The job

  By Fatj

chapter 13: filling in

The past few weeks had been heaven for tim and John.  They got to re decorat eat out have sex. John had a new eating plan where he would eat constantly even if he wasn't hungery. He would eat at least 6 meals per day not counting snacks. Even though his snack portions were the size of a 5 course meal.

The chefs cooking made John want to eat more and soon enough he couldn't button his pants. He stopped wearing pants all together and strode around in a pair of white underwear. His belly began to sag over the waist band and cut into his hips. He would stay in his bedroom only leaving to get more food.

"Hey John I'm going out there's food in the fridge and cuboards if you need anything ask the teddy the chef!" Tim said as he went to leave the house.
John rose and went to the fridge after a night of dreaming of being strapped down and stuffed. The moment he opened the fridge it was stuffed full of fatty foods. He practically took the entire fridge into the living room and turned on the tv. John began to stuff cookies, Chocolate bars, an entire ham, a chocolate cake, cup cakes even a whole bottle of maple syrup. Into his hungery mouth. He slapped his heavy belly with his chocolate covered hand leaving a print on his fuzzy mid section.

After several hours of stuffing John rushed into the luxurious bathroom to release a bowle movent he finally got a good look at his refection as he rushed by. As he finished he looked at it in more detail. His face was bushy his once chiseled jaw now covered by fat and a thick coat of dark red hair his hair was a mess and his eyes looked tired. Then John thought about it he hadn't showered in ages. John stripped down and stepped into the shower as the hot water hit is face. The dried food crumbled into the drain. He washed his greasy hair much longer then before.  He then washed his hairy body now much more to clean. He cleaned up his ass much more easier now and his cock. After he stepped out he stepped on the scale. 256 pounds wow John thought as he groped his belly with 2 hands. He was completely naked and his dick throbbed for attention. He went out and into his room grabbing the dildo and using it shoving the whole thing up his ass moaning he took it out and bagan to shove it down his throat until his white whisp of cum exploded out of his dick as this happened teddy opened the door shocked
"Oh I'm terribly sorry to bother you but it's been a whole hour and you haven't eaten anything"
"Just the thing I needed" John said as he was gifted with a silver trey with only the most fattening foods on it all deep fried and baked with greas and double the butter. As teddy left John dug into the food. As he turned on the tv.

After he burped with satisfaction he was so full that he couldn't move. His belly as tight as a drum. Then as he burped again tim opened the door to see John propped up against the side of his bed. Food dishes everywhere and his belly sitting on his lap. 
"Somone enjoyed themselves" Tim began taking off his tight shirt to reveille a fit body he had pecs abbs even his butt was fit his once round face now chiseled like a god. Every aspect of him had changed from when they first met except for his golden blond hair. Even his chest hair was as golden as ever.

"Tim I missed you man where did you go?" John asked as he took a bite of a half eaten corn dog.
"Did teddy feed you?"
"Dose it look like I've been staving?"
"Fair point" Tim said as he sat next to him. He then grabbed a burger from the trey and fed it to John with willing arms.

John ate like a champ every second he spent eating helped to his end goal. Tim made love to him as he moaned with pleasure. Then as he came enough to fill a milk jug they both fell asleep on top of each other.

As John awoke his stomach growling he looked to see tim still asleep. As he went into the kitchen he saw the time 10:38 am. John grabbed a cold peice of cake and dug in not even grabbing a plate just shoving it in next to the fridge. Then as he was about to eat another bite he saw tim in the door way.
"Looks like you're enjoying yourself, mind if I help?" Tim said straddling into Johns belly. He groaned as tim grabbed the plate with the cake on it he forced peice after peice into Johns greedy mouth, but the amount of calories that were in the cake were about double the amount of a pound cake.

John after an hour finally excepted defeat and pushed tim away so he could breath. Then as he steadied his breathing the door bell rang. Tim answered, and came back with a large tub several large tubs actually. About 30 large tubs with the label lard plastered on.

"Alright John one of these tubs per day will get you to 300 in no time!" Tim said throwing John a 20 pound tub. He caught it with much difficulty. Opening the tub with his bare hands the sweet aroma of sugar wafted through the air.

"Condensed lard mixed with sugar and cream, the most fattening thing on the planet. Took me about a month to find a place that would sell me one let alone 30" Tim spoke hauling the tubs into the kitchen.
"I mean if you want we could cook with it, or if you don't mind eating it like that" Johns hands and mouth already full of the stuff. It tasted like nothing John had had before. It was sweet salty and creamy all at once plus the fact that he was practically gaining weight by the mouth full made him crave it more.

By the time John was halfway done his belly now bloated to its limit he then saw teddy the chef come out with a plate stacked high with donuts. And a plate of bacon probably both fried in the lard mixture. Tim who was sitting next to John looked facinated even growing a hard on at his bloated lovers face.
He then put down the tub and grabbed the plate of donuts taking a bite nearly finishing it.

Donut after donut he ate vigorously only slowing to use the bathroom. He continued this for another hour his underwear digging into his waist even his thighs. His body bulging. His under shirt that was about 4 sizes too small rode up to the arch of his belly. His face covered in the white substance of the lard mixture and the donuts even a few crumbs of bacon lay remenicent on his now furry face.

"So next week we need you at 280-300 pounds for the next comercial"

"Tim I'm probably already 300 can we take a brake I feel like I'm gonna throw up"
Tim rose into the kitchen and came out 5 minutes later with a shake.
"Hunger formula, it'll ease the pain" he said as john chugged the whole pitch "just don't drink it all, Welp you're gonna get hungry real fast" Tim said taking the jug from john. He burped releasing gas and making more room.
"Hey do we have any burgers? Maybe pankackes, chicken nuggets!" John said estaticklly teddy heard his request and got straight to cooking.
"Teddy why don't you take the rest of the day off I'll take John out its been a while since he's seen daylight" Tim said.

"Ugh alright listen my mom's got cancer I might not be back for a month or 2 if that alright with you she's in cali and I already got my plane ticket I was gonna tell-"

"No need take as long as you'd like" Tim said hugging teddy. As he left 10 minutes later his bag filled with enough clothes to last a few months he was out the door.

"Alright John get some clothes on"
"I haven't worn anything in a few weeks I don't think anything fits"

"Ah don't think about that here we'll have a little fashion show" Tim said leaving the living room and coming back with clothes that looked far too small for John to wear .
"Alright try these on" Tim said chucking them towards him.

The first thing John tried on was a pair of 32 sized pants they barley fit over his ass let alone his waist or his thighs.
"Didn't we buy a bigger size then this?" He said tugging at them.

"Eh I did but it was worth the sho" Tim said taking a picture.
After there photo shoot of far too small clothes John finally compromised on a sweater that belonged to tim in his fat days and a pair sweats.
19 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 5 years
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Slspillo 4 years
Great story, but your spelling and punctuation let you down. Sort that out and this will sing!
Nok 7 years
awesome cover photo, lol, someone should do a Mac weight gain story