The compromise

Chapter 3 - experiment sucessful

They moved in together the next day and were married soon after. Each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, Dean packed Kelly full of fattening food, while Kelly stuffed Dean on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. As their food and clothing bills skyrocketed, they cut expenses in other areas. The first things to go were the memberships at their health spas. They used one car to drive to work, and bought clothes that they could grow into as each of them expanded. They constantly taunted and teased the other.

"Why Dean, did you have to loosen your belt another notch? I'll soon have you too fat to even reach your belt buckle." snickered Kelly. "What's this tear in your dress? Did you have another blowout after I stuffed you this morning? Lane Bryant had better start making larger sizes," replied Dean smiling. Each barb and joke seemed to spur them on. They each trembled with excitement as they stuffed their spouse with huge amounts of fattening delicacies.

Both also delighted in their growing bodies, and strived to grow fatter for the other. Whether acting as the feeder of feedee, they each continued to feel ecstasy as they stuffed, or were stuffed by, their spouse. On Sundays, they would pick out a one-price, all-you-can-eat restaurant, and see who could out eat the other. As bellies grew and hips and breasts expanded, their lovemaking became more intense. They couldn't get enough of each other.

As Dean and Kelly entered the banquet hall at the 5th annual Feeders/Feedees Convention, everyone froze. Dean entered first, his belly protruding out far before him and jiggling like a jelly-filled globe. Kelly came right after, her breasts and hips enormous, stretching the fabric of her dress almost to the bursting point. As the stunned onlookers stared, they noticed the belt Dean was wearing had a 60-inch tape measurer fastened on top. The tape started at his buckle, and ended several inches before the belt fastened at the other end. Kelly had a horizontally-stripped pattern for her dress, with a tape measurer sewn in around her bust, waist, and hip lines. Like Dean, the tape around her hips came well short of enclosing her expanse.

The two smiled and nodded to the other participants, and made a bee-line to the buffet. Instead of taking the regular plates, they each took a tray, and quickly started piling it full of fattening entrees. When they were finished, they sat down next to each other at an empty table. They grabbed their silverware, and started feeding each other from their overloaded trays. As they savored their first bites, a spontaneous burst of applause exploded from the onlookers. Kelly and Dean smiled and nodded their acknowledgment, while continuing to feed each other. After swallowing, Dean leaned over his bulging belly and smiled to Kelly. "Did you see a huge "idea" light bulb suddenly appear in the room?" he asked. "I had better start fattening you up," she answered. "I have a feeling that next years' convention is going to be huge, and I want to keep you ahead of the pack," she said, patting his belly proudly. "You couldn't fatten me with all the pastries in the world," replied Dean, while struggling to loosen his belt. "But I could fatten you till you couldn't get Jan's pants over your thighs," said Dean, patting his wife's' enormous hips and watching the fat jiggle. "You couldn't fatten me if you tried," she answered. "I'm a size 5 now, and will always be a size 5." Dean and Kelly burst into a hysterical fit of laughter, arousing the curiosity of the other conventioneers. As soon as they could calm themselves, they smiled and started to feed each other at a faster pace. The Sixth Annual Feeder/Feedee Convention was going to be something to see.
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 11 years , updated 11 years
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GrowingLoveH... 3 years
Again, I return to this.

It gets better and better with age!
GrowingLoveH... 5 years
I love rereading this even after all these years. This is a masterpiece of mutual gain!
Littleextra 6 years
This one's lots of fun! Nicely done, bravo!
GrowingLoveH... 8 years
This is a classic! Wonderful! I loved re-reading it! Very skilled at putting this together!
Gary1627 11 years
A timeless classic indeed, that as time passes gradually has a future ring of truth about it.
Snr6424 11 years
Ah yes, a timeless classic that never grows old. Always so happy to read one of your stories. smiley
Azerty 11 years
FrecherTyp 11 years
oh such a lovingly story ^^ can i subscribe anywhere ;-)?