Enslaved interview

chapter 2 - second part of interview

"Did you feel different?"

"Not immediately. Mr Carter followed the instructions that came with the device. I don't know how long it took, but I remember being non-compliant initially. He would ask me questions or give me commands, and I remember being tremendously rude to him, but he was patient and kind that morning. Instead of punishing me for my insolence, he rewarded me. It was small amounts at first, little buzzes of stimulation in my pussy and on my clit. At first it felt intrusive and I tried to resist becoming aroused, but over time it became more difficult to stay in control. The feeling of surrender was frightening. I didn't understand what was happening or why it was so hard for me to resist my growing desire to give myself to him completely. I'll never forget the first time I felt the full effect of the motivator inside me - it was incredible - like nothing I'd ever experienced before."

"Can you tell us what it was like Sarah?" Hannah asks, her tone almost a little squeamish.

"Well, I don't think you can understand if you've never felt it Ma'am, but try to imagine the happiest and most satisfied you've ever been - the most intense pleasure you've ever felt. It was like that, only much, much better. I could feel the device vibrating lightly against my clitoris and inside me, but I'm sure it was doing more than simply stimulating my vagina. I think now that it was tapping directly into my nervous system, stimulating me hormonally, electrifying my pleasure centers. I was in heaven! For how long, I really don't know, but when it stopped it was the most awful feeling in the world. It didn't hurt, it was simply that having known how much pleasure my body was capable of, and having it taken away was like being suddenly blinded. I remember Mr Carter smiling as I began to shake and babble incoherently. I was trying to beg him to give me that pleasure again, but I couldn't form the words, my mind felt like it had been turned to jelly. I can only tell you things that it was like, but there's no way to communicate to you how intense it was unless you've felt it. It was as though my whole body was on the verge of an enormous orgasm, and suddenly the simulation was taken away, leaving me so hungry and frustrated, so badly in need of release."

Hannah turns to the camera and smiles. "We're going to discuss the details of how the Vaginal Motivator works later for our audience once Slave Sarah has left - Mr Carter has expressed that he prefers his property not to understand the details of how her motivational device works." Turning back to me she says. "Please carry on Sarah - what happened next?"

"I don't know how long I was there, tightly restrained on the frame, my body bucking and spasming in my restraints as I tried to marshal my faculties to beg him to end my torment. I had been in heaven, and now I was locked out. In the end I came down though. I lay there, sweating and shivering with despair. Eventually he started to talk to me again. He never explained the rules to me, he just started to issue commands. One of the first things he told me to do was to clench my vagina, and I remember feeling so humiliated by the request. I hesitated, but then I did it. I squeezed down on the small device in my pussy, and tried not to think about how ashamed I was to give control of the most intimate parts of my body to him. When I did it though, I felt a brief pulse of pleasure. Not like what I had felt before, but just the briefest hint of it. It was enough for me to realize that he held the keys to my body's capacity for infinite bliss."

"How did that make you feel Sarah?" Hannah asks.

"At first I was angry, it felt like a very different kind of control to being cuffed and hobbled, or even to being drugged. It felt like he had taken the most personal part of me and made it his. I wanted to shout and protest that this wasn't fair. So far being a slave had meant being forced to give up control of my body and my behavior, and even loosing my conscious mind for a time, but this was like him reaching into my deepest self, not leaving anything of me that was mine any more. That didn't last long though. My body and my brain adapted quickly, leaving my sense of injustice behind. As he commanded me, and as I obeyed, he would reward me with little strokes of the delight and joy that I had felt - echoes of it, but never the full aching pleasure I craved. Once that started it didn't take long for me to break. Within minutes I found myself overcome with a sense of need to please him, a craving to show him that I was worthy of the reward that I knew was his to give me. When he released me from the frame, and I stood, unrestrained, in front of him, I knew what I must do, and it felt like the most natural thing in the world. I knelt down on the floor, lowered my gaze, and asked him if I might be of any service to him. He indicated the bulge in his pants, and I felt an overwhelming need to serve him. I could see that he had an unsated desire that I was blessed enough to be able to quench. I approached him on my knees, and unfastened his belt and pants. As I took his cock in my mouth it felt that achieving that sense of deep joy and bliss was the most important thing in the world, and pleasing Mr Carter was the same thing - if I could serve him faithfully and please him then I would be rewarded with the most fulfillment a human being is capable of feeling."

"How do you feel right now? Are you being stimulated now?" Hannah asks.

"My vaginal motivator manages my body's arousal and reward levels at all times Ma'am. As long as I am not disobedient it maintains my stimulation at a level where I don't feel the emptiness and pain of withdrawal, but right now I am receiving a pulse of pleasure whenever I comply with your commands. I can feel it vibrating gently, stimulating my pussy and the rest of my body, and I feel pleasantly aroused." I spread my legs wide in the chair, using my hands to separate the flesh of my thick thighs so that the audience can see the part of my motivator that is visible, nestling between the lips of my plump vulva.

"Its strange if I think about it." I say, running my finger absentmindedly between the edge of the device and my moist labia. "Although it is in my pussy, right now its my nipples that are tingling with pleasure." I cup one of my heavy breasts with my other hand, supporting the weight of my full mammary and brushing my erect nipple with my thumb. "I'm trying to please you as best I can, not so much because I know that if I do my vaginal motivator will increase my level of stimulation, but just because that is what my mind has been shaped to want to do. Over time my body's pleasure centers have learned that if I please Mr Carter enough he allows me to experience the heaven of optimal stimulation of my reward system."

For a moment I am lost in the delicious sensations of the interplay of my body and my motivator, but then I notice the uncomfortable look on Hannah's face. "I-I'm sorry Ma'am, I got carried away. Please, forgive me."

Crossing her legs nervously Hannah is glad to move the conversation on. "That's ok Sarah. Now, I understand that you were not always, well..." Hannah's eyes linger on my breasts as I sit up strait again, reluctantly returning my hands to the tops of my thighs.

"Do you mean fat, Ma'am?" I suggest, smiling.

"Yes!" She laughs, relieved at my having broken the awkward moment.

"No - I wasn't - when I came into Mr Carter's service I was very slim and fit. I think that he chose me in part because of how attractive he found my body. I'm probably going to be in trouble for mentioning it." I say, smiling nervously. "But I think this caused some issues between Mr and Mrs Carter."

"How do you mean, Sarah?" Hannah asks.

"Well, I think that Mrs Carter was jealous of how often Mr Carter wanted to take his pleasure with me. I think she felt that he was more interested in me sexually than in her. I am a lot younger than her, and was a lot slimmer than her too. Of course it was never an issue before I was fitted with my motivator. I don't think Mrs Carter ever felt threatened when I had to be restrained and taken forcibly. What you need to understand is that after my device was fitted I became a very different slave - I was completely devoted to meeting Mr Carter's needs and to pleasing him in any way I could. For example, I would bring him his coffee in the morning and wake him in time for work by taking his penis in my mouth and gently giving him oral pleasure. He enjoyed being woken that way, and often let me receive his cum in my mouth before I dressed him, but I could tell that Mrs Carter didn't like that."

"Oh, I can see why that would be difficult." Hannah says. "How did he address that problem?"

"Well Ma'am, the compromise that Mr and Mrs Carter came to was that he would still be able to enjoy me sexually, but that I was to put on weight until I was significantly fatter than Mrs Carter."
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 7 years
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Nok 7 years
Love the new chapter, though I wish it was like three chapters long
Badhansel 7 years
Do continue!
Nok 7 years
This is gonna be amazing
Jazzman 7 years
Very well written and impossible to stop reading. A unique plot too. I really like this story!
WayTooThin 7 years
FatInLosAngeles 7 years
OMG this is amazing! I need more