Caffeine for the chemist's dreams

  By Djm

Chapter 4 - the second shift

'Where have you been? I've been worried can you just keep me in loop if you're not coming home?'

Jacob had been running late after a blissful morning. Jo had made him breakfast then had dragged him back to bed. His time keeping was generally perfect, except on the odd occasions Jo decided that she was horny.

Jacob's ears pricked as he entered the coffee shop. It had been 2 weeks since he had first worked with Maddie, and as he entered through the glass door, there she was, dark curly hair tied back green eyes, perfect make-up, beautifully full figured, but with a look of concern on her face. She was in conversation over the counter with a female customer. Jacob overheard the lady, and walking past her he stopped. Turning Maddie looked towards him.

'Hi Jacob'

'Hi, sorry I'm late, is everything

'Yeah, I couldn't get the ice machine started this morning can you take a look at it?'

'Sure, it's a bit tempremental, we could do with a new one really'

The customer turned to him. He looked at the lady, and immediately noticed a resemblance. The lady was short, plump, and wide hipped, slightly greying, and wrapped up warm against the morning chill. He could see she had the same eyes and nose and facial features as Maddie. Jacob was instantly aware this wasn't a good situation to be walking into, but he had to respond.

'Do you need some time alone?'

The lady gestured to speak but wasn't beaten to it by Maddie's distressed protestation.

'Mum?!? Jacob doesn't need to know, and I've got a job to do. Can we talk about this later?'

Jacob quickly jumped in.

'I'm just going to run upstairs and get changed, I be down in just a second'

Jacob gave a nod to the Maddie's mum, and turned in the direction of the washroom. He could see she was distressed but he was running late he could hear the two ladies continue their conversation as he took the stairs. In the short glimpse he got at Maddie's mum he couldn't help notice the size of her breasts, they were enormous, he smiled to himself, it was obvious Maddie was embarrassed by the situation as he rushed up the stairs and opened the door to the changing room.

Once again the morning rush swept up the two baristas in wave of hot water, ground coffee, and steam. Their conversation each time broken by a fresh influx of customers. Maddie's mum had left before Jacob had returned to the floor, he wasn't one to pry, but he was hoping for the chance to talk to her about it. Maddie was visibly annoyed, but managed to smile and keep on top of the orders when they mounted. Jacob spent most of his free head space, thinking about Maddie's gorgeous bum, how much she looked like her a thinner younger version of her mum, and the sex he had had with Jo that morning. How Jo had pinned him against the kitchen wall with her huge butt forced into his mid-drift, before he'd grabbed handfuls of her hanging belly and slipped his warm member between her heavy set thighs, and inside her chunky damp softly padded vagina.


Jacob yelped as he burnt his hand on the boiler. He'd lost concentration and put his hand down it, not recognising the sensation as pain as he was steaming milk.

'Are you okay?'

Maddie turned to him quickly to see what he had done.

'I'm an idiot, sorry, I've burnt myself'

Jacob said sheepishly, shaking his hand and turning for the cold tap. Some of the customers had looked up briefly, quick turning back to their coffee's and papers. A couple of young girls in the queue where giggling having seen him burn himself, and the look embarrassment on his face. Maddie turned to him.

'Keep it under there'

She turned the tap up, and they shared a rarest of smiles, this morning was short of smiles. But once again he could see her beauty, her slightly rose tinged full cheeks, and sweet smile. He noticed for the first time an understated double chin. Turning to the counter he watched her from behind tackle the queue single handed. Today she was wearing trousers that hugged her upper thighs cutting back in sharply above meaty hips to her much narrower waist, with her butt filling them out snuggly. Her fitted blouse had seam cuts on both sides that jagged upwards to reveal just the hint of muffin top above her waistline. Pulled in tightly it excentuated her ample breasts, and gave the impression of a paunch. She was an amazing creature he thought to himself. He stood, hand under the cold tap imagining her turning into her mother. He could see the potential for her to gain weight, and in his head he watched as her hips and arse began to expand. He shook his hand and turned back to the sink, as she handled the last customer.

'Sorry about that, what a wally'

Jacob looked up, and Maddie's eyes came to his.

'Umm.. ..Yeah, it does say caution hot on it. It was one of the first things you warned me about the other week, you numpty'

Maddie was smiling, laughing inside at Jacob's misfortune. It was the light relief she needed from what had been a pretty difficult fortnight since she left the coffee shop for the first time, and she spoke the words with relish.

Maddie's last encounter with Rob had been fraught. She had taken her things from his flat the night she last worked with Jacob, but he had been trying to make contact with her ever since. She had taken to turning her mobile off. Her mum despite welcoming her back home was a pain she could do without. She found it really difficult to live with her and her current boyfriend. She had a real dislike of the guy, and always caught him staring at her breasts. She'd taken to sofa surfing at friends to avoid them all. Having got herself into a good frame of mind a fortnight ago she felt everyone was trying to grind her down.

'Yeah, numpty is about right'

Jacob chuckled to himself and looked at his hand; it wasn't blistered, just scolded. He switched the tap off and the noise level sank back down to the drone of customer conversations and the occasional sound of crockery chinking.

'So what was that all about this morning?'

He enquired.

'Oh bless my mum, I do love her but she's really difficult sometimes. I've had to move back home whilst I try and get some accommodation sorted. She just wants to know where I am all the time. It's to do with my exe, he's been round there looking for me'

'Really? What's the deal with your exe?'

'Well, he's an ex, he has been for a month now, but he's been trying to contact me since I finally got my things out of his house. He is so possessive. What an idiot, he spent months making me feel bad, and now I've walked he wants to play nicely again'

'Well I hope you've told him where to go?'

'This is it, I have, and he won't listen. It's too little too late as far as I'm concerned, and I've told him as much, but it isn't going in'

'What was he doing at you're mum's?'

'Looking for me, he walked in unannounced. It's lucky I wasn't there at the time. I hate being there so I've been staying with friends. Mum told him to go away and to stop trying to contact me. Then she threatened to call the police and he left'


&apos ;It's pretty frightening, he's not dangerous, but he can be really spiteful'

'Yeah I'm getting that from what you've told me. What if he comes round again?'

'I'm not going back there tonight. I told my mum earlier'

Jacob was genuinely worried about Maddie and her situation, she seemed to be coping but it sounded like a truly bad state of affairs. He was glad to be in such a strong relationship with Jo, and bereft of any experience in dealing with jilted exes.

'I'd love to be able to give you advice, but I've never been in a situation like that before'

'Don't worry, he'll give up soon, he knows I want nothing to do with him, he's been told. Thanks though Jacob you're very sweet, it's nice to have someone to talk to about it, that doesn't fly off the handle like my mum'

Jacob blushed a little, but hid it well.

'Jo should be in shortly, if you want to take a break then. I've been rubbish today, frankly, sorry'

'I noticed, but it's not a problem. Work has been good it takes my mind off it all'
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