The job

  By Fatj

chapter 12: the house

As John awoke from his food enduced coma he was in a business chair. In tim's chair he was still in his office. On the desk laid a feast not even a man that weighed 600 pounds could finish. The room he was in was dark so John figured it was around 8:00 pm. He then grabbed a burger and began to feast his shirt looked to be 3 sizes too small and his hairy belly peeked out. It sat on his lap as he finished the 3rd burger. His sweat pants felt tight tighter then normal. How much had he eaten. John thought as he looked at the milkshakes on the table. There were 7 of them all thick with cream. There must've been at least 50 burgers and almost 100 packages of fries. There were 70 packs of 10 peice nuggets and a new type of burger 5 patties all stacked on top of each other. Mixed with bacon cheese more cheese more bacon and 3 buns. There were at lest 25 in the pile on tim's desk.

Who expected John to eat all of this Tim? Maybe the director? Maybe even the cashier, but whoever order this feast for a giant John would have to stuff himself until it was finished. As he grabbed a burger in each hand he began to shovel in food. Chugging the first milkshake there must've been an appetite inhancer in it because after a few moments he was starving. Thriving for food. After 4 hours of pure gluttony he had only concurred a quarter of the food. The shakes had been drained and his belly now the size of a beach ball. But his stomach growled for more. Then the door opened. Tim emurged with a trey baring more food. At least 10 more shakes and burger fries and nuggets by the bucket full.

"Eat up there still more to come" Tim said as he placed the trey where a mountain of food laid.
"How do you expect me to eat all of this?" He asked looking at the food in front of him.
"You are hungry aren't you?" He spoke. Then as he left the office the hunger doubled. He began to shove burger after burger even dipping 4 in the milkshake and swollowing them whole. John couldn't believe it, it wasn't humanly possible... was it. Science had advanced a lot in the past 60 years. After the great vegan war scientific research was put to keep fat people healthy with out eating right and phisical activity. It all started when the 45th president took the side of the kkk and the nazis supporters. The United States were in turmoil 100s of people died in riots until the 45th president was over throned and replaced with clair Vander.  She stopped the war and  brought peace. Until the the white supremacy attacked. The war to last a decade. 2 presidents leaded the war as it had gone on for so long. In the middle of the great War a health epidemic broke out. Every healthy food in the entire world held a new bacteria that would kill you on the spot if you ate it. Soon people grew scared to eat and they starved. The 47th president drew a law that still last to this day. That since this out break and forever more healthy food that bore this bacteria would be eliminated and replaced with a new substance that would act like it's fresh counter part. But there was a catch the food bore the same calories and fat as McDonald's the largest fast food chain around until fat burger came alone embracing the fact that the entire population would soon be huge. After this law was signed people by the thousands grew fatter even the president he had gained a few hundred pounds. He had to film his speeches from his bed chambers. John who was born 40 years later worked hard for his body science has found a way to bare the health of a Olympic swimmer while weighing in at 3000 pounds. People grew broke world records and now most or all of the population is at least 50-5,000 pounds over weight. People gained weight faster then ever. John had gained at least 60 pounds In 2 weeks. The fattest man living at the moment is the current president of the United states weighing in at a whooping 6,789 pounds he won 3 times.

As John chugged a shake the hunger replenish it's self and he ate faster then ever. As if he had never seen food before. Until the food began to come back up. He closed his mouth At that very moment tim burst through the door with a sering and injected a fluid into his bloodstream. The erge to vomit had passed and was replaced with greed.
"Once you finish this we can go have some fun time in my house?" Tim said feeding John and entire burger.

After 4 hours the feast had moved places Johns gut looked 5 times bigger and red from how stretched out it was. His shirt that he had just pulled down rode back up to his wide navel, and his sweat pants dug into his widening hips. Tim entered to see John about to pass out. And before he knew it he was out.

As he awoke he was on a large king size bed and his belly still huge and bloated. He felt groggy and wondered what time it was. As he tried to get up his belly prevented it. He was too deprived to move. After nearly 10 minutes he was on his feet. He made his way into the large mansion and saw boxes of his belongings. Then as tim poked his head from behind a wall he motioned his hand for John to come. He obaied and began to walk meeting tim. He was naked except a apron covering his now throbbing dick.

"You look full"
"How long was I out?"
"A few hours"
"What's all that?" He said pointing to a feast on a long kitchen table.
"And what's that?" Tim began as he poked John in the gut.
"I have a chef he makes all the food I can help but I learned everything i know from him...lots of things" Tim said again.

"So we're in your house?" John asked
"We're else would we be? Here drink up?" Tim said tossing him a case of beer. "Finish that and there'll be a surprise"

John greed in his blue eyes began to chug the beers one after the other growing tipsy by the second to last one. As he gulped the last one his belly gurgled in satisfaction. Then a cake came out and was placed in front of him as he watched a tv show tim watching closely. A chocolate cake with vanilla frosting and a glass of half and half to wash it down, But no fork. He had to eat with his hands no problem he had been eating like this for a few weeks now. Taking a handful of cake he ate it the taste incredible 100% better then tim's he began to shove his face into the cake chewing loudly even throwing in a few grunts for tim. He moaned as he licked the plate clean after 30 minutes then chugged the glass of condensed milk. He sat back trying to find a comfortable position. Letting a loud wet burp release.

"Hey do you still have room for supper?" Tim said as he left the room and came back with a giant trey with potatoes grilled with bacon grease a whole turkey stuffed and lined with bacon and about everything else you would have at a thanksgiving party. All for one person. Stuffing Peas mashed potatoes gravy all heavy with fat, lard and cream. Johns mouth watered he never thought he would feel this way for a trey of food but he needed it he craved it. Not even waiting for a fork he began to gorge. As this whole ordeal took place tim and John cam several times before the feast had finished tim was completely naked and drenched in his own cum and sweat. And John had taken his sweat pants and shirt off and was laying down on the couch. The plate laid empty and Johns belly looked monstrous. Giant and swollen he looked like he had gained a good 70 pounds. His neck, back and butt all looked a little softer even a pair of love handles had sprouted. His once hard pecs lay soft on his doughy belly. He even had a slight double chin if you looked at the right time. Tim got up and sat on the foot next to his bloated buddy.

"So is my cooking better then his now?" Tim said chuckling a bit as he grabbed a dolub of mashed potatoes left from Johns meal.

"Mmmm soo...full....but..h-he's huff pretty good pant" John spoke trying to keep it all down.

Then as tim got up from the wooden floor he grabbed Johns hands and used all of his new muscle and hoisted John to his wobbly feet. Then he guided him into there shared bed chambers. John plopped onto the bed like he hadn't seen me in days. His now bearded face found a pillow and he dosed off. His body seemed more hairy like a bear a big hairy bear. But minus the Muscles, tim who had always need hairy looked at his peach skin he slicked back his blond hair and laid next to his growing lover.
19 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 5 years
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Slspillo 4 years
Great story, but your spelling and punctuation let you down. Sort that out and this will sing!
Nok 7 years
awesome cover photo, lol, someone should do a Mac weight gain story