The job

  By Fatj

chapter 18: cheese cake

January 15th.

Its been 3 weeks since Christmas and John's up 40 pounds making him around 340. Absolutely huge they did another commercial and the public loves him. Walkings getting harder and he gets out of breath way easier but it's all worth it. The constant food he felt like royalty. That night Tim turned on the tv. They watched all his commercials. From his killer 6pack to I tiny little bump. To a skinny fat stage. Then a chubby stage where his shirt didn't fit. Then the one where you could see his entire gut to the newst one. He's holding a bag of burgers eating one his smile is incredible. He's wearing the same shirt and it barley covers his moobs. John has full on man boobs now and it's amazing. and hes talking but with a full mouth so it's hard to make out what he says.

Everyone's fat. Its fucking amazing. Like seriously who thought that in 50 years everyone would be huge absolutely stuffed. Fast food places got bigger and more popular and healthy shops died off. Nearly everybody in the world is obese. Tim and John go to the mall one late Saturday afternood and they only spot one guy that looks to be under 250. Tim weighed about 255 now and days and had to wear John's old clothes. About 85 people are in radicle scooters their fat hanging low. They looked like complete zombies. Tim thought buying bigger pants for himself. While John thought hungerly about supper. Actually John had grown accustomed to eating 24/7 so when he was without food he'd become extremely hungry and agitated. He ate ravagely to a plate of brownies that he had made the dark crumbs all over his enormous belly. The pure weight of it all had Tim salivating. He rubbed his enormous belly while looking lustfully into John's eyes.

3 days later and 4 pounds to John's waist he ripped a pair of sweat pants. That's a first. Thought Tim as he ate a tub of ice cream.
"Dude. I'm never full, tonight I say we stuff me. Like never before, like I'm in a coma for a week" John suggested one late afternoon. Tim looked like he had a boner. And called a bunch of places. He left after and John Wondered what he had in store. Though his habits were unhealthy he still wanted to be bigger. Mountains of food arrived within the hour and John waited patiently for Tim to return. But he felt every inch of fat on his body. He looked sexy. Like a real man. Tim returned with about 1000$s worth of groceries. And he set a timer for how long it would take.

Going into the night John ate about 4000 calories per hour. Eating rich fat and greasy foods, he ditched his shirt 30 minutes in when he got too hot and he just wanted to wait till his pants split to take them off. He felt mildly exausted he shouldn't have eaten so much before he started. But alas drifting off to sleep at 3 o'clock In the morning he couldn't even move from the couch. Waking up late he smelled the sweet aroma of bacon
"Good you're up" Tim said carrying a tray that held a extreme amount of food that could feed a whole army. Eating at a continuous rate had made his gut bloated and it didn't go down.

4 hours of constant stuffing and the being pinned by his gut John felt as if he was about to bust. He needed sleep. A continuous loop had become a thing and John's schedule would consist of 3 things. Eat until he felt as if he'd bust. Sleep for a few hours use the bathroom eat some more and the cycle continued 1,2,3,4 days of minimal movement and constant calories had made him extremely fat. Each night ended in extremely good sex or dick sucking or something kinky. On the 4th night the extremely bloated John stepped on the scale. 370 read and Tim got hard instantly. "30 pounds in 4 days" Tim said.
"How about we make it 5" John said completely intoxicated by how much food he had eaten..
"Fuck" Tim breathed and made a phone call while John gorged on a whole pizza rolling it up like a burrito and stuffing it in his hungry greedy messy mouth. 18 cheese cakes ordered to Tim's house. And 18 cheese cakes would make their way into John's hungry ever growing gut.

"That should get you into the 50s at least" Tim says stroking his own gut at the sight of the mass of John. He had so far eaten 5 and looked as if he would finally bust. He looked absolutely engorged by gluttony taken down by 5 measley cakes.
"Come on big guy one more"
"I'm *burp* so *grunt* full" but once Tim waved the cake in front of John's face he began to eat again.. and again until he ripped the pair of gym pants he had been wearing. Exposed ass and exposed Everything John ate more truely fueling him until every last cake had disappeared.
19 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 5 years
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Slspillo 4 years
Great story, but your spelling and punctuation let you down. Sort that out and this will sing!
Nok 7 years
awesome cover photo, lol, someone should do a Mac weight gain story