
Chapter 15 - krystals problem

(2 Months later)

Riiiiiiip! Krystal heard the all too familiar noise burst from behind her. Dropping the soap bucket she was holding to the ground with a splash, she stood up suddenly. Her face bright red, Krystal put her hands to her rear to assess the damage. The heavily frayed pockets on her khakis were suddenly under less pressure as her pants had split right down the seam. Her white panties with ice cream cone polka dots showed clearly through the gaping hold that was once her work pants. "Thank God there aren't any customers in here," she thought relieved.
Unfortunately, Jen one of her 17 year old new hires saw the entire spectacle. "Oh my God Krystal, Are you okay?" she exclaimed.
Duh, of course I'm okay Krystal thought to herself, I didn't pull a muscle or anything just ripped my pants. "Yeah I'm okay," Krys replied quickly. "You're gonna have to watch this place for a little bit I have to go get some new pants."
"Okay, are you sure? I'm not really sure what I'm doing?" Jen asked nervously.
"It's wicked simple Jen, people order coffee or donuts, and then they pay, couldn't be more simple," Krystal sighed beginning to think Jen was a space cadet, "trust me, you'll be fine. I'll see you in a little bit, just call me if you have any problems."

Krystal shimmied to her back office and grabbed her rain coat hoping it would cover the gaping hole in her pants. Much to her dismay, it only covered about ¾ of her round behind, and to be frank, it looked a little ridiculous as it was far too small for her. Not to mention it was a gorgeous sunny day and about 80 degrees out which only added to her laughable look. "Oh well, I'll just have to be fast, hopefully I won't see anyone I know," she thought. Krystal got into her car and drove to the clothing department store up the street. Krystal could feel her stomach bounce over every bump she hit. Her face was flushed with embarrassment and she was so nervous that someone would notice her behind before she could adequately cover it. She would have normally just gone home to grab more pants, but she was on her last pair. Having bought her current pair only three weeks before, she had nothing else that fit her. She concluded that this pair must have shrunk in the wash, and had caused the problem she was currently facing.
Arriving at the store, Krystal quickly shuffled through to the women's section and grabbed the first large pair of khakis she saw. She power walked to the changing rooms where an attendant was awaiting her.
"How many items do you have?" The attendant asked.
"Just one," Krystal quickly answered.
"Okay right this way," she motioned.
Krystal awkwardly followed, spinning and backing into the stall so the attendant would not see her enormous rip. The door closed and Krystal finally could breathe, "That was close," She sighed. She bent over to pull her tattered pants off only to hear them rip even more. Pulling them around her ankles, she slid the new pants up her legs, one leg at a time only to be let down. The pants would not go past her thighs; she huffed as a bead of sweat dripped down her brow. This is hard work she thought, yanking them off and looking at herself in the mirror. Krystal's body had been ballooning, and she was not officially approaching being very fat. She was all legs, her thighs touching all the way to her knees. Her cellulite ridden thighs wiggled back and forth as she stood in the changing room deciding what to do next. Her stomach didn't roll over her panties very far, but rather stuck out as if she were pregnant, it was round and firm from all the food she had eaten today. Her panties clung tightly to her body as she shifted her weight to her other foot. Her upper arms had become quite thick she noted as she raised her hand above the stall door and called for the attendant.
"Hey! Do you think you could grab me a couple sizes up from this pair?" she asked slinging the khakis over the top of the door.
"Well, I can try," the attendant stammered, "but I don't think we have anything larger than the ones you have." The attendant spoke carefully, not wanting to offend Krystal.
Great, Krystal thought, "Well maybe you could just grab me some leggings in that size then?"
"Of course!" The attendant replied happily shuffling away.

It wasn't long before a black pair of leggings were draped over the door, and Krystal slid them up over her enormous thighs. They were still extremely tight, but looking in the mirror, Krystal thought they made her butt look absolutely fantastic, and she quickly ripped the tag off, exiting the changing room. Krystal made her way to the front register and paid for her new leggings, feeling a familiar pain in her stomach. Krystal was hungry, and lately she hadn't been denying her body anything when it felt this way. Figuring that Jen would be able to handle the bakery for a bit longer, Krystal shimmied her way to the food court to Cinnabon. Her shelf ass was kept in check by her new leggings, and it swayed from side to side as she felt guys staring at her burgeoning posterior.
The cashier at Cinnabon greeted Krystal with a smile, "What can I get for you today?" She asked.
"Let me get a number four, with extra frosting, and three Mini-rolls," She said confidently. Krystal heard a few chuckles coming from a table nearby with a few teenagers sitting at it.
"Looks like she's adding on to her own cinna-BUNS!" One of the teenagers exclaimed loudly bursting into laughter.
"Looks like she already has a collection of her own below her waist!" Another cried laughing nearly in tears.
Krystal didn't look their way, but merely sat down near them at an adjacent table with her treats. She opened the boxes all at once and out them in a pile on her plate. The warm frosting covered her fingers as she grabbed two at once and crammed them into her waiting jaws. She looked right at the teenagers when she did this, giving them a wink and a smile. Krystal beamed with pride admiring her own gluttony, feeling the warm sticky buns slide down her throat. She tore through the rest of the buns eating with a strong vigor and deep breaths. She grabbed her stomach with one hand and shoved another bun into her mouth tilting her head back and letting out a moan followed by an exaggerated, "mmmmm!" She stuck her stomach out further and patted it softly moving her hips back and forth in the chair.
"Gross dude, what the Hell is wrong with her?" The teenagers gasped getting up and leaving Krystal in her gluttonous frenzy.
Krystal smiled to herself, happy she had disgusted the kids who were mocking her. She devoured the last few buns tossed them in the trash and made her way back to her car.
Krystal hopped in the front seat of her car feeling extremely full, but also a little wet. She loved the pressure of food in her stomach, and it turned her on so much. She looked around quickly to see if anyone was nearby before she began rubbing her full stomach. Her belly groaned and gurgled as she could feel its contents shifting and digesting. The rubbing caused her to let out a large belch, followed by two smaller ones and she sped up the pace of her movements. Krystal felt herself becoming wetter by the second and it wasn't long before she had her hand struggling to get inside her new leggings. They were so tight she was having great difficulty getting to her bean. She gave a quick rub to the outside of her leggings gasping at the dampness clearly seeping through the tightly stretched garments. She slapped her pussy a few times as her breathing quickened and she raised another hand to her solid nipples. Struggling again to get her hand into her pants, she gave up and began furiously rubbing the outside of her tights. She closed her eyes and imagined herself getting pounded on by a handsome man. She imagined him grabbing her hips from behind and slapping her fantastic ass, sending ripples through her body. She moaned softly, trying to contain her voice because after all, she was in a mall parking lot. Krystal could still taste the frosting on her lips from her enormous lunch, and it excited her so much. Her breaths finally began to break up into short erratic gasps and soft moans as she felt herself coming in a waterfall of juices and pleasure.

"I should have bought new underwear too," she said aloud laughing at her lack of self control. Krystal was pretty full, but oddly enough, it was often when she was at her fullest when she was the hungriest. She started her car looking up to see an old woman staring at her and shaking her head. It was clear that this woman must have seen the entire spectacle, and again just like the teenagers was disgusted, but Krystal loved it.
15 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 11 years , updated 6 years
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Jocena845 3 years
who is the lady in the photo? I would like to know very much!
Ocram666 6 years
please describe how heavy she is being on top of Stefan, thanksaa
Fedexpress 9 years
Don't you worry sir she will be back and in a "big" way. Haha I love weight gain inuendos
Akula1369 9 years
Great new addition! What if Krystal re-entered the story and her, Kelli, and Stefan had a threesome? That would be hot. Maybe Krystal could come back with a few more pounds.
Fedexpress 10 years
Almost done proofing the new chapters guys. Keep telling me what you want to see. Gonna bring in a few other stories I have written so ideas are welcome for those as well
FrecherTyp 10 years
mhmm hehehe so sexy to see the lust of food and greediness and loosing control take over this little cutie ^^

i bet she tries to hide something and get´s a littl stuck somewhere cause her belly now is gotten to big and he catches her ^^-.....

a really nice story ^^
Rustydog7 10 years
Very sensual, keep writing I can't wait for more. Add more drinking and getting drunk too. Fantastic story so far.
Fedexpress 10 years
Have much more written just have to proof read it and transfer. I'm having an issue with time to work on this
Gary1627 11 years
Very decriptive as someone has already said and that's what makes this story so good.
Severino 11 years
Very good story so far. Please continue!
Debela 11 years
I hope there is more!
Nok 11 years
very descriptive
Leuco 11 years
Very nice Story the question ist does eli likesthe channels?