Maria and tabitha

  By Edxl

Chapter 2 - connecting

Slowly waking up, Maria felt something was odd. Finally she realized that it was that there was someone curled up against her back, an arm tucked in the crook of her waist, and a hand tucked under the waist band of her sleep shorts, resting on the part of her belly that was sprawled across the bed. Suddenly the previous day came back to Maria in a rush. Tabby had been massaging and stroking her up and down her body, even gently tweaking Maria's double chin, and Maria had simply fallen asleep from the sheer comfort and relaxation of it all. What must Tabby think of her, that she'd fallen asleep like that?

Suddenly Tabby's hand was squeezing small handfuls of Maria's soft belly. "Morning, sleepy-head" murmured the smaller woman's voice in Maria's ear "How are you feeling this morning?" Maria thought about it for a moment, and replied "Great, I don't think I've slept that well in ages. I'm sorry that I fell asleep on you though! I didn't mean to, but I was just so relaxed...."

Tabby snuggled up closer to Maria's back, thighs massaging Maria's soft backside. "That's OK honey. I take it as a compliment that I had you that relaxed. I was worried that I was going to stress you out, coming on to you like that. I wasn't sure how you'd feel, but you are just so amazing I had to take the chance. I felt I might pass out when I was able to change my seat to be next to you, and when you let me put the arm rest up so that I could feel your hip next to me, wow. I've never been happier for a storm, I don't know what I would have done if this opportunity had not come along."

"Wow," said Maria, struggling to roll over to face Tabby, "I don't think anyone has ever been that smitten with me." Finally getting herself turned she found her face just inches from Tabby's. Her glance took in rumbled hair and a smug smile, and without really thinking she found herself reaching forward with her lips. Tabby's met hers gently at first, then more intensely. Tabby reached one hand around to dig her long nails into the upper slopes of Maria's hips as her tongue darted in to flick Maria's. In no time Maria found herself on her back, Maria straddling her stomach, hand massaging Maria's breasts, mouths locked together.

Finally Maria got her nerve up and reached her hands out to grab Tabby's small but curvy backside and start grabbing it and massaging it. Tabby moaned into Maria's mouth, and Maria gripped the smaller girl harder, pulling her against Maria's soft stomach. Tabby made a surprised noise, the spread her legs out even farther, letting her weight rest almost entirely on Maria. Maria found supporting the smaller woman to be easy. Tabby wriggled her hips, and Maria's responded by grasping slim hips and grinding Tabby back and forth over Maria's belly.

Tabby's breath began to come faster and faster. Maria flexed her stomach muscles as much as she could, given that she didn't have much muscle tone there anymore, and kept rubbing Tabby up and down. Tabby soon had to break their kiss to gasp for breath, while her nails dug painfully-pleasantly into Maria's plump breasts. Finally Tabby started writhing and moaning, and finally bit down on a plump mouthful of Maria's shoulder.

After a minute Tabby's eyes came back into focus and said "Oh my god you are good. I didn't even know that fat could be used that way." Maria blushed and admitted that she hadn't known either, that she'd not actually slept with a woman before. Tabby looked stunned, then with a big smile said "Oh, then you probably don't know what a real expert can do....too bad I had the stud taken out of my tongue, but still...."

With that she started expertly removing Maria's sleeping clothes and kissing her way down Maria's soft body. She found sensitive spots Maria had not even known she had, leaving that fat woman feeling like a pile of jelly even before her tiny lover pushed aside plump thighs.

Some time later, washing each other in the shower, Maria said "I can't believe that we have to go fly off to different cities now, this has been" she spattered soap bubbles off her hand as she gestured in place of a word. Tabby replied "Well, I'm sure the morning flights are packed, I bet the airlines would love for us to take afternoon flights, maybe evening flights. How much of a rush are you in?"

After making phone calls to delay their flights, they started to get dressed. At least, Maria got as far as pulling on panties then was mesmerized watching Tabby get dressed. Matching black lace panties and bra, followed by a garter belt and stockings. At this point Maria couldn't resist and picked up the small woman and pinned her down on the bed.

Some delightful time later they got dressed again. This time it was Tabby's turn to stare, awed by the sheer size of Maria's clothes. But when Maria got her bra on Tabby said "You are kidding, right?" When Maria showed she did not understand Tabby said "That does not fit you properly--I think you are in too long of a band and too small of a cup."

Tabby glanced at the clock and said "You know, we have time for breakfast and then to go do some shopping, and still make it back before we have to check out.

At the hotel breakfast buffet Maria found herself ravenous, and hardly needed Tabby's urging to finish off two plates piled high with scrambled eggs, sausage, bacon, and pancakes soaked in syrup. A taxi ride to the nearest large mall let Maria sit back and digest for a while before Tabby took her hiking through the mall. When Maria explained how almost none of the stores carried things in her size. Tabby became almost irate. She muttered "I've dated big girls before, but they could usually wear some of the bigger sizes at a bunch of stores. So I guess we're going to Lane Bryant."

Once in Lane Bryant Tabby proved herself to be an experienced shopper. In just half an hour Tabby had her in a much more flattering bra, as well as figure hugging jeans and a deeply cut blouse that together showed off abundant curves and cleavage.

Back at the hotel Tabby was just as efficient at removing Maria from her new clothes, and exploring again the wonders of Maria's belly. Afterwards they just had time to shower again, re-dress, and get make-up put on to Tabby's satisfaction before they had to check out. They still had time to for a good lunch before going to the airport.

At the airline desk Tabby brought out a new guise, the naïve in need of help, and soon had won them vouchers from the airline for having accepted later flights. With a smile Tabby then took these to a different desk, and changed her direct flight to Seattle to a flight to San Francisco, going on to Seattle the next day. She explained afterwards "At least one more night, and then we can figure out what comes next."
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 11 years , updated 2 years
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Juicy 11 years
Wonderful story! While you wrote it for someone in particular, I hope you'll decide to continue it for the rest of us smiley