
  By Edxl

Chapter 9 - ch 9 flesh

I was stunned, trying to absorb what was happening, trying to soak in the beery taste of his lips and the heat that seemed to radiate across my belly from his fingers.

He stepped back suddenly, shaking his head like a dog trying to shed water, saying "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I'd hammered back a couple of beer while I was watching you chop wood. Can we." He stopped when I held up a hand, like a traffic cop.

"Why are you apologizing?"

"I don't want to lose you as a friend. I know better than just to go kiss someone, I" Again I cut him off.

It felt strange, to be running on instinct but to be so very sure I was right. "Gord, why are you assuming I have a problem with it?"

"Well you're not, I mean, I, you, we..." He stopped, took a panicked breath, and said "You didn't kiss back, so I know I ***ed up."

I was tempted to let him sweat a bit more, but I couldn't stop the grin spreading across my face. "Gord, you surprised me, and you stopped before I got over the surprise. If you are willing to try again?"

The look in his eyes almost broke my heart, a mix of hope and terror and excitement and something I couldn't quite identify. He seemed frozen. I stepped forward, put one hand out onto his shoulder, very aware of the sweat in his t-shirt under my hand. He still didn't move, so I leaned forward, and brought my lips to his.

It took a moment, but then his lips began to move, and we were kissing each other.

I can't describe how amazing that felt. Some part of my mind was aware that my hand was squeezing at the muscles of his shoulder, but I couldn't stop that any more than I could stop kissing him. I stepped forward, to be closer to him, and my belly bumped into him.

I flinched backwards, but suddenly his hands were on my waist, grabbing my love handles, and with effortless strength he pulled hard up against him, smooshing my belly hard into him. My other hand found its way up to the back of his neck and pushed his lips harder against mine. One of his hands slid down to my ass and dug in, pulling my groin more against him.

Finally I broke the kiss, gasping for air. Staring into his eyes from a few inches away I recognized that other emotion I hadn't been able to figure out a minute earlier: lust.

"You were watching me chop wood? With no shirt on, my fat shaking all over the place?"

"Yah, the gas station on the highway is selling propane tanks now, so I was back quickly. I went into the cottage to crack open a beer, and I saw you. I couldn't stop watching. I had a second beer, trying to calm down. I guess it didn't really work."

"I guess not. Umm, I'm glad it didn't. Uh, I was watching you too, when you were winching the dock."

"I know. I thought you were watching me before, but I was sure then. I hoped that, well, you know, but I didn't think it was possible."

"Yah, I know. I're sure, me? With how fat I am?"

"You were meant to be fat. I can't imagine you thinner. And, uh, I realized you ate that fourth burger and I saw the open hot dog package, thinking of you feeding your face as soon as I was gone, I couldn't exactly walk outside and face you right away, or even walk that easily."

I realized that my fingers on one hand were caressing his shoulder, the fingers of the other were playing with the hair at the nape of his neck. His hands were still gripping an ass cheek and a love handle. "Should we, you know, go inside maybe?'

We slowly broke our embrace, but I managed to snare one of his hands in mine before it was out of reach. He gave me a surprised look, I returned a smug smile, and he smiled in return. As we walked up to the cottage, hand in hand, he observed "You have soft hands."

"You like that?"

"Yah, I do."

"Good. I like your strong hands, too. Feeling them on my ass and love handles, it was, freak this is embarrassing to say, it was hot."

"It turned you on?"

"Yes, having your strong hands squeeze my fat turned me on, turns me on. There, I've said it out loud!"

"OK, I'll say it too. Grabbing your flab turns me on."

"Flab? You think I'm flabby?"

"Well, not really flabby, a little maybe. Does that bother you?"

"Actually, that turns me on, too."

"Really? You like me thinking that you have a flabby ass, and you like me squeezing your flabby ass?"

By then we had to let go of each others hands, so we could get through the door into the cottage. Once we were inside I pushed myself up against him, grabbed his hands and stuck them on my butt. Part of me couldn't believe that I was being so bold, but part of me felt like I had to take charge, that Gord was almost more scared of all this than I was.

He began squeezing my butt cheeks, at first gently then harder. I asked "When you saw I'd eaten a fourth hamburger, and a couple of hot dogs, were you saying it made you hard?"

"I don't know why, but yes."

"Is it because you want me to get fatter?"

"You don't have to, you are already fat."

"But you want me to, it would turn you on if I did?"

"Probably, yah. I mean."

Cutting him off was becoming a habit. "Gord, if I told you that I spent an entire week eating as much as I could, stuffing my face whenever I had any room, and that I loved it, I loved all that food, I loved feeling so full, I loved how huge my gut looked, and that I want to do that again and again, what would you say?"

He made a sort of chirping noise and had a stunned look on his face, but I felt his answer rise against me. I also found myself answering that in turn. Words began to tumble out of me as lust like I'd never felt before grabbed the wheels of my brain. "With all that pigging out, I'd become flabby, then really flabby, then 'oh damn look at all that flab.' Is that OK? How fat would you want me?"

"I don't know" the words came out of Gord in a sort of gasp.

I ground our crotches together, as best I could with the bulk of my belly between us. "You must have some idea, some fantasy."

"I don't know, just you eating, getting fatter, enjoying it..."

"Keep getting fatter and fatter and fatter? Did you know I have to shop in the fat guy store already?"

"You. Do?" It sounded like it was getting harder for him to form words, and suddenly I really, really, wanted to get him off. I pushed him back against the wall, and bent my knees just a bit so that my belly was pressed up more against the hardness in his pants.

"Yah, I'm that fat already, but I'm only a baby there, a forty-two. They go up to a sixty, can you imagine how fat I'd be then? I'd be so flabby all over my entire body, I'd be waddling, I'd"

Gasping, grasping me hard against him, Gord cut me off for a change "Your belly would be huge, hanging, soft."

I took up the fantasy as I kept grinding my belly against his cock "It would be so big and soft you could pretty much bury your dick in it. And you know what, I'd still be eating, still getting fatter, to fat to buy clothes in a store, a huge belly hanging to my knees, wrapping all that flab around you."

I took Gord's response of "Oh *** oh *** oh *********!" and his jerking against me to mean that I'd accomplished my goal. Gord kept me pressed against him, where I could hear the shuddering of his gasping breaths, the slow relaxation of his tensed up muscles.

Eventually he said "***, I can't believe I just came in my pants."

I smirked "I can't believe I just made you cum in your pants, just by dirty talk and rubbing my belly against you."

"No kidding. I had no idea....shit, you didn't cum though did you?" Without waiting for my reply he hastened to add "We can do, stuff, whatever, for you...." He trailed off, hesitant, then added "But we don't really have any, you know, protection."

"I'd like to do something, I think_I'm so ***ing turned on from getting you off. I don't really know what, I mean I've never....well, never even been kissed before. At least I should be disease free!. Have you been with a guy before?"

"No. I didn't even think, I mean, I've been with a couple of girls but...."


&quo t;Don't worry, we used protection, really carefully, I'm sure I'm clean too!"

"No, I mean, girls? I thought, that kiss, that you were, are...."


" ;Yah."

"Well, don't take this wrong, they were, uh, kind of fat girls."

"So you like fat girls and fat boys?"

"Well, mostly it has been fat girls before. But you, you're just so perfect."

"Is it because I'm getting tits and a ***?" God, I sounded shrill even to myself.

"No! Well, yah, I like those, but you aren't girly at all, I don't like you like a girl, I like you how you are. I just didn't know before, well maybe I just didn't admit how hot fat guys could be."

"But you ***ed them, I mean, like girls, the normal way? I can't really give you that."

He looked me straight in the eyes and said "They never made me cum in my pants, they never could have. I think you'll do more than fine."

I swallowed, hating to have to ask "OK, but are you OK with me, with, uh, the parts I have?"

"I've seen blow jobs done in porn, I always thought it looked like it could be fun. As for the rest, well, millions of gay guys seem to like it, I guess I will too."

I blushed as I realized what he meant. "Uh, I'm not sure I'm ready for that, and we don't have protection anyway."

"OK, blow job it is then!"

"You don't have to, we could..."

"Are you kidding, I've been wanting to see all your chubbiness naked since that morning I walked in on you brushing your teeth. As good an excuse as any."

"If you'll get naked too..."

All of our talking had let my erection, and my arousal in general, flag. But as soon as I could get my hands on his naked body this ceased being an issue. Gord may not have really known what he was doing, but really it didn't matter much as long as I could claw at his muscles.

When we were done, when my body and mind had stopped quivering I sighed and admitted "I guess I'm gay."
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 11 years , updated 2 years
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Debela 11 years
I agree, this is one of the best stories I have read on ff or other sites. Thank you very much for sharing and I hope you will keep writing and sharing it with us!
Debela 11 years
This story is awesome! I really hope you continue!!
Realitybased... 11 years
This story is lovely and sensual. I do hope you will continue!