningDemon 1 year
I don't think there will be....