The compromise

Chapter 2 - the experiment begins

Kelly arrived at Dean's house a little before 7 on Friday. She was excited and nervous at the same time. When Dean answered the door, he smiled broadly and handed her a glass of sherry. "It sharpens the appetite," said Dean. Kelly could smell all the delicious food cooking in the kitchen, and her hunger did increase. She sat on the couch, sipping her sherry, as Dean worked in the kitchen. Right at 7, Dean announced that dinner was ready. "I'll be right there," said Kelly. "I want to wash my hands first." She entered the bathroom, stripped off her outer clothing, and came to the table wearing her bicycle shorts and a halter. When Dean came out of the kitchen with the first course, she posed provocatively. "Let's see if you can burst me out of these," Kelly challenged, smiling. Dean broke out laughing. "By the time you leave here, those shorts are going to feel like a girdle," said Dean, excitedly.

He directed Kelly to sit in an overstuffed easy chair. Pillows were arranged to make her as comfortable as possible. "Are you ready to eat?" said Dean. "I'm starving!" answered Kelly, reaching for the salad. "Oh, no," said Dean. "A woman being fed never feeds herself. I will feed you." Dean started to feed her the antipasto salad that was covered with a heavy portion of oil and vinegar. Kelly felt her excitement grow as she quickly finished the salad. Dean followed with a full bowl of Fettuccini Alfredo, which Kelly eagerly ate. "I'm still hungry," said Kelly slyly, as she finished the last bite of the pasta. "That's only the second course, answered a smiling Dean. He went off to the kitchen for the next course. He spoon fed her several portions of lasagna layered with fattening cheeses. As she ate the last bite, he patted her rounded stomach. "So big already, and we haven't even had dessert!" he said lovingly. Kelly felt her excitement grow as he stroked her bloated belly. "Dessert already? I ate more for lunch today than this," she said coyly. Dean returned with a plate of ravioli, and quickly fed Kelly. Kelly felt herself reaching capacity. With every bite, she felt more aroused. She knew that Dean was excited, and she was enjoying all the pampering and the way her body felt as he fed her. As Dean turned to go get the dessert, Kelly called after him. "Why don't we wait a while on dessert," He turned around and slowly helped Kelly out of her chair. "I never thought you could eat that much," said Dean admiringly, while staring at the stretched spandex of Kelly's bicycle pants. "With all the calories you just put away, you should be bursting out of those clothes any second." They sat on the couch together and talked while Dean softly massaged her swollen belly. Soon they were caressing and kissing, neither one of them being able to hold back the lust they felt for the other.

After 10 minutes, Dean forced himself off the couch. "It's time for dessert," he said smiling. Kelly looked down at the bulge in his pants. "If you don't mind, I would like to be served dessert in the bedroom." Dean helped Kelly off the couch, led her to the bedroom, and had her lie on the bed with her head propped up with pillows. When he was sure she was comfortable, he ran to the kitchen while Kelly laughed at his excitement. The butter log cake was loving fed to Kelly as she eagerly ate every bite. As he fed her, he stroked her soft thighs and belly. Every mouthful seemed to make her belly tighter. By the time the last bite was swallowed, Kelly could no longer control herself. She pulled Dean down on top of her. Their lovemaking was intense, and at the same time gentle. Both Dean and Kelly held nothing back as they quickly climaxed. They lay together cuddling awhile before making love again.

Just before midnight, Kelly slowly got up and started to put her outer garments on. "Stay the night," begged Dean. "I can promise a full breakfast in the morning." "Oh, no," said Kelly, with a crafty smile. "I have a special guest coming over for dinner tomorrow night, and I want to have everything perfect." Dean walked her to the door, all the while caressing her swollen belly. After a lengthy kiss that almost had them heading back to the bedroom, Kelly stroked her belly lovingly, smiled, and walked to her car.

When Dean knocked on Kelly's door, he heard her tell him to come in and sit at the table. He entered and sat down. He was a little nervous. A minute later, Kelly entered wearing a sheer harem outfit and carrying a crystal ball. "She is gorgeous," thought Dean. "And the tummy bulge from last nights' feast makes her even more beautiful." Kelly said nothing as she placed the crystal ball in the middle of the table, sat down, and took his hands in hers. She stared into the ball, then closed her eyes and spoke. "I see in your future big developments. As you expand your horizons, you will grow in stature. With my help, you will soon burst through barriers that now contain you. As your appetite escalates, you will grow fat consuming the preparations of others eager to please you." The emphasis she put on the words could not be mistaken. She stroked the palm of his hand slowly. "Are you ready to begin?" she asked. Dean smiled and nodded his head. He stood up, and slowly took off his shirt and pants. He was left wearing only a pair of gym trunks. Kelly stared at him and smiled. "Love the outfit," she said. "But your belly is much too small and flat. Let's see if I can round it out some," she said with a cunning smile as she walked to the kitchen.

Kelly returned carrying a tureen of soup. She set it on the table, then took his arm and sat him down. After tying a bib around his neck, she started spoon-feeding him the soup. "It may not look rich, but believe me, it is," said Kelly, her eyes lighting up excitedly. "It's delicious," said Dean. "But I hope you have something more filling to eat; I'm starved!" "Don't worry about that: I'm just getting started," said Kelly. She returned with two large fondue pots, and two platters piled high with meat and bread. Kelly deftly speared 12 pieces of marbled meat with the fondue forks and put them into the oil pot. She did the same with 12 pieces of bread, and put them into the pot filled with melted cheese. After waiting a few seconds, she started forking the meat and bread into Deans' mouth, alternating between the two, and filling the forks as they were eaten. Dean just opened his mouth, chewed, and swallowed. Kelly was like a machine as the forks flew between the pots and his mouth.

After an hour, Kelly took a break to survey her progress. Dean stood up and could not help but put his fattening belly on display. Kelly reached over and stroked his round belly. Both felt a chill of excitement as she fondled it lovingly. "I hope you're not done yet," said Dean smiling. "I'll have to stop at McDonalds on the way home if this is it." Kelly returned to the kitchen and brought two more platters piled high with bread and meat. "You have a long way to go," said Kelly, as she filled the forks for round 2. Dean tried to keep up the pace, but 45 minutes later he was slowing notably. As Kelly put the last of the fondue into his open mouth, Dean groaned with relief. A startled look came to Kelly's face. "Your not going to quit before dessert, are you?" As Dean tried to regain his composure, Kelly brought out another fondue pot filled with thick melted chocolate and a platter containing a pre-sliced sponge cake. "This is going to stretch the elastic in those gym shorts," she said with a smile. She dipped the first forkful of cake into the rich chocolate, and slowly placed it in Dean's mouth. After the first few bites, Kelly moved her chair to his side, and put the next fattening bite into her own mouth. She closed her eyes, savored the cake, and swallowed. "Oh, the calories this must have!" she said dreamily. Dean finished the rest of the cake while Kelly stroked his belly. Kelly helped Dean up out of the chair, held him at arms length, and surveyed her creation. Dean's belly was round and taut, and his shorts were riding low across his hips. She engulfed him in a lusty embrace, and her hand slid inside his tight waistband. "I think your fortune is going to come true," she whispered into his ear. They quickly moved to the bedroom, and spent the rest of the evening making love. As they held each other, Dean said, "I don't know which evening I enjoyed more." "Me either," replied Kelly, stroking his belly. "We do have a problem, though," said Dean. Kelly stared at him with a confused look on her face. "If things go the way I think they will, in a few months neither of us is going to enjoy walking up the stairs to your apartment," said Dean. Kelly smiled broadly at him. "I can help you move your stuff into my place tomorrow if your willing," said Dean hopefully. Kelly said nothing as she rolled on top of him and kissed him. "I'm going to fatten you up like a hog!" she said with a wide grin. "By the next feeders convention, your belly will be so huge you won't be able to fit through the door!" "I hope I can," replied Dean. "Because someone is going to have to help you squeeze those hips through the banquet hall door after I fatten you, Miss Blimp-to-Be."
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GrowingLoveH... 3 years
Again, I return to this.

It gets better and better with age!
GrowingLoveH... 5 years
I love rereading this even after all these years. This is a masterpiece of mutual gain!
Littleextra 6 years
This one's lots of fun! Nicely done, bravo!
GrowingLoveH... 8 years
This is a classic! Wonderful! I loved re-reading it! Very skilled at putting this together!
Gary1627 11 years
A timeless classic indeed, that as time passes gradually has a future ring of truth about it.
Snr6424 11 years
Ah yes, a timeless classic that never grows old. Always so happy to read one of your stories. smiley
Azerty 11 years
FrecherTyp 11 years
oh such a lovingly story ^^ can i subscribe anywhere ;-)?