Victoria's revenge

chapter 6

Scarely believing his luck, Tim grinned and began thinking about how he could go about losing all this weight and getting his life back to normal. His face quickly fell though as he tried to move his arms. They felt so much heavier than he was expecting - at first he thought Victoria hadn't properly untied him. He managed to move his arms to his sides eventually but it took all his strength to do so.
"Everything ok cutie?" asked Victoria with mock sympathy. Tim was loudly panting for air, already completely exhausted, but was now desperately trying to shuffle off the bed. Victoria watched with amusement as Tim struggled with his enormous body, desperately trying to get his legs off the edge of the bed so that he could stand up. Moving his colossal legs was proving to be very challenging though thanks to the sheer volume of fat getting in the way. In addition they were being pinned down by his belly. Eventually though Tim succeeded in reaching a sitting position on the end of his bed. His butt cheeks covered an enormous part of the bed and his belly filled his lap whilst propping up his melon sized breasts. Spurred on by hope of getting out of the room that had been his prison for so long he summoned up all his energy, leant forwards and stood up. Except he didn't. His legs were completely unable to handle the obscene weight and buckled causing him to fall straight forward onto his enormous belly. The fat completely softened the impact but the pressure exerted on his stuffed gut caused him to fart loudly.
"Gross," exclaimed Victoria as she slowly walked over. "Well Piggy, I thought you'd have gone by now, you always seemed so keen to leave! Why are you lying on the floor here?! Is there something wrong with your legs?! Not been exercising much recently I take it?!" she giggled. Tim opened his mouth to ask her to help him but instead simply let out an enormous burp.
"Eugh that's disgusting," remarked Victoria wrinkling her nose. "You seem to be having a bit of a problem with that don't you?! Here let me help!" Victoria then reached for a draw, pulled out some duct tape and taped his mouth firmly shut. "There you go, all sorted!" Victoria smacked him firmly on his enormous exposed buttocks and despite desperately trying not to, Tim was unable to prevent himself from farting yet again. Victoria groaned and shook her head. "You are truly pathetic aren't you? Fine, since you're so incapable of maintaining even basic manners whilst amongst others I suppose I'll have to help you out with this little problem of yours myself wont I?" Victoria left the room and came back a minute later with a cold smile on her face. Tim's eyes widened as he saw the enormous butt plug she was holding. He tried to shout out but with the tape over his mouth he could only grunt. He tried to move but was so exhausted he only succeeded in causing his flab to wobble uncontrollably. Victoria knelt down and lifted up his chin so that he was looking her in the eye. She smiled. "What's the matter baby, I thought you wanted me to *** you?!" She stood up and Tim desperately tried to make a break for it but he was simply too fat to crawl. His belly was so big it was supporting his whole body and he couldn't get any purchase with his hands and feet. "Hurry piggy," she cried mockingly from behind him. "Unless you crawl away I'll assume you want this!" After a few moments of pathetic, clumsy attempts to escape Tim felt something against his rear and let out a muffled scream as Victoria pushed the whole thing inside him.
As Tim lay moaning on the floor Victoria fetched a strap and began wrapping it around his left arm and leg. She then attached the other end to a radiator on the opposite side of the room, and with the help of a ratchet managed to gradually roll Tim onto his back. She laughed as he tried to move his arms and legs but they just looked like useless stumps coming out of a mountain of fat. Untying the strap she now looped it around his belly and tightened it until it was lifted up, almost exposing his cock. She stepped over him and sat straddling his belly, smiling. Tim looked up and could think about nothing except how beautiful she was. Victoria squeezed his fat nipples viciously and laughed as he squealed in pain, unable to move or even scream.
"Ahhh how things have changed eh?! You used to be rather handsome didn't you piggy? You must remember how everyone fancied you at school, myself included, but I suspect that may not be the case now I'm afraid. Most girls will probably be looking for an guy who's actually capable of standing up!" Victoria's expression hardened.
"I was devastated when you rejected me and to be humilated every day in that way was nearly more than I could bear. You made me hate myself you prick. Fortunately I'm rather tough, and as you can see I'm doing very well for myself. I never orginally intended to get revenge but when I saw you in the shop I'm afraid I simply couldn't resist. Clearly it's something I'm rather good at - I've turned you into an obese pig who is too fat to crawl let alone walk, is incapable of thinking of anything other than food and sex, gets desperately hungry after just a couple of hours without food, has uncontrollable gas problems and oinks like a pig without even thinking. Actually, that reminds me of a little experiment I wanted to try..." Victoria grinned and removed the tape from his mouth. As she disappeared behind his belly Tim felt her hand firmly squeeze his already erect cock and moaned.
"Oh first, there's something you should see!" exclaimed Victoria, standing up so Tim could see her exposed breasts. She squeezed them together and walked over, letting them sit inches away from Tim's wide eyes. Walking back she began sliding her hand up and down his cock, faster and faster listening to the pathetic moans of pleasure coming from Tim. She knew it wouldn't take long for him to come but this time she kept going as he climaxed. After a year of intense sexual frustration Tim finally orgasmed and in doing so instinctively oinked loudly, over and over again as his body shook all over. Victoria smiled. Even during sex Tim now oinked like a pig. Her revenge was complete.
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Giantjay 8 years
One of my all time favorite stories! Just brilliant revenge story. Well done!
FrecherTyp 8 years
some day i will get fat reading all those briliant stories about sexy females ^^ who feed a poor slim loney guy ;-) until he is to chubby to run away ...
Likens6 9 years
You should make a sequal where like a year has passed and we get to see how much Tim weighs and how he is always hungry
Nok 11 years
Unbelievable. I'm not at all into BHMs or guys, but I can't deny that your writing is truly superb. I couldn't stop reading. You should think about writing horror for a living (or at least writing a bbw version of this, lol). Excellent job
BeSoft 11 years
My dream! Great story, Great work, well done!!
Azerty 11 years
Wonderful story. A part 7 could be nice too. In any case, thank you.
Irma1230 11 years
continue please,I love it
Growrnshowr 11 years
Part 6 went a little too extreme for my taste but cannot deny that it is a wonderfully written story! I will re-read, just stop at 5! smiley
Fatlilboy 11 years
I love, love, love this kind of story!!