The job

  By Fatj

chapter 14: a canadien thanksgiving

"Tomorrow's thanksgiving" Tim said coming back with everything on a trey.
"So what do you have planned? "

"Well my mom always makes enough to feed 45 people and you can surly stuff enough in you. So we should go" he said grabbing a burger.
"Hey if you want more you're always welcome!" John said pushing the trey towards tim.
"Nah I already ate too much" Tim lied.
Going to bed unsatisfied tom wanted to be big again have enough fat and muscle that he'd be huge, he wanted to be his dad. His dad was 350 pounds of a mixture of fat and muscle more fat but held it well in a huge beer gut. Tim had always loved the way it's thick tight belly looked after diner when he'd unbuckle his pants and watch the game. The way his labor breathing was the way he looked red in the face, the same look John had given nearly every meal since they'd met. About 6 weeks ago.

Later that night tim awoke his stomach growled for attention he was starved. He wondered to the kitchen his tight white tee looks magnificent with his tight body even his striped underwear tight around his cock. He opened the fridge door a blast of fridged air cooling his body. Teddy had stockpiled enough for the apocalypse. And he'd eat enough food for thanksgiving he wanted to be fat again fatter then John. Then it hit him the shakes. He grabbed a packet of the hunger stimulate and poured it into a jug along with 3 others weight gain formula, Chocolate powder and more hunger stimulate. He then poured half a jug of wiping cream and condensed milk. And topped it off with a nice cup of chocolate milk, if he was hungry now boy was he excited he wanted to eat everything. As the drank he grew more and more hungry he grabbed a half eaten pizza from the night before and practically inhaled it. Then after nearly 3 hours of stuffing the lights turned on. He had grabbed a chair and sat next to the fridge 3 hot dogs shoved halfway into his mouth as he turned around.

"Guess you really were hungry? Hun" John asked Tim swollowing the hot dogs.

Tim speaking his voice raspy "Uh yea got a little hungry Um I promise it'll never happen again, I know you're the one who's supposed to get fat not me and I'm ok with it-"
"Stop I liked you fat" John said pushing tim back down onto the chair and sliding his shorts off with much difficulty. His belly had bloated up to 4 times its normal size. Revealing his dick dripping with pre cum. John began to suck and stroke tim's dick he moaned groaned and growled as he erupted sending white cum into Johns mouth. John looked lust in his eyes at his lover his white shirt now covered in food. Then as they both began to eat the remaining storage in the fridge morning struck.

"Tonight we are going to have a compatition, me and my dad used to always have one before I joined the football team" Tim said as he rose to stretch his beyond stuffed gut.

"Wow me and my dad had nothing in common we didn't even talk much then we got in a big fight and I haven't talked to him since, same with my mom" John said as he ate a burger from the night before. Tim then grabbed his 5th beer and took a swig. "Hey I'm still kinda hungry" Tim said an hour later still kicking from the drink.

"Well why don't we go out I mean we kinda ate out the house?" John said as he kissed tim on the lips.
"You're about 250? Right" Tim asked
"Ye I weighed myself 2 days ago I think"
"We need you at 300 by next week I don't know if it's even possible man" Tim said obviously a little tipsy.

"Hey that's ok I'll just eat double I am now and I'm sure I'll reach it in no time" John said feeling his skin tight shirt that didn't even cover his belly button. "Man I need new clothes"

"Yea I mean I don't know if you'll even fit into any of my dress shirts I mean you can try them on?" Tim said grabbing cheese slices and going into there shared bedroom. After 10 minutes tim came out with a pile of dress clothes.

John tried on clothes for hours until the morning sun exploded onto the city. John found a one that wouldn't exactly fit if he'd eat more then what he ate this morning and his pants dug into his torso anything that once fit tim was either busted covered in food stains or just too big for John to fit in it. Tim came out dressed as well his shirt fitting snuggly on his now extremely bloated middle.

"My mom said she is so excited to meet you!" Tim said as they sat on the couch watching a talk show.Later that day around 4:30 they headed out John squeezed into a button up that barley held his massive load. Tim on the other hand looked spender and toned even if he had been eating since the middle of the night. Half of the tubs of lard had been demolished and laid rolling on the kitchen floor as they left. Getting in the car Tim looked as if he was about to throw up even tho it had been a good 7 hours since he had eaten and was starved.

"I haven't seen my parents since I came out" he wispered aloud.
"Hey.... it's ok my parents don't even know" John said his charm showed more then ever on his face.

Tim chuckled and kissed John. As they drove tim and Johns hunger grew stronger and stronger. "They haven't seen me skinny in like 10 years! I got fat right out of highschool then got skinny didn't see them due to the 'love of my life' then got huge now I'm back to skinny and I want to get fat again!" Tim said.
"I will literally love you no matter your size or shape, you'll always be mine" John said as tim pulled up to his parents house.

As they knocked on the door tim began to sweat and the butterflies that laid dormant for so long exploded in his stomach. It opened and a lady answered she was around 50-60 her hair growing grew she wore a floral shirt and denim jeans.
"Tim!" She said in a sigh of relief. "I missed you, oh my god you look skinny...hey Rob come check out your son!" She called as they entered. The house was beautiful the warm aroma or turkey wafted through the air.

John saw a man in a lazy boy chair that had to be tim's dad, but he wasn't the fat man with muscle no this man had to be 500 pounds. He rose making The floor boards Creek
"Tim?" Rob said as the giant man moved in for a hug. "Jesus last time I saw you, you were around 300" the giant of a man said.
"Oh this is John my boyfriend" Tim said introducing him. John put out a hand but instead he was pulled into a hug as well. Be smelled of sweat and beer maybe meat his red shirt he was wearing had holes in it and the suspenders he wore looked about to snap.
"Tim I hope you can still compete"
"Oh you know it dad and this time i think John should compete he's a big eater" Tim said eyeing John's bloated belly underneath his button up that looked far to small for him.
"Tim you mind helping me with the turkey?" His mother called.
"Um I can do it" John volunteered "go talk to your dad" he said to Tim walking towards the kitchen.

"I'm really proud of you. You look great! Wish I could say the same thing" Rob began laughing as he shook his gigantic belly. Tim eyed it almost getting a boner.
"Uh yeah John really inspired me to lose it" he said looking at john's tight ass. he was taking out the turkey with his meaty arms.
"So you really love him?" Rob asked.
"Yeah I really do" he said sincerely.
"Back when I was a jock on the football team-"
"-diners ready" Rob's wife called as John transported the turkey to the table with everything else.
"Martha this looks amazing you really outdid yourself" Rob said taking a seat the chair Creeked as he placed his enlarged ass on the wooden chair. He rubbed his hands together he began to dig in. John and Tim also sat down John now starving began to shovel food into his mouth through witty conversation. After nearly 3 hours. Tim had given up nearly 30 minutes In and Rob and John were still going strong. John had popped the 3 buttons on his shirt revealing his hairy torso. Rob's shirt had ridden up to his midsection. Finally John gave up throwing in the rag.

"You need some new clothes Hun?" Rob said to John eyeing his ripped shirt and pants. "I'll get him some of yours?" Martha added heading into there bedroom. Coming back with a heap of clothes she directed john to the bedroom."it's the smallest I could find of his if they're too big just Hollar" she said as he walked in.

"So you're gay?" He asked "well when I was about 20 something like that me and my football team would always have a gay orgy after every game, I miss them so much man. But I found your mom" Rob said. Tim blushed as he felt his phone buzz. "They're too tight" it was from john. "What?", "The pants I can't even get them over my ass, go get something bigger!" John said through text. Tim rose and went into the bedroom finding a pair of pants he brought them into the room seeing John struggling to get them over his ass.

"Alright it was so nice meeting you John" Rob and Martha said. "Love you mom, dad" Tim said closing the door. And walked out into the chilly fall air. John still extremely bloated and felt so groggy. Rob from the closed door burped so loudly that Rob and John both heard it getting into there shared car.
19 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 5 years
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Slspillo 4 years
Great story, but your spelling and punctuation let you down. Sort that out and this will sing!
Nok 7 years
awesome cover photo, lol, someone should do a Mac weight gain story