
Chapter 14 - dope chapter

I had written another 3 chapters to be released on Christmas but accidentally threw away the wrong notebook with my schoolwork. This chapter isn't spell checked, and is thrown together a little but i wanted to post at least something for a Christmas present to Ya'll considering i wont be able to recover the rest.
Sorry for this chapter not being proofed, and being so short, its not done yet, but with the holidays being here I may not have time to rewrite the entirety of the next 3 chapters before Christmas day like i had planned. The chapters I lost with my schoolwork are gone forever, which sucks howeeeever,

Here's your early xmas present, I just got super doped out, drank some Jack Daniels, smoked some weed, and banged through this chapter as best as i could remember it. Please enjoy! More to come soon!! As i have time.


The next few weeks included much of the same for Kelli, she and Stefan spent almost all of their time off together. Kelli was really starting to fall for him, and it seemed that Stefan could not get enough of Kelli, figuratively and literally as he continued to stuff her every chance he got. They never discussed the actual feeding itself or sexual aspect to it, however it seemed Stefan never gave up an opportunity to fill Kelli to her brim. Whether they were out to dinner, ordered in, or if Stefan cooked, he always found a way to get Kelli to push her limits with eating. There was a constant sexual tension between the two which was becoming stronger and stronger. Kelli felt it the worst when she was just done eating a large meal and her breaths were deep and heavy. She always felt lustiest when she was full, or eating and it seemed that Stefan knew it. He loved to tease her slowly feeding her treats and then pulling them away making her beg for another bite.
"Baby please, you know I hate being hungry, please just give me another bite," she whined.
"You're still hungry? Didn't you just say you grabbed something on your way off work?" Stefan asked.
"Yes, but it was small I only got fries... and a shake, and a burger... But I'm still hungry!" Kelli whimpered.
Stefan knew just what Kelli wanted, but he was always had to take that extra step to make her ask. He kept Kelli's fridge stocked with all sorts of snack cakes, frozen pizzas, and ice cream. Kelli had a real sweet tooth and would eat candy and ice cream all day if she could survive on only the two. She sat on her couch this particular night feeling extra ravenous as Stefan slowly fed her macaroni and cheese. Kelli moaned softly after each bite, imagining the calories adding onto her ever expanding hips. Speaking of which, her hips overflowed the top of her tight sweatpants, and hung over her waistband. Her now sizeable gut hung in her lap resting on her thighs. Stefan kissed her softly on the neck as he pulled the spoon from her mouth. "Mmmm baby, you treat me so right, a girl could get used to this," Kelli cooed. "I'm getting so full though; can we take a break please and play a little?"

It didn't take Stefan long to comply, and he kissed her hard on the lips. Resting one of his hands On Kelli's widening thighs he rubbed slowly working his way between her legs. With his other hand on Kelli's neck, the two embraced in a flurry of kisses and heavy breathing. Kelli squirmed as Stefan squeezed and pinched her inner thighs. She felt herself getting hot and bothered, both from the pressure of her full stomach and the work Stefan was doing with his hand. He squeezed her breasts causing her to arch her back and curl her hips towards him. He kissed her neck, and then down her cleavage, paying extra attention to her breasts as they overflowed out the top of her bra. Then onto her stretch marked stomach, he traced circles around her belly button with his tongue, squeezing her hips with both hands.

Stefan got off the couch and onto his knees pulling Kelli towards him roughly and kissing her again on the lips. As they kissed he simultaneously pulled hard on her overstuffed sweatpants bringing them to her chubby ankles. They were certainly much easier to get off than to put on. He then took off his shirt and pulled her in close to feeling the dampness of her womanhood on his stomach. He kissed her all over as she leaned her head back closing her eyes to enjoy the moment. He nibbled, sucked, bit, and kissed every inch of her neck while simultaneously rubbing her full belly and thick hips. He then returned his lips to her taunt stomach pushing her shirt so it bunched up just under her breasts. He licked slowly down her belly towards her panties lower and lower eventually sliding them down so he could access her pleasure center.

Her Pussy had chubbed up as well with her weight gain and it was soft and inviting. He nibbled on her fupa softly before diving down to her lovebud. Kelli shuddered and stifled a soft moan as she felt Stefan's lips surround her bean like an army surrounding a castle ready to invade. He could feel her moistness on his chin as he dove in between her legs licking and nibbling as if it was the greatest thing he had ever tasted. Kellie struggled to keep her voice down but it was difficult as Stefan alternated speeds, slowing down and speeding up to give her the best experience possible.

He worked as if her pussy was a precious diamond, taking the utmost care and worshipping her clit like a god with his tongue. She squirmed and grabbed his head with both hands, pulling him in tightly clenching his hair in between her fingers. Stefan responded by grabbing the back of her hips and squeezing tightly so she knew just how important this job was to him. Her moans grew louder and louder as Stefan slid a curled finger inside of her and twisted softly. Now the both of them breathing heavily, the sounds of Stefan's probing tongue on Kelli's soaking Lips grew louder and loader as he pushed harder and harder.
Kelli gasped for more air as she felt her body approaching the finish line. Stefan sensed this and doubled his efforts, licking away furiously. Kelli's warm juices splashed Stefan's chin as he felt the waterfall of her climax.
"OH MY GOD, GOD, JESUS, ***ING DON'T STOP" Kelli yelled out in pleasure, her mouth agape.
Her face was distorted as her legs flexed around Stefan's head trapping him there. Stefan grunted attempting to push his face further into her crotch to lap up her sweet juices, but she finally pushed him away.
"Okay okay okay, care... full... sensitive," Kelli gasped, "Give me a minute."
Obliging, Stefan leaned back and smiled a big toothy grin, "How was that?" he asked already knowing the answer to the redundant question.
"Baby how, how did you... what, what was that?" Kelli stuttered still panting heavily. "I didn't know you could do THAT. I mean that was incredible, I've never felt anything like that before!"
Stefan just continued to smile, knowing he had achieved his goal. He sat back on the couch next to Kelli, pulling her under his arm. Kelli snuggled up against him, her soft hips pressing against his smooth chest and it wasn't long before the two had fallen fast asleep.
15 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 11 years , updated 6 years
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Jocena845 3 years
who is the lady in the photo? I would like to know very much!
Ocram666 6 years
please describe how heavy she is being on top of Stefan, thanksaa
Fedexpress 9 years
Don't you worry sir she will be back and in a "big" way. Haha I love weight gain inuendos
Akula1369 9 years
Great new addition! What if Krystal re-entered the story and her, Kelli, and Stefan had a threesome? That would be hot. Maybe Krystal could come back with a few more pounds.
Fedexpress 10 years
Almost done proofing the new chapters guys. Keep telling me what you want to see. Gonna bring in a few other stories I have written so ideas are welcome for those as well
FrecherTyp 10 years
mhmm hehehe so sexy to see the lust of food and greediness and loosing control take over this little cutie ^^

i bet she tries to hide something and get´s a littl stuck somewhere cause her belly now is gotten to big and he catches her ^^-.....

a really nice story ^^
Rustydog7 10 years
Very sensual, keep writing I can't wait for more. Add more drinking and getting drunk too. Fantastic story so far.
Fedexpress 10 years
Have much more written just have to proof read it and transfer. I'm having an issue with time to work on this
Gary1627 11 years
Very decriptive as someone has already said and that's what makes this story so good.
Severino 11 years
Very good story so far. Please continue!
Debela 11 years
I hope there is more!
Nok 11 years
very descriptive
Leuco 11 years
Very nice Story the question ist does eli likesthe channels?