Victoria's revenge

chapter 3

"Wwwha?" whispered Tim, desperately trying to figure out what was going on.
"Uh oh, is someone's little brain trying to work out what's going on?!" chuckled Victoria. "There was a hefty dose of Midazolam in the wine you greedily glugged down just now. I can tell from your chubby little face that you have no idea what that means so let me explain." Victoria pulled Tim's chair away from the table and sat straddling him with her breasts pushed close up to his face.
"Midazolam is a sedative and muscle relaxant sweetie. Don't worry, there's not enough to make you fall asleep - I want you wide awake. I'm actually rather suprised at just how effectively it's worked, I wasn't expecting it to make you quite this pathetic." She moved closer and whispered in his ear. "But then lets face it you were already pathetic weren't you... You are fat, greedy, lazy and stupid and seem completely incapable of doing anything other than sitting on your arse, stuffing your face and watching tv. Not just 'fat' either, look at you!" Demonstating her strength Victoria ripped open Tim's shirt, exposing his belly and chest.and laughed as she slapped his flabby breasts and squeezed huge rolls of belly flab. "You're disgustingly flabby, unfit and out of shape, there's not even a hint of muscle anywhere on this pathetically soft body is there?! In fact, if I known just how badly you'd let yourself go I wouldn't have botherered with the sedative - you wouldn't stand a chance against me anyway! But where are my manners, you wanted wine didn't you?" Grabbing the half empty bottle of wine Victoria shoved it Tim's mouth and poured the rest down his throat. Tim coughed and spluttered, then squealed as Victoria viciously squeezed his nipples.
"Awww poor baby, don't look so sad, I thought fat people are supposed to be happy and jolly?! Poor you, you must be wondering what I'm going to do to you. Well it's very simple, since you've demonstrated that you're incapable of looking after yourself you've already doomed yourself to a life of getting steadily fatter and more pathetic. I've decided to help out and fund your whole decline myself - you know, speed the whole process up! Essentially Tim, I'm going to turn you into the enormous blob you deserve to be. Now, where are your manners - say "Thankyou Victoria" ." Attempting to demonstrate some kind of bravado Tim tried spitting in her face but the Midazolam had relaxed his facial muscles and tongue so much that he just ended up dribbling slightly.
"Come on then fatty bum, lets hear it!" giggled Victoria as she wiped his face with a napkin.
"Fuuh yoou," managed Tim with what he hoped was a glare. Victoria sighed and stood up. "Oh dear Tim, it's going to be a difficult learning curve isn't it?! You see the reason I do so well in my career is because I always get precisely what I want, when I want. In the last few years, I've secured promotions, negotiated multi-million pound sales, more than tripled my salary and rehired more than a dozen staff members. So let's face it - when it comes to dealing with a stupid, fat, horny, greedy boy who is stuffed full of cake and handcuffed to the chair I can, and will, get anything, ANYTHING I ***ing well want." With lightning speed Victoria undid Tim's belt, pulled his trouses and boxer shorts down to his knees, reached between his legs and squeezed his balls viciously. Crying it out in pain Tim desperately tried to kick out but his legs felt like they weighed a tonne. Victoria correctly guessed that only a quick squeeze would be necessary and she let go. Tim desperately tried to form the words "Thank you Victoria" whilst sobbing. Victoria grinned and gently massaged his still erect penis.
"Oh Tim, you've always been such a stupid chauvistic prick haven't you? Apologising to a girl who's just made you cry must hurt even more than your balls! But don't worry, this is just the start, it will all be second nature soon. Now, I saw earlier today in the shop that you have quite an appetite for snacks so I'll go fetch some doughnuts to cheer you up.

Tim rubbed his belly with the hand that wasn't tied to the bed. He was monumentally stuffed but he had come up with a plan for an escape. Four weeks had past since he met Victoria and she had kept him locked in her spare bedroom ever since. Most of the time he spent completely tied down to the bed, with ankles and wrists tied to opposite corners so he couldn't move even slightly. When he needed to wash or go to the toilet Victoria would put cuffs on his ankles with just enough slack for him to shuffle to the ensuite bathroom and wait in the bedroom with a whip. Tim quickly learnt that if he didn't shuffle straight back to the bed and re-cuff himself to the corners he would immediately feel the searing sting of the whip across his flabby body. Once done, Victoria would come over and finish cuffing him, ensuring that all his limbs were secure. Tim hated it. He hadn't worn clothes for nearly a month and it was so humiliating being treated this way. Victoria was making him eat so much food that his belly was constantly aching, even waking him in the middle of the night to feed him even more. He was also having to endure Victoria's constant jibes and insults and she took great delight in embarrassing him at every opportunity. She also enjoyed playing with his body, tracing a path from his chest with her fingers until eventually stopping at the base of his cock. There she would gently stroke it and play with his balls until it was fully erect and she could hear Tim groaning with pleasure. Sometimes she would then squeeze it or jerk him off but never let him come. She would happily spend hours teasing him this way, sometimes with her mouth, sometimes just with her hands, knowing that he was far more obedient when he was super horny. Tim hated himself for caving in so easily, and allowing himself to be manipulated by this cruel woman but she was just so beautiful he couldn't help it. She would suddenly stop playing with him, slap his cock and whisper in his ear. "Say how badly you want me you greedy little shit." Tim would blurt out something pathetic like "I want you so badly Victoria please, please *** me," but she would just laugh and leave the room. The single worst thing for Tim though was the effect all this was having on his body. The amount of food he was consuming was outrageous - he was submitted to regular feedings by Victoria every day, each time stretching his stomach slightly more. She worked all day and would leave vast amounts of fattening food on the bed for him. She would leave one of his hands uncuffed to allow him to eat it, and he knew better than to leave anything uneaten by the time she got home. All this was having a dramatic effect on his body, confirmed by occasional humiliating weigh-ins. In the last 28 days Tim had gone from 234lb to 269lb and now sported an enormous fat belly that hung in front of him and sagged either side in the form of big soft love handles. Victoria would sometimes make him look at himself in the full length mirror so he was well aware that his buttocks now stuck out significantly behind him like two enormous fleshy globes that wobbled when he walked. His thighs were extremely thick and soft and brushed heavily against eachother when he walked, forcing him to waddle, and his arms were big, clumsy and extraordinarily flabby. Most embarrassing were his breasts which had really swelled up. Victoria would tease him mercilessly about them but she wasn't kidding when she said they were bigger than most women's breasts. Now though, Tim was lying in bed carefully planning how he was going to escape. Victoria would be back from work soon and he knew he would have to get this right first time. He was scared of Victoria and her punishments, and knew how servere the consequences could be if he failed, but he couldn't go on like this - Victoria wouldn't even say how fat she was going to make him and he feared the answer was 'very'. The plan revolved around tricking Victoria into thinking he was hornier than he was. Victoria's sadistic nature often led to her getting carried away whilst teasing him and once or twice had even completely untied him so that she could make him perform humiliating tasks for her. She did so correctly assuming that Tim was so excruciatingly horny that he would never try to escape. Indeed on the rare occasions where this had happened Tim recalled he had been desperately longing for her to let him come and pathetically begging her for sex. He believed though that if he really put his mind to it he could control himself and act more aroused than he actually was. Once the cuffs were removed he could overpower her, cuff her to the bed and get the hell out of there.

Two hours later he sprung his trap.
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Giantjay 8 years
One of my all time favorite stories! Just brilliant revenge story. Well done!
FrecherTyp 8 years
some day i will get fat reading all those briliant stories about sexy females ^^ who feed a poor slim loney guy ;-) until he is to chubby to run away ...
Likens6 9 years
You should make a sequal where like a year has passed and we get to see how much Tim weighs and how he is always hungry
Nok 11 years
Unbelievable. I'm not at all into BHMs or guys, but I can't deny that your writing is truly superb. I couldn't stop reading. You should think about writing horror for a living (or at least writing a bbw version of this, lol). Excellent job
BeSoft 11 years
My dream! Great story, Great work, well done!!
Azerty 11 years
Wonderful story. A part 7 could be nice too. In any case, thank you.
Irma1230 11 years
continue please,I love it
Growrnshowr 11 years
Part 6 went a little too extreme for my taste but cannot deny that it is a wonderfully written story! I will re-read, just stop at 5! smiley
Fatlilboy 11 years
I love, love, love this kind of story!!