Victoria's revenge

chapter 4

Victoria had clearly had a bad day at work and her mood reflected this when she returned home. Wasting no time she grabbed a variety of fattening foods from the kitchen and went straight upstairs to start shoving food in Tim's mouth. It was amazing how much food his stomach could handle after a month of being stretched to the limit, and it wasn't long before two boxes of doughnuts had disappeared. This was followed up by two pints of cream and it was clear from her rough treatment and the rate she was feeding him that her bad mood was being taken out on Tim. A packet of biscuits, a large tub of ice cream, half a chocolate cake and a bottle of coke later Tim felt horrendously bloated. His belly rose in the air like an enormous fleshy mountain and his stomach was pressing against his lungs causing him to pant slightly. Victoria would normally have stopped by now but she was so busy complaining that she seemed not to notice how stuffed he was getting.
"You wouldn't understand though," she ranted, pushing chocolates one by one into his mouth. "You just eat, sleep and fart don't you fatso? When was the last time you ever had to make a decision about anything? When was the last time you even had to think about anything except food and sex?!" She brought her leg up and straddled him, sitting down slowly on his distended belly. The pressure caused Tim to groan, then burp loudly.
"Ha! Is that your only contribution to the conversation you fat ***er?! I've noticed you seem to be struggling to say much these days - is talking to me a little beyond your mental capacity now?!" There was actually some truth in this, Tim spent almost his entire time extremely horny, extremely full or fast asleep and it wasn't exactly intellectually stimulating. Thinking about anything other than basic urges was becoming a bit of an effort and in the last week or so he had struggled to think of anything to say in defense when Victoria berated him.
"Awww, don't you worry baby I don't want you being all confused. Lets switch to something you can comprehend." With that Victoria slowly undid her blouse revealing a lacy black bra and leaned in close to Tim's face. Tim stared at her breasts and felt himself stiffen. Victoria reached behind his belly and gently held his cock, slowly moving her hand up and down as she felt it grow.
"Look at you," whispered Victoria. "You haven't the slightest bit of control over your own body. I can make you hard with just a click of the fingers, I say when you're allowed to relieve yourself and I decide exactly what goes into this enormous belly. I own your body fatso, understand? I OWN it." Whilst taunting him she jerked him off faster and faster until Tim heard himself loudly moaning. It felt so good, he felt powerless, all he wanted was Victoria and some precious relief from all this built up sexual frustration. But no, he had to try and focus - this could be his chance.
"And now," continued Victoria, "you're going to eat the rest of this cake with your hands as quickly as possible. If your hands stop shovelling chocolate cake my hands stop playing with your dick so I suggest you find some room in there fat boy." Victoria unlocked his ankles to allow him to sit up, and as she freed his other arm he seized his moment and shoved her as hard as he could with both hands. Victoria fell backwards off the the side of the bed and Tim heaved his body to its feet and awkwardly ran to the door. The flat was extensive and covered two stories but Tim knew the way. He ran left along the corridor and starting running down the stairs. He felt his body jiggle in ways he'd never even imagined and had to slow down just to keep his balance. Every step sent his soft, wobbly belly swinging to the other side of his body, whilst his breasts bounced wildly up and down. Even his buttocks felt like enormous bean bags throwing him off balance and his enormous thighs slammed into eachother making a loud noise. Reaching the bottom of the stairs he headed towards the door but suddenly felt something slam into the back of him and he fell straight to the floor.

Victoria got straight up from her perfect rugby tackle and stood between Tim and the door with a glint in her eye. With a lot of wobbling Tim got to his feet and tried to push her out of the way but she simply pushed back harder and he fell straight back on his arse. Tim, now exhuasted, got up and threw a punch as hard he could but Victoria easily saw his flabbly arm coming and dodged the blow. He tried again and this time she moved in, catching his arm and pulling his body over. The momentum caused him to fall straight forward and to make his situation even more humiliating the pressure of falling on his belly made him fart loudly and uncontrollably.
"Please," said Victoria coldly, "this is fun - do keep trying." Desperation set in and Tim hauled himself to his feet and ran at Victoria with all his remaining energy. Victoria waited until he was inches away then slammed her fist into his belly with a brutal punch. Tim doubled up, completely winded and gasping for air, all the fight in him well and truly gone. Victoria wasn't finished though. She reached out and placing her hand around Tim's throat she gently squeezed until Tim was alternatively sobbing and gasping for air.
"What's the matter Tim? Beaten up by a girl? How pathetic." Her voice suddenly darkened as she moved her face close up against his and whispered menacingly.
"You're going to really suffer for this." Leaving him to catch his breath for a moment Victoria went to the living room and brought through a large, sturdy footrest, essentially a cube of roughly 2 feet in each direction. Placing it in front of him she roughly pushed him so he fell across it, on his knees on one side and his arms hanging down on the other side. She then tied his wrists to his legs with the rope going underneath the footrest, essentially forcing him to be on all fours but with his belly supported.
"Comfortable?!" asked Victoria, giving him a hard slap on the arse and laughing as it wobbled all over the place. Tim felt utterly pathetic. His failed escape attempt had demonstrated just how fat and unfit he had become and now here he was, on all fours with his arse sticking in the air. His situation suddenly got a lot worse though, as Victoria returned with an enormous butt plug and showed it to him with an evil smile. That was simply too much for Tim. He screamed and thrashed against his restraints but with no success and was powerless to stop it entering him.
"Ah Tim, maybe this is the time to discuss why you're here. You know why don't you? It may have been five years ago but I'm sure you remember how you treated 'Fat Vicky'." Tim nodded, completely defeated.
"Fat Vicky doesn't really exist now though does she? You seem fairly impressed with my body now anyway. But I recall you being somewhat... hostile before. Now what was it you called me...?" mused Victoria, pretending to think. "Ah yes, a fat pig! Well I'm sure you'll appreciate the irony of what I have in front of me then. You on all fours, weak, unfit, stupider than ever and with rolls of fat covering your whole body. Well then, I think it's reasonable to suggest that perhaps you are the fat pig here Tim. Although I don't think you need that name any more, it's far too human. I'll just call you piggy from now on to save confusion. Also since your simple brain is struggling with the conversation nowadays I'm going to restrict your vocabulary to "oink". Don't worry Piggy, you'll get used to it in no time. Everything nice and clear?"
Piggy knew he had no choice. He oinked as convincingly as he could and hung his head in shame.
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Giantjay 8 years
One of my all time favorite stories! Just brilliant revenge story. Well done!
FrecherTyp 8 years
some day i will get fat reading all those briliant stories about sexy females ^^ who feed a poor slim loney guy ;-) until he is to chubby to run away ...
Likens6 9 years
You should make a sequal where like a year has passed and we get to see how much Tim weighs and how he is always hungry
Nok 11 years
Unbelievable. I'm not at all into BHMs or guys, but I can't deny that your writing is truly superb. I couldn't stop reading. You should think about writing horror for a living (or at least writing a bbw version of this, lol). Excellent job
BeSoft 11 years
My dream! Great story, Great work, well done!!
Azerty 11 years
Wonderful story. A part 7 could be nice too. In any case, thank you.
Irma1230 11 years
continue please,I love it
Growrnshowr 11 years
Part 6 went a little too extreme for my taste but cannot deny that it is a wonderfully written story! I will re-read, just stop at 5! smiley
Fatlilboy 11 years
I love, love, love this kind of story!!