Caffeine for the chemist's dreams

  By Djm

Chapter 2 - the chemist

Maddie was finally in a state of relax, the morning had been intense, and the afternoon had been beyond. She was under no illusions that this was a busy coffee shop, especially whilst the Saturday rush bundled through. Shoppers, afternoon loiterers, and lunchtime workers had all been stopped by for their regular caffeine fix. Jacob had been amazing, she wondered how he did it, managing to teach her basics, not that she could remember everything, maintaining a smile and easily conversing with costumers. She had spent some of her respite in admiration with the ease he accomplished these tasks. Her conversation with Jo was small and light. It occurred to her as Jacob placed glasses down on the low square table that they know knew more about each other than she knew about Jacob.

'Aww thanks honey, I love you'

Jacob's smile said it all as he took a sip from his tall glass. Maddie wasn't sure if he was serious but then she spotted the symmetrical dimples on his cheeks.

'My favourite'

Jo lifted her glass to her lips and took a long draw through the straw.

'Go on try it'

Jo gestured towards Maddie and her glass.

'What's in it?'

Maddie enquired lifting the glass.

'Oh, it's just strawberry and chocolate milkshake blended together really'

'Cool, I love strawberry milkshake. Thanks, and thanks for today'

She said sincerely looking into Jacob's eyes.

'Saturdays can be pretty busy especially when you're new here'

Jacob and Jo watched Maddie intently as she grasped the cup and took a large gulp.

'Wow, now that is good, thank-you'

Maddie licked her lips place the glass down in front of her and sat back deep in her seat.

'Heavy day'

Jo asked.

'Yep, it isn't like working in a furniture shop, that's for sure'

Maddie's feet hurt from standing all day, and the cold milkshake made her shudder slightly but the taste was sublime. Jo was right Jacob made a mean milkshake. She deepened in her seat.

'Look the evening shift will be in shortly and we've only got 20 minutes to go, sit there and I'll tidy this place up, it's was mad this afternoon. I can't believe they asked you to do this shift to start frankly'

Jo's gaze returned to Jacob and she thought what a lovely gesture, at the same time lifting her glass for another slip of her drink.

'Give me 2 minutes and I'll be ready to go again'

'Seriously don't worry'

'Really? 2 minutes'

'No, just sit there, take the weight off your feet and I take care of it'

Jacob nodded towards the girls turned and surveyed the shop. He was glad that that the place was quiet, and he had a chance to take care of the duties that had gotten a little out of hand. The fact two beautiful ladies were drinking his calorie heavy milkshakes was enough to keep him going until the shift change. The girls sat and chattered, occasionally watched by Jacob as he diligently returned the shop into some form of normality. Jo and a lethargic looking Maddie joined in before Monica and Stuart wandered in together to take the reins.

'I'm going to run across the road and grab a take-away menu from the new Lebanese place Jake, if you fancy it tonight?'

Jo said as he finished wiping down the counter.

'That sounds great sweetie, I won't be long getting changed. What are you doing for dinner tonight Maddie?'

Maddie was confused as to whether Jacob was offering a space at his table, or just politely enquiring as to her plans.

'I haven't thought that far ahead, I need to go and collect some final bits from my idiot of an exes place'

'Oh, sorry I didn't mean to pry'

'Right I'm going now. I'll meet you down here in a couple of minutes'

Jo said as she headed to the door. Stuart was back downstairs and in position.

'No worries, in a bit'

Jacob followed Maddie through the washroom passing Monica and three exchanged brief pleasantries. Maddie lead up the stairs and Jacob's eyes fixed on her butt as it shifted side to side with each step. It was large but pert, and above her hips her sides curved in and out the perfect silhouetted hourglass. Jacob marvelled at her shape. In the changing room Jacob and Maddie talked about Jo and their relationships.

'What a lovely girl, you're very lucky to have such a genuinely nice partner'

Jacob unfolded his clothes a shirt and jeans, and began to undress. Maddie turned and followed his lead continuing to talk.

'My exe Rob is such an arsehole, I'm so glad to finally be single again'

'How so?'

'Oh he used to be so cold, he was always getting on to me about this and that. He took his own insecurities out on me, but he's gone now. He was pretty spiteful towards the end'

Jacob glanced up pulling on his jeans. Maddie was stood side on to him and he found himself staring at her healthy pot belly and milky white hip as she took off her skirt. Wow he thought to himself WOW.

'Guys can be such bastards, I really don't understand why'

He took his eyes away shortly before Maddie spotted Jacob's reflection in the mirror, his relatively hairless chest, well-formed and reasonably muscular chest, hmmm, she thought, she felt a desire to touch him.

'He didn't hit you did he?'

'No never, but I really wish he had've a long time ago, I would never have had to put up with half his shit. He just belittled me, my family, my weight, everything really. What a cock!'

Maddie shook her head a little as Jacob pulled on his shirt and began to button. He moved towards the mirror and glimpsed Maddie's back standing up with a t-shirt in hand. Her jeans weren't fastened and he could see she was wearing matching underwear, her bra straps restricting chubby deposits on her back. He wanted to just stand and watch her but knew he couldn't, he looked into the mirror.

'That's not right, I'm glad you're out of it. Nobody should have to put up with abusive partner, mental abuse is worse, besides you're a pretty girl, you'll have no problems finding a good guy. You're weight?!? Ha, I wonder what he would have made of Jo'

Jacob smiled continuing to look in the mirror straightening his collar. Maddie turned towards him pulling her t-shirt over the top of her head.

'Thanks Jake, can I call you Jake? That's the nicest thing anyone has said to me in while, I've been quite low if the truth be known. I've got a chance to wipe the slate clean, and be happy'

'Jo might get jealous, but I don't mind'

'Cool, and thanks for today'

She mumbled. He turned to her to see she was struggling with her t-shirt caught over her head, and he saw her large beautiful breasts coupled tightly in a bright blue bra, above a soft looking cuddly belly. Tortured he turned and grabbed his bag from the floor behind him, and stepped into his shoes. In a brief instant he fell into a dirty mind-set, his brain and penis had joined and he thought of all the things he'd like to do to her. Flashes of warm oil running down her naked meaty body bathed in candlelight crossed his synapses; he tried to shake it loose. Freed Maddie sat and pulled the backs of her slip-ons over her heels and stood.

'No problems, it's not rocket science, and besides as I said earlier you coped really well. Welcome to the team'

Maddie walked to the door patting Jacob's back as she past him knelt to tie his laces.

'Enjoy the rest of your weekend'

And she was gone down out the door and down the stairs.

'Good luck with your exe'

He projected in the direction of the open way. Maddie had a smile on her face, a genuine one, for the first time in what felt like an age, a genuine smile. Walking through the shop she past the couple still in the corner nursing their coffees that where long since cold, Stuart and Monica serving new folk fresh off the streets. She gestured goodbyes and stopped in the doorway as Jo returned. Jo head raised to meet Maddie's beaming smile. She saw a radiance that she hadn't noticed whilst they talked over the highly fattening milkshakes they had both adored.

'It was lovely to meet you, enjoy you're evening, and I hope to catch you soon, eh'

'I generally pop in on Saturday's if Jake is working so I'm sure well met again soon'

The girls exchanged a peck on the cheek continental style. And Maddie left with Jo thinking how beautiful she looked, her hair was down, that was it. Jacob followed Maddie's lead through the shop


He casually saluted Stuart, and Monica. Arm held out it join Jo's and they wandered out into the warm early evening sunshine. None of Jake's work colleagues had ever left an impression on Jo, but there was something about Maddie she really liked, and as the two walked arm in arm she was the obvious topic of conversation for them both.
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