Victoria's revenge

chapter 2

Tim entered Victoria's house feeling distinctly uncomfortable. He was intimidated by her expensive car, her lavishly decorated flat and most of all her beauty. This was not helped by the fact she was now wearing 5 inch heels and positively dwarfed him. There was something else about her though that was really keeping him on edge - her playful but forceful mannerisms. She never asked him a question, or invited him to do anything, it was always very clear that it wasn't an option. In fact, thought Tim, some of the things she said to him like "I will pick you up at seven from your place", "come in, hang your coat up over there, and sit down on the sofa" and "take your jumper off, it's very warm in here" sounded rather like orders. Right now though Tim had bigger problems. Victoria's flirty behaviour and low cut top were both doing an excellent job of turning him on and it was getting increasingly difficult to hide the effects. Victoria gave a knowing smile as he crossed his legs awkwardly, and began stroking his leg in a very deliberate manner.
"Everything ok cutie?" she asked sympathetically, knowing how hopelessly aroused he was becoming.
"Yeah, great thanks!" exclaimed Tim who was doing his best to appear calm and relaxed. He was desperately trying to exert some kind of authority over the situation in order to preserve some masculinity but every suggestion he made or opinion he voiced was easily shot down by Victoria who was clearly far more knowledegable in every field they discussed. From politics, cooking, ethics, geography even sport, Victoria bossed the conversation, not aggressively but intelligently and Tim was beginning to feel extremely stupid. Yet just as Tim was thinking his chances with this incredible woman were surely over she reached over without warning and squeezed his crotch making him gasp with both surprise and pleasure. "Dinner time!" she announced, as she stood up and led a confused, hungry and extremely horny Tim through to the dining room.

Tim was very, very full.
Victoria's cooking was both sophisticated and delicious and Tim had no problem eating everything she served him. He had originally planned on not eating much to try and conceal his greediness and perhaps make it seem like the trolleyfull of food she had seen earlier was in fact a weekly shop rather than for the next couple of days. This food was far too good to waste though and that plan quickly went straight out of the window. Now, after three delicious plates of exquisite cooking Tim was stuffed.
"Ready for dessert Tim?!" she asked eagerly.
"Actually Victoria I'm really rather full now, I might have to pass on dessert." Victoria laughed loudly - not the response Tim was hoping for - and placed a large slice of chocolate cake in front of him.
"Very funny Tim but we both know you can eat plenty more than that eh?! I saw all that food you were buying in the shop - it seems you have quite an appetite, especially for chocolate! So dig in cutie, I wouldn't want you to leave without filling that belly of yours," she said, grabbing the exposed roll of flab sitting on Tim's lap. Tim gulped. That was a weird thing to say, made even weirder by the fact Victoria's smile was gone, replaced by a cold, emotionless stare. He decided to just eat the cake as quickly as possible then make his excuses and leave. As he wolfed down the enormous slice of cake Victoria seemed to detect his unease because her smile returned and she rose to go get some drinks. When she returned with two large glasses of wine Tim was just finishing the cake, and all the chocolate had left him extremely thirsty. He downed the wine immediately much to Victoria's discreet amusement and leant back in his chair deciding to wait a little while for the food to go down before making his exit. Victoria had also eaten plenty which had reassured Tim, but she then began to describe the intense gym workout she'd been doing that afternoon and how she needed a big meal to replenish all those calories. Guilt started creeping up on Tim, who couldn't even remember the last time he'd worked out, and was very aware of how bloated his belly looked and felt. Victoria explained how recently she'd really been working on increasing her strength, and had been thrilled this afternoon to achieve her target of benching 30kg sixty times over three reps.
"Shit!" thought Tim, "How on earth can she be that strong and still look so feminine?!" Sixty lifts of thirty kg - that was a lot and he was pretty sure he would struggle with that now. Feeling a bit sleepy he started vaguely daydreaming about lifting weights back in the gym until suddenly noticing Victoria was staring at him, waiting for a response. Yawning loudy he blinked, apologised and asked her to repeat the question. Victoria looked rather cross with his lack of attention so he tried to sit up in his chair and look focused. For some reason though this was a little difficult, he felt lethargic and his body felt a bit heavy. He tried to push himself up with his arms but they felt strangely weak and clumsy much to his annoyance. Why was he so tired?
"Everything ok?" asked Victoria who still looked rather stern.
"Errr..." mumbled Tim, but he found himself completely unable to think of what he was supposed to say. His mind was all foggy and he was struggling to think of anything whatsoever except Victoria's breasts which he felt unable to stop staring at. He saw her hand slowly move up her blouse and undo another button, putting even more of her enormous bosom on show.
"Like them?" she asked. "I bet you like it when I do this don't you?" she said, squeezing them together so that were virtually falling out of her top. Tim tried to say something intelligent but completely failed and just groaned loudly. He reached for a glass of wine but his clumsy hand knocked it over spilling wine across the table. Victoria slapped his hand and glared at him.
"You stupid fatty, that's my wine you've just spilt. You've already guzzled yours down remember?" Tim stared at her blankly - did she just call him "fatty"? Everything moved with a blur, suddenly Victoria's face was up close to his and she was standing beside his chair.
"I don't think you can be trusted with your own hands can you Tim?" What was going on, what did she mean by that? He shook his head stupidly and mumbled no. The next thing he knew he felt his hands being handcuffed to the chair behind him, but by the time he had acknowledged what was happening Victoria was sitting back in her chair holding a key and smiling coldly.
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Giantjay 8 years
One of my all time favorite stories! Just brilliant revenge story. Well done!
FrecherTyp 8 years
some day i will get fat reading all those briliant stories about sexy females ^^ who feed a poor slim loney guy ;-) until he is to chubby to run away ...
Likens6 9 years
You should make a sequal where like a year has passed and we get to see how much Tim weighs and how he is always hungry
Nok 11 years
Unbelievable. I'm not at all into BHMs or guys, but I can't deny that your writing is truly superb. I couldn't stop reading. You should think about writing horror for a living (or at least writing a bbw version of this, lol). Excellent job
BeSoft 11 years
My dream! Great story, Great work, well done!!
Azerty 11 years
Wonderful story. A part 7 could be nice too. In any case, thank you.
Irma1230 11 years
continue please,I love it
Growrnshowr 11 years
Part 6 went a little too extreme for my taste but cannot deny that it is a wonderfully written story! I will re-read, just stop at 5! smiley
Fatlilboy 11 years
I love, love, love this kind of story!!