Enslaved interview

chapter 3 - conclusion

"Oh!" Hannah gasps - forgetting her usual calm demeanor for a moment. "Erm, can you tell us more about that?"

"Of course Ma'am! It was as simple as a command from Mr Carter that I should replace my normal diet with one that was much, much higher in calories and fat, and keep eating until I was well over the 180 pounds that Mrs Carter weighed. I didn't find it hard, in fact, my motivator made sure that it was pleasurable for me to over-eat. I still had regular meals, but any time I had a few spare minutes I would down a high fructose corn syrup mix, or whatever I could get my hands on. I've always been pretty trim, but it didn't take long for me to start to gain weight. I put on most on my belly and hips, although as you can see, I bulked out all over!"

"Wasn't it strange, being ordered to change your body that way Sarah?" Hannah asks, fidgeting a little.

"No Ma'am. It was the most natural thing in the world. I remember the first time I felt my inner thighs rub together as I walked - I was so proud! Watching how much satisfaction Mrs Carter got from it was also very rewarding. I could see that she felt more comfortable with me around with every pound I gained. Mr Carter also ordered me to stop shaving, and to only shower once a day. Before I had been very diligent about my personal grooming, but now I was to let my body hair grow out, and not clean away the musky smell from my underarms and my pussy until the next morning. That was probably the biggest adjustment, because while he had ordered it, I could tell that Mr Carter didn't find me as attractive any more."

"Go on..." Hannah prompts. "How did you resolve those two conflicting goals?"

"Well, It was hard at first, but it became very clear that my primary task had to be to obey my orders. Mrs Carter liked to use me in degrading ways when Mr Carter was out. One of her favorite games was to turn my Vaginal Motivator up to deliver incredibly strong stimulation while I worked all day but deny me release, then have me watch while Mr Carter ***ed her when he came home. Afterwards she would have me wash her with my tongue while she explained that Mr Carter preferred to *** her than his 'fat little piggy slave."

"That sounds terrible Sarah!" Hannah says, and I realize I have gone too far.

"No-no- it was good Ma'am - the Carter's were pleased with my service and when Mr Carter found out what Mrs Carter had been doing I think he found it arousing. He would come and visit me in the slave quarters late at night and take his pleasure with me. He seemed to enjoy the fact that I was fat and hairy, and he said I smelled like an animal in heat. He likes to take me from behind, making me beg him to let me cum and tell him that he makes me feel like his bitch in heat. Of course, he does! Its an amazing feeling to be stimulated all day, given pleasure but no satisfaction. It doesn't take long in the morning for my pussy to smell of sex and arousal, and for my body to betray my need to anyone who cares to look. When he takes me, satisfying me with his cum, it's the most amazing release I've ever had."

"Thank you. To finish up, how do you feel about being a slave in general Sarah, and what would you say to free women out there who are curious about what it is like?"

"Honestly Ma'am, if I was offered my freedom I would not take it. I understand that the technology in the Vaginal Motivator is illegal for use by free citizens. The reason is that people are not able to use it on themselves responsibly. With respect, if you had one, and could activate it yourself, you would spend all day with it switched on, and starve to death eventually! It feels so good you couldn't stop even to eat or drink. If you felt it, even once, you would be a slave to it for the rest of your life. I'm able to experience that pleasure because my master knows the right amount to administer, and will not let me have too much. I'm grateful for that, because without him I would be living a dull, grey life, without the incredible feelings of and joy I am filled with. Being his slave is the most satisfying and meaningful thing I could be."

"Wow, that does sound tempting Sarah." Hannah laughs nervously, crossing her legs and smiling to the camera.
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 7 years
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Nok 7 years
Love the new chapter, though I wish it was like three chapters long
Badhansel 7 years
Do continue!
Nok 7 years
This is gonna be amazing
Jazzman 7 years
Very well written and impossible to stop reading. A unique plot too. I really like this story!
WayTooThin 7 years
FatInLosAngeles 7 years
OMG this is amazing! I need more