Caffeine for the chemist's dreams

  By Djm

Chapter 3 - the sell

'Yeah, hi there I'd like to place an order'

Jacob stretched his arms around Jo's body reaching down and softly cupping two full palms of her hanging belly flesh either side of her deep cavernous navel. He pressed his body deep into her back, and from their starting point he slowly ran his hands upwards slightly lifting the weight before it slipped through his hands and sagged downwards. Splaying his fingers they rose to meet the upper roll of her developing belly, and she giggled whilst still speaking on the phone. He grabbed the roll and applied gentle pressure. This was a beautiful recent addition. She turned lifting the phone from her ear breaking his grip.

'Will you... ..Oh sorry yes no worries'

The phone returning to its original position, she raised her eyebrows to him then smiled.

'Can we get a set 2 for 2, some extra falafel, and 2 baklavas?'

Jacob's didn't have much of an appetite, but Jo would eat anything he didn't, all he really wanted to do was place his hands on her burgeoning girth, and watch her eat. She'd put on at least 15lbs since he'd started at the coffee shop 3 months ago, mainly down to the epic milkshakes he'd made for her, but also because he didn't have the energy to come home and cook after work, which meant Saturdays involved take away. They'd eaten a lot of it recently, Jacob generally having a bit then feeding what was left to Jo.

'Great, uh-ha, Flat 2, 314 Holmesdale, thank-you'

Jo hung up, and stepped towards Jacob embracing him.

'They said 25 minutes'


He replied. Wrapping his arms around her he gave her a squeeze, this time in a convention hug.

'That was naughty. I liked it'

Lifting her head to his they kissed, Jacob felt horny having spent most of the day staring at Maddie. He couldn't remove the sight of her changing from his mind.

'Can we lay down, I've been on the go all day'

Jacob broke from the clinch taking Jo by the hand leading her to the sofa. He stretched out rolling to the back and kicked off his shoes. Jo sat on the edge and removed her kicks more gracefully, snuck another kiss and rolled into a small spoon position. Jacob obliged her by snuggling in tight to her back reaching his hand round and on to her lower breast.

'Oh I like this, can we do this forever'

He whispered, Jacob was tired but in the mood.

'I like this too baby, but forever wouldn't be long enough'

'You say the sweetest things missy, you know that. I love you'

'I love you too'

Their mutual love was never in doubt. They'd love each other since they met in school 13 years ago. Virtually inseparable the couple had grown up together, and had never been apart for longer than the length of a family holiday. Both of them had silently and absently gained so much from being together, and equally missed out on the experiences of loves lost and the sexual excitement of new partners. There love life had not suffered because of it; to the contrary they both felt fulfilment, but they both new something was missing. They'd talked on occasion of fantasies, and having crushes on this person or that celebrity, some of whom they'd both liked. There was a period towards of their teenage years that the pair were both pretty sure they were bi-curious but has never acted upon it. Although there one instance when Jo had snogged an older lesbian in a club that both her and Jacob found hot.

Jo had felt that Jacob had been slightly distant in the last few months. Moving into the final year of his masters she was aware that he was feeling the pressure of the work that had been mounting up on him. She had been insistent that he didn't need to worry about paying the full share of his rent which meant he would have to work as many hours in the coffee shop. Her job had been secured from the half way through the last year of her under graduate studies courtesy of her family ties within local council. Today she could tell that he was brighter, happier even, than he might ordinarily have been after a Saturday at work, there was only one explanation in her mind.

'I know we've spoken about it baby, but how did you really get on at work today?'

'What do mean?'

With his eyes tightly shut Jacob responded softly to Jo. He had an idea where she was going with this line enquiry and he felt nervous.

'Well recently you've been a bit moody when I've popped into work, almost like you're not enjoy it'

Defensively Jacob responded.

'It's work, no-one enjoys work honey, especially dodgy Saturday shifts in hateful coffee shops. Where are you going with this?'

'I'm just going to come out it. You fancy her don't you?'

Jo said it with a smile safe in the knowledge that he never so much as speak to a girl unless she spoke to him first. Jacob sat up awkwardly removing his hand from Jo's soft breast.


Jacob had been rumbled, his mind was racing for excuses but he didn't have any. Jo was enjoying this she wanted to laugh but thought she ought to set his mind at ease.

'It's fine you know, she is a pretty girl, I know you're always going to come home with me at the end of the day. At least I know you love me. You know how I feel about these things you can look but you can't touch'

'I do love you!'

Jo hadn't moved without even looking at Jacob she could sense the look on his face.

'Alright, alright, I'll come clean'

He said relaxing back into the spoon position he'd felt the need to break.

'I think she's cute, and she has the most amazing bum, not as nice as yours of course'

Jo let out the giggle she had been holding back.

'You're winding me up aren't you?'

'Yep, I know you're just looking, beside I think she is hot too. I hadn't noticed it at first but as she was walking out the door and her hair was down the thought crossed my mind I have to say'

'Hold on, you had me feeling guilty there for a second, and now it transpires you're the one who fancies her'

Jo giggled again. She knew in tone of his voice that she had got him good.

'Shame you didn't get to see her semi naked then isn't it'


Now it was Jacob's turn to get his own back.

'And I let her touch my willy'

'Now who's making things up?'

'When we were getting changed after work, I got a good look at her. She's quite big but you know how I feel about that.'

Jacob placed his arm in between the top of Jo's belly and underneath her boobs and grabbed another handful of her newly forming roll.

'You love it'

'I do she'd be simply amazing with another 20-30 pounds on her'

'Trust you to think that'

They cuddled in tightly together again, neither with the patience to wind each other up anymore, besides Jacob's day had been too long and he only had one thing on his mind, well two if you counted feeding Jo his leftover Lebanese. Jacob lifted and placed his hand on to Jo's breast and began to gently massage, pulling his knees up to the backs of her broad legs to maximise the contact between their two bodies. His massaging strokes grew more exaggerated, and he began to move between her breasts in a figure of eight motion. Jo loved it when Jacob was so gentle. His slow movements were steadily arousing, her body relaxed, she moved her free arm round her back and nestled it between his legs.


She now whispered, as her breathing became more pronounced.
Jacob's crotch was warm to her hand and she fumbled with his fly to try and reach beyond his clothing. Satisfyingly his top button popped and she slid her hand inside his jockeys grabbing semi erect penis. Jacob let out a gasp as her cold fingers tips ran down the length of his shaft. He lifted his body back in the sofa grabbing her shoulder and turning her body ninety degrees on to her back. He slid his hand across top of her chest, downwards past her breast along her side which spread outwards under gravity. He grabbed a full handful of her fleshy hip pressing his thumb deep until he felt her pelvis. The thought crossed his mind that never had she been bigger on there long relationship, a thought that filled him lust. Jo released her grip on his penis and stretched up with both her arms grabbing round his neck and pulled him down on top of her. That began to kiss furiously. They were both lost in sexual excitement.
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