
Chapter 13 - i guess you can touch it

Kelli awoke on her couch alone. She looked around for Stefan, but he was nowhere to be seen. Looking at the clock she realized that he must have gone to work. She had a slight hangover, so she went to the kitchen to grab some orange juice. On the fridge was a note:

Hey Kelli, had a great time last night, sorry I had to go to work so early but I left you a present by the front door. Text me when you wake up, maybe we could hang out again soon?


Kelli grabbed a glass of OJ, gulping down half of it quickly before she walked to her front door. She grabbed the brown bag on the ground and opened it to find a few glazed cinnamon buns and smiled. She quickly went to her room with an extra bump in her step and peeled off her dress to put on a more comfortable pair of sweatpants. Returning to her living room she began to clean her house, vacuuming, dusting and sweeping. She threw the clothes she had that didn't fit in a trash bag and put it in a closet. She took out her trash, made her bed, and cleaned her bathroom. Kelli was abuzz with joy, when she plopped down onto her couch to eat the pastries Stefan had left her. She bit into the first one slowly, allowing its rich flavor to sit in her mouth for a few seconds before she stuffed another large bite into her waiting jaws. Kelli ate the cinnamon buns as if they were breaths of air and stuffed her face with a renewed gusto that she hadn't felt in a long time. She layed on her couch clutching her stomach with her sudden burst of gluttony feeling the fullness of her stomach.

Kelli wondered what Stefan saw in her, he seemed so genuine, and he didn't even *** her last night when he absolutely could have. Not that Kelli was in a position to have any good sex; she was so gorged that she would have had to lie there anyways unable to move. She began to think that she really liked him, or was it lust? Either way she felt about Stefan, she knew how she felt now, which was extremely happy, and she spent the rest of the day snacking and resting Until Stef texted her to say that he was out of work.
"Hey just got done, wooh! What a rough day! What are you up to?"
"Waiting for you to come over," Kelli replied.
"Haha! Okay, well let me go home, shower, and I'll be right by?"
"Okay I'll be waiting handsome," Kelli smiled to herself.

Kelli really didn't have much left to wear that fit. She grabbed a pair of tight gray sweatpants that clung to her overstuffed legs like saran wrap. She donned her largest sweatshirt in an attempt to hide her stomach as it hung over her waistband. She tucked her stomach roll into her sweats and pulled them up a little, causing them to ride up her expanded behind. She lit a few candles and sat on her couch, picking out a movie for the two to watch when Stefan arrived. Stefan didn't take long to get there and it wasn't long before Kelli was letting him in her front door.
"Hey cutie!" She exclaimed hugging him once he entered, and he greeted her with a kiss on the cheek. "How are you lovey?"
"Ugh, tired what a long day today was," He sighed. "It's even longer waiting to see you!"
"Oh my god, you are so cute, get in here!" Kelli beckoned him inside.
"Hey, I hope you don't mind, I was starving so I ordered a pizza, it should be here any minute," Stefan smiled awkwardly.
"Okay, I could eat a slice," Kelli lied. She could eat an entire pizza, her appetite had grown so much lately, and she was nearly insatiable. She had the worst self control, and at any time during the day she could lose it and eat out her entire cupboard.
"Okay good! I was hoping you were hungry," Stefan said pinching Kelli's side.

It wasn't long before the doorbell rang, and Stefan answered the door and returned. Turns out that "a" pizza, was actually two pizzas, and Kelli protested insisting that she was not that hungry.
"Anything left you can just save for later in the week, right?" Stefan asked, immediately grabbing a slice. He had gotten a loaded potato pizza, covered in bacon and fried potato skins, as well as a spinach and feta. It smelled delicious, and Kelli tried her hardest to not immediately grab a slice. She instead decided to put a movie on, attempting to prolong her eventual inhalation of the pizza. By the time she had returned to her seat, Stefan had placed two slices on a plate for her giving her a sly smile. "What is this man doing to me," She thought excitedly.

After two slices, and then a few more, Kelli was sufficiently stuffed. The two were cuddled on the couch, arms wrapped around one another exchanging soft kisses. Kelli gripped Stefan tightly around his chest, and he had his hands on her soft hips. He squeezed gently, and she instinctively went to push his hands away feeling embarrassed. Every time she pushed his hands away, he went right back to the same spot, caressing her hips, right where some of her darkest stretch marks were. He never went for skin, just grabbed her through her sweatshirt until she finally asked him to stop.
"Why don't you like being touched there?" He asked.
"I just, don't" She replied.
"Come on, there has to be a reason why," he retorted.
"I don't like you playing with my fat," She answered quickly blushing.
"What, this?" He asked playfully grabbing the same spot on her hip and she jumped.
"Yes that!" she looked at him with a flash of anger.
"Why would I stop touching it if I liked it?" He asked grabbing her slowly and kissing her softly on her neck.
"You can't really like this, can you?" She asked motioning to her flabby hips.
"Quite the contrary, I love it," He smiled.
"Okay, well, I guess you can touch it," she said unsurely.
"Good, because I'm going to, haha!" Stefan laughed trying to relieve the tension of the moment.
Kelli relaxed and sat back as Stef grabbed another slice of Pizza. He held it up to her mouth, and she frowned looking up at him. He just smiled and she obliged, opening her mouth and allowing him to slide the pizza inside. She finished off the first slice, and he reached for another.
"Oh no Stef, I couldn't possibly," Kelli whined.
"What are you, a quitter?" Stefan asked.

Never being one to turn down a challenge, Kelli opened her mouth wide awaiting the arrival of the next slice. Her expression was transfixed on the task at hand, If Stefan wanted her to eat more pizza, then she was going to give him his wish. She allowed him to feed her two more slices before she could do no more. She sat back breathing heavy a little embarrassed, but also a little too turned on to care. She had apparently surprised Stefan too, judging by the look on his face.

"Wow! I wasn't expecting you to have that much room!" Stefan exclaimed.
"HUFF, I'll never turn down a challenge, HUFF!" Kelli could hardly breathe and she laid back gasping for air. She felt her sweatpants cutting into her taunt stomach. The pain was immense, but it felt so good to be full. Kelli had not been this stuffed ever before and she was loving every second of it. She could feel the pressure of her stomach holding her still, almost as if she moved it would cause her to pop. Stefan slowly brought his hands up from her hips to her stomach rubbing her slowly in circles.
"Here, let me help," He said working his hands all over her belly.
She was too stuffed to protest and merely sighed and buried her forehead into his chest as he rubbed away. She was getting very wet as his hand's movements and strained her hips sliding back and forth on the couch. She moved her leg up and down against his, attempting to get him to reach for more. She wanted him to feel how wet she was, how turned on she was, how badly she wanted him, but most of all she wanted him to lift up her legs and *** her right there in her bloated state. She wanted him to stuff her full of his cock while she was stuffed full of food. She wanted him to choke her and feel his toned body against her soft stomach rolls. She wanted to wrap her leg around his head and for him to slap her stretch mark ridden thighs while he pounded away in lust. All these thoughts circled her head as she felt him rub away softly on her protruding stomach. "I could get used to this" she thought, but it was only the beginning.
15 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 11 years , updated 6 years
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Jocena845 3 years
who is the lady in the photo? I would like to know very much!
Ocram666 6 years
please describe how heavy she is being on top of Stefan, thanksaa
Fedexpress 9 years
Don't you worry sir she will be back and in a "big" way. Haha I love weight gain inuendos
Akula1369 9 years
Great new addition! What if Krystal re-entered the story and her, Kelli, and Stefan had a threesome? That would be hot. Maybe Krystal could come back with a few more pounds.
Fedexpress 10 years
Almost done proofing the new chapters guys. Keep telling me what you want to see. Gonna bring in a few other stories I have written so ideas are welcome for those as well
FrecherTyp 10 years
mhmm hehehe so sexy to see the lust of food and greediness and loosing control take over this little cutie ^^

i bet she tries to hide something and get´s a littl stuck somewhere cause her belly now is gotten to big and he catches her ^^-.....

a really nice story ^^
Rustydog7 10 years
Very sensual, keep writing I can't wait for more. Add more drinking and getting drunk too. Fantastic story so far.
Fedexpress 10 years
Have much more written just have to proof read it and transfer. I'm having an issue with time to work on this
Gary1627 11 years
Very decriptive as someone has already said and that's what makes this story so good.
Severino 11 years
Very good story so far. Please continue!
Debela 11 years
I hope there is more!
Nok 11 years
very descriptive
Leuco 11 years
Very nice Story the question ist does eli likesthe channels?