
Chapter 12 - alfredo

Hey Kelli! How are yo... wow! You look, amazing!" Stefan stuttered.
"Oh stop it, it's nothing special" Kelli replied.
Stefan had on a blue flannel and khakis, he looked absolutely delicious. His hair was cut short on the sides and a little longer on top. He had just the slightest amount of peach fuzz on his chin and Kelli loved it.
"Why don't you come in for a little bit?" she asked, "would you like a drink?"
"No thanks, I have to drive," he replied, "Just let me know when you are ready."
"Well I am now! Shall we?" She asked giving him a hug.
Stefan felt Kelli's soft body press up against him, and he led her out the door and to his car. He opened the door for her and closed it behind her with a smile.
"So this is a really good restaurant, I haven't eaten here in a while, but I remember it being delicious!" Stefan said.
"Oh I hope so! Although I'm not that hungry," Kelli lied.
"Well if you change your mind, I'm buying, so you can get whatever you like. Id be offended if you didn't get anything, I mean, I asked you to dinner, not to join me while you watch me eat!" Stefan laughed.
"Well of course I'm going to get something hun, we'll see when we get there," Kelli retorted.

Upon arrival at the restaurant, Stefan pulled out Kelli's seat and the two sat down. It was absolutely beautiful in this restaurant, with gorgeous stone sculptures and artwork. Their waiter arrived handing them some bread and dipping oil as Stefan dug in. Kelli politely sat with her hands crossed, feeling warm from the shawl which covered her shoulders. She smiled at Stefan, "Is it any good?" She asked.
"Well why don't you try some yourself and tell me?" He replied.
"I want to save my appetite for the actual meal," Kelli lied again. The truth was that she was absolutely starving, and her stomach rumbled again softly.
"I think your stomach is telling you otherwise!" he exclaimed. "Just have a few bites? I mean, its free."
Kelli blushed from being exposed by her stomach's rumbling. "Okay, if you insist," She said grabbing some of the bread and dipping it in the oil. It truly was delicious, and Kelli savored the warm bread and cool oil in her mouth. She was fighting the urge to stuff the rest of the bread right into her mouth, yet was trying so hard to appear dainty.
"I really have been trying to lose some weight lately; I shouldn't be eating bread and oil like this." She said.
"Oh come on, it's so good! And you have to have a cheat day every once in a while, right?" Stefan replied.
Kelli obliged and continued on eating more bread. She really was so hungry; she could have eaten the entire basket but the waiter returned and took their orders. Kelli ordered chicken alfredo with extra parmesan cheese as well as a rum and coke. Stefan followed suit and the two made small talk about what they had been up to. Kelli played off the fact that she hadn't been doing much of anything besides eating, and getting drunk. She made up different activities as well as hiking and working out since she was on a "diet."

Dinner finally arrived much to Kelli's excitement, "Oh wow! This looks so good!" She exclaimed. The two ate their dinner slowly, and after a few more drinks, Stefan had Kelli laughing her hips off. He looked into her eyes when he spoke, seeming to know exactly what he wanted. His looks made Kelli blush, he was so hot, and she wanted him so badly. The hour and a half at the restaurant seemed to go by very quickly. Maybe it was the great time they were having, or maybe it was the constant drinks, but Kelli loved every second of it. Kelli was feeling quite full after their meal, and she could feel her stomach pushing out on her dress. Stefan put his hand out to help her from her chair and the two walked slowly towards his car. Again he opened the door for her, and he helped her inside, his hands brushing up against Kelli's overflowing hips made her wet. She was so horny for him, she could feel herself melting below the waist, rubbing her thighs quickly before he sat down in the driver seat. Kelli was so full, and she reclined her seat slightly hoping Stef wouldn't notice how inflated her stomach was and how much she had truly gorged herself. She finished her entire plate, and her full stomach along with Stefan's gentle touch was driving her wild.
"Want to get some ice cream?" He asked, "could you fit it in there?"
"I really don't think I can, I'm too full, I over did it a little back there," she replied.
"No I insist, we can split something," Stefan stated, "The place is on the way back anyways, ill just grab us something quick and we could go back to your place and finish it maybe?"
Kelli felt her heart jump, "Oh my god" she thought to herself. The two stopped at the parlor, where Stefan jumped out quickly, and went inside. Kelli rubbed her stomach in his absence, feeling its fullness against her dress. It was pretty solid from dinner, and she had to fight the urge to rub a little lower where her thong was being swallowed by her thighs. "If this night continues, I'm going to pop" she thought.

Stefan returned from inside with an enormous sundae, covered in cherries and sprinkles. "Oh my god!" Kelli cried, "How are we ever going to finish that?"
"We don't have to finish it cutie, but we can try, right?" Stefan smiled.

"Cutie" She thought smiling. How Stefan thought the beached whale Kelli was about to become tonight was cute was beyond her, but she most certainly wasn't going to fight it. "Well then mister, I supposed we're up for the challenge" she thought.

Upon arrival at Kelli's house, the two stumbled slowly to her front door, where Kelli looked right at Stefan, squared him up, and landed a kiss right on his lips. The two embraced for a second, before Stefan pushed her away, much to her surprise.
"We have to eat this ice cream before it melts," He stated with a devilish smile, and Kelli despite wanting to rip off his pants right then and there couldn't agree more.

The two sat down on Kelli's couch with the sundae, Kelli's fat thighs spreading out and her dress riding up slightly. She blushed and tried to pull it down over her thighs, but her full stomach was impeding the material from stretching much further. The two began to slowly spoon the ice cream into their mouths, each one attempting to eat slower than the other one. Kelli was pretty buzzed at this point, but was trying to keep control of her hunger. She was quite literally soaking wet, she was surprised at her ability to even sit up straight without sliding away. Her smooth shaved lips were yearning for attention, and were not adequately receiving it. Kelli sat back and placed her hand on her stomach letting out a loud sigh.
"Getting full?" Stefan asked.
"Yeah, I don't think I can go on much further," she sighed a little embarrassed at how she had eaten tonight.
"Well that's okay, we don't have to finish," Stefan cooed. Really, Kelli was so turned on at this point she wanted to eat the rest of the ice cream and *** Stefan's brains out. She wondered if he could sense her sexual tension, because he seemed reserved and she didn't want to look too desperate. She placed her hand across his chest and leaned into his shoulder which he accepted by stretching his arm over her. She squirmed her legs feeling how damp they were and grabbed Stefan's chest a little tighter burying her head into him. The two snuggled for a little bit before ultimately falling asleep in one another's arms.
15 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 11 years , updated 6 years
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Jocena845 3 years
who is the lady in the photo? I would like to know very much!
Ocram666 6 years
please describe how heavy she is being on top of Stefan, thanksaa
Fedexpress 9 years
Don't you worry sir she will be back and in a "big" way. Haha I love weight gain inuendos
Akula1369 9 years
Great new addition! What if Krystal re-entered the story and her, Kelli, and Stefan had a threesome? That would be hot. Maybe Krystal could come back with a few more pounds.
Fedexpress 10 years
Almost done proofing the new chapters guys. Keep telling me what you want to see. Gonna bring in a few other stories I have written so ideas are welcome for those as well
FrecherTyp 10 years
mhmm hehehe so sexy to see the lust of food and greediness and loosing control take over this little cutie ^^

i bet she tries to hide something and get´s a littl stuck somewhere cause her belly now is gotten to big and he catches her ^^-.....

a really nice story ^^
Rustydog7 10 years
Very sensual, keep writing I can't wait for more. Add more drinking and getting drunk too. Fantastic story so far.
Fedexpress 10 years
Have much more written just have to proof read it and transfer. I'm having an issue with time to work on this
Gary1627 11 years
Very decriptive as someone has already said and that's what makes this story so good.
Severino 11 years
Very good story so far. Please continue!
Debela 11 years
I hope there is more!
Nok 11 years
very descriptive
Leuco 11 years
Very nice Story the question ist does eli likesthe channels?