Caffeine for the chemist's dreams

  By Djm

Chapter 5 - the second shift part ii

The shop hadn't really been too busy today Jacob thought, but he was surprised how messy the customers must have been as he collected cups and plates from the floor. Crumbs, spills, and litter pushed down the backs of seats. He did wonder whether the customers thought the place was a zoo or a coffee shop sometimes. Collecting a tray he piled it high with the odds and ends he had collected together on a vacant table. There was a couple in the window, and a group of oldies with bags of goods from the high street stores. The door opened and Jacob looked up to see another youngish couple enter followed by Jo. The couple stood back from the counter looking at the board above scanning before making their choice. They cut Jo off and she stopped before walking round the front of them oblivious to her presence. She raised her eyes to Jacob, before glancing across and staying 'hi' to Maddie. Jacob lifted the tray and put it down on the end of the counter, and he embraced Jo.

'Hey baby'

'Ooo, just watch my hand'

He said.

'What have you done to it?'

'I burnt it thinking about you this morning'

He whispered in her ear. She giggled and smiled.

'That was silly, how?'

'I put it down on the boiler by accident, very silly indeed'

'How's it been today?'

Jacob released Jo picking up the tray once more.

'Fine, slow, but fine. Maddie has done most of the work. I said she could take a break when you came in, so I'd better do some work now. What can I get for you?'

'Can I get a banana milkshake...'

Jo said biting her lip.

'...and a piece of shortcake,

'Sure, coming right up. Just going to serve these customers'

Turning to Maddie he said.

'I'll get these guys if you want a break. Jo's having a banana milkshake if you want one too?'

Maddie's eye lit up at thought of milkshake.

'Sounds good, thanks Jake'

Maddie took off her apron, and Jacob moved across the counter towards the couple.

'Hi guys, what can I get you?'

Maddie was relieved to sit down with Jo and leave Jacob to the work. It had been a long day.

'Hey Jo how are you?'

'I'm fine, how are you? Sorry Jake was late for work this morning that was my fault'

Jo smiled and made a funny facial expression. Maddie giggled.

'No worries, did you have him running errands? It would be nice to have a man that could do things for me'

'Not quite running errands, but he was definitely doing something for me'

The penny dropped and Maddie laughed out loud. Raising a hand and gently slapping Jo's hand on the table. Jo enjoyed the feeling of the fleeting touch, and giggled. Maddie had a sudden vision of Jacob taking Jo from behind, his naked chest, floppy hair. Jo's heavy body bent over, she wondered what she what she looked like naked.

'I was surprised to beat him in, but I'm not sure I needed to know that Jo'

The girls exchanged smiles. Jo felt a little lost in Maddie's presence, she'd never felt these feeling before in the company of another woman. As she looked into her green eyes she could feel herself falling for her. Maddie looked at Jo and thought crossed her mind that she must be amazing in bed to have kept hold of a guy like Jacob. She wondered as to Jacob's motives for seeing Jo.

'How long have you two been together for?'

'Years, we started seeing each other when we were still at school'

'Oh, that's really sweet. You two are such a lovely couple. I'm so glad to be single again now. I'm really hope I can find someone that I can be so happy with'

'Aww thanks Maddie. So what have you been up to for the last couple of weeks?'

Jacob handed over some change as the cash register slammed shut.


The customers took the seat immediately opposite the till. Turning to the back bar and opened the fridge reaching in he pulled out the ingredients he needed for the girls milkshakes. The thought of preparing another fattening drink for the two girls filled him with lust. He glanced over to the girls deep in conversation, and he wondered what they were talking about. Lifting the processing jug off the base he put it down and began scooping ice cream and throwing it in with double cream, 2 whole bananas, and the banana flavoured syrup. It occurred to him that it would be amazing if he could prepare food that would target areas of the girl's bodies. Calories that go straight on the hips, butt, or breasts, hmmm, the thoughts were making him horny. He tried to put it out of his mind as he placed the jug back on the base popped on the lid and pressed the button.

'Here you go ladies'

Jacob placed the tray down in front in of the girls. He could see they were enjoying themselves. Jo was glowing in her floral dress, I sight Jacob hadn't seen in while.

'Thank-you baby'

'Yeah thanks Jake'

Both girls looked up, and Jacob marvelled at the sight of the pair of them smiling at him. The two of them sitting there was a beautiful sight. He was so glad they got on so well.

'What are we doing for dinner tonight

'I'm not sure what do you fancy?'

'I can't be bothered to cook, Yak and Yeti? I've got a hankering for a curry'

Jacob offered.

'Cool sounds good baby. What are you up to Maddie?'

'Ooh I going to wander round to my friends. I'm staying there tonight. We might go down to the pub, or get a bottle of wine and watch a movie. What is the Yak and Yeti like?'

'Ooooh it's very good, it's your favourite isn't it Jake? It's Nepalese isn't it?'

'Yeah, very traditional Indian style cuisine really, with slightly different ingredients, but essentially it's an Indian'

'Oh I must give it a try some time'
The girls lifted their milkshakes from the tray. Maddie's mood had lifted she came to the realisation that being around Jacob and Jo was enjoyable. Jo was bouncy and had a great sense of humour. Jacob was obviously caring, clearly handsome, and always had a smile on his face. The three of them sat and talked hardly noticing Stuart wandering in to start his shift.
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