Living the dream

Chapter 3 - the first day of my pokémon journey

The next day I woke up when Anna went to work. I changed myself and prepared for going out and running. Something that should have become a routine. I arrived in the kitchen and saw a big breakfast. 'Maybe Anna prepared too much for her and left it there. It smells delicious though. Why don't I ate something before going out? It's still hot and I'll burn those calories later' I erroneously thought. After breakfast I started to use my phone and spy other people's life when I saw that Pokémon Go was finally out. I waited so long for it and now my dream to become a pokémaster was becoming true. I changed myself quickly into my workout clothes to go out and catch some of my favourite Pokémon. 'This is the best game ever! I can workout and catch Pokémon. Finally it's out and I'll become one of the best trainers with my healthy lifestyle and my attitude to go out and run.'

After just five minutes I stopped running to catch my favourite Pokémon: Growlithe. After catching it I saw that a Gastly was near me, then there was a Pikachu and many other beautiful Pokémon. I wasn't running anymore but I was simply walking to one Pokéstop to another trying to localize my favourite monsters. Then the worst happened: there was a Pokéstop with a lure right next to bakery and a fast food. I heard my Stomach growl. I was simply hungry. Since it wasn't much from when I had breakfast I ordered some chicken nuggets, a small portion with fries and a coke. I didn't even realize eating them, my attention was only focused into those little coloured monsters. After the first lure finished, it was replaced by another one, and then another one and yet another one. I ordered some more to eat to keep me busy while waiting.

My mobile phone run out of battery. It was half past eleven. I forgot that I had to meet Anna in her workplace in half an hour. I got up and my eyes were caught a very fat woman. She was huge. She must have been more than 300 pounds. There were fat rolls everywhere. 'She's one of the most beautiful girl I ever saw.' I thought and couldn't keep my eyes off her. I continued staring at her while she ate in less than a minute one the biggest, fattest, greasiest hamburger of the shop. She was a mess. 'No wonder she's so fat, if she eats like that every day. I can't understand how people could let themselves get so big and fat without any respect for their body. She was amazing though. Her fat belly was spilling out of her clothes, her muffintop was out of control and I could see half of her ass when I passed near her.' These was my thoughts while I was walking on my way to Anna's workplace, munching a donut that I bought in the near bakery. I loved to watch girls gain incredible amount of weight and fat girls, yet I couldn't understand how they could let themselves go like that. They were losers, extremely attractive losers to take advantage for me. I sweared to myself that I will never let myself become a *** loser like them. I was a strong and independent girl with a lot of willpower. I loved my well toned and healthy body and I would never let anyone ruin it. It was too precious to me.

"Finally you are here! I waited so long!" greeted me Anna.
"I'm sorry. I was too busy catching Pokémons that I didn't realize what time it was."
"Really? Is it finally out? I can't wait to play it when I finish my shift. Do you want some slices of pizza? They are great!"
"Well, to be honest I'm quite hungry. Gimme two of them. Well, make it three! That stupid game must have stimulated my appetite."
"Here they are, honey." She said giving me the slices of pizza with a smiling at me.
"Don't you eat something for yourself?"
"I finished eating before you arrived. You know, I was too hungry and couldn't resist."
"Well done girl."

I continued eating my food and enjoying every bite of it. It was sure one of the best pizzas I ever had. At the end I went for another slice. Anna was happy to give me another one while we were talking about our mornings. I kept munching and speaking about my adventures while Anna was listening at what I was saying with a smile. A little sinister smile now that I remember, but at that time I didn't realize it.
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 7 years
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Jazzman 7 years
Very Nice! You write well in English
GrowingLoveH... 7 years
Nicely done. You write well, and the power of your story overcomes any problems with English.

I love stories where the fattener becomes the fattened! You are doing fine on this.