The klauss experiments part 3

Chapter 3 - klauss findings

Getting Julie to calm down after her recent incident was not small feat. To say she was mortified would have been putting it mildly. Klauss found that he was a bit ashamed of himself for putting this poor girl into this situation, but there wasn't anything he could do about it now. If he found a way through his research to cure her, he would do so. If not, he could consider Julie one more sacrifice to the progress of science.
After Klauss got her to stop crying, he was able to have the hospital locate some larger clothes for her to wear. Klauss figured she must have gained another forty pounds at lest with this last episode. He wanted to get another weight measurement, but knew it would likely send Julie into a renewed bout of hysterics if she saw how much she weighed now. If Klauss had to guess (and given his genius brain, Klauss' guesses were usually to be relied upon) he would have put her at about 215 pounds, give or take a couple pounds. It was amazing; Julie had managed to put on one hundred pounds in less than a day, something which Liz had done in two. Perhaps her self-control was weaker than Liz's, but it could also be that Klauss' semen had become more potent with age. The only way he would know that for sure would be if he subjected another woman to it. He would take that into consideration, but for now he had his hands full with Julie.
After he was able to secure her a XXL size set of sweats to wear and called Julie a cab home, Klauss secured his samples and headed back home. There was work to be done.
Analyzing the blood would take some time, days perhaps. Klauss needed to test it for any abnormal hormones and proteins and such and those tests were very meticulous. Studying the vaginal tissue might take less time. The first step there was checking it under a microscope.
When he put his eye to the viewfinder, Klauss was able to see a notable difference right away. The number of cells that made up nerve-endings seemed to be incredibly high. Klauss couldn't project any solid figures without further testing, but he guessed that Julie now had ten times as many nerve-endings in her vagina as she did previously. This would certainly explain her increased sex drive. The development of these nerve-endings would also undoubtedly have been very painful at first, hence the extreme reaction Julie had had when Klauss ejaculated into her. The shock to her system could also explain her blacking out and loss of memory upon waking. Of course all this was only hypothesis so far. Klauss would definitely need to reproduce this experiment if he wanted any concrete facts. That would mean finding another woman to do this to. That would come late, though. For now Klauss needed to monitor Julie and watch for any other side effects or developments that might occur. He also needed the results of her blood test before he could even begin to derive any conclusions about what he had done to her. In short, he couldn't start experimenting on another subject until all possible questions and facts had been successfully established with his current one.
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Noarthereonl... 11 years
Oh this is getting good smiley
Kamina 11 years
The forked progression is still awesome; keep it up please.
Insearchofbbw 11 years
Great Story. Keep going
Biggzv 11 years
keep writing. I want to hear about a new test subject
Shadowtower 11 years
Sorry about chapters two and three. Not sure what happened there.