Maria and tabitha

  By Edxl

Chapter 3 - flight time

They arranged seats together on the flight back to San Francisco. Tabitha put up the armrest, spread a complimentary blanket over them, then snuggled up against Maria. Under the cover of the blanket Tabitha slid a hand under Maria's top and slowly stroked her fat belly. In this fashion the flight seemed to speed by incredibly quickly for both of them. It was almost a physical shock when they had to put away the blanket and resume normal positions.

Maria had planned to take the BART home, but neither of them had that much patience so they grabbed a cab. Unable to wait longer Maria leaned over and kissed Tabitha on the lips. Almost instantly the smaller woman's tongue darted out, licking Maria's lips. The cab driver had to clear his throat to get their attention when they made it to Maria's apartment.

An urgent hour later Maria was lying on the couch, straining against the pad of her double chin to see the lipstick marks on her belly while she let the afterglow settle. Tabby was strutting around naked while shuffling through Maria's substantial pile of take out restaurant menus. "Pizza? Not again. Chicken? No, too much work. Take out Sushi? That sounds perfect!"

Forty minutes after that Maria was just coming out of the bathroom after a shower, wrapped in a housecoat when the doorbell rang. Tabitha came hurrying out of Maria's bedroom, wearing one of Maria's t-shirts like an oversized dress--even the collar was too big, exposing one slim shoulder. The small woman ignored the delivery boy's look of surprise, and came back into the main room with a surprisingly large bag.

Tabitha got Maria settled onto a comfortable chair, and herself snuggled onto Maria's soft lap. Then she fed them the sushi, one piece for her, three for Maria. Her long nails gave her some trouble in getting the pickled ginger onto the sushi, and they also tended to give little pecks to Maria's lips as Tabby fed each piece into Maria's eager mouth.

Despite the size of the bag, it was emptied far too soon for Maria's taste. When Tabby saw how disappointed Maria was she cooed "Still hungry sweety? Tell you what, I noticed lots of chips and soda in your kitchen. Why don't I settle you down with a bag of chips and a bottle of soda to tide you over for a while. I really need to get out for a jog, but on the way back I'll bring more to eat, OK?"

Maria protested that this didn't seem right, they could go for a walk together or something, or she could go get food while Tabitha went running, but Tabitha quelled this with "Oh sweety, I need to run, and you can't even walk far at a good pace before being out of breath. And that is so sexy! That is why I want to know you are sitting here eating and taking it easy. I'm more than happy to bring you food, maybe it is the nurturing part of me but I just love feeding people."

Over the next hour Maria finished two bags of chips and a large bottle of pepsi, finally driving off her hunger for the moment. Then Tabitha returned, carrying a large bucket of fried chicken along with a big box of french fries and another large bottle of pepsi.

She said "You should eat while they are still warm, but I need to warm down, do some stretching, and at least little bit of my yoga." Maria commented with a leer "Oh, you are all sweaty. You know, you can take off your clothes, you'll cool off faster." Tabby countered "Oh, you are a greedy girl, and not just for food. OK, I'll do that, if you'll strip down to eat."

And that is what they did. By leaning back Maria was able to rest the box of fries on her belly, and she put the bucket of chicken on one side of her and the bottle of pepsi on the other. Tabitha lay a couple of towels on the floor, and used that as her stretching area. Maria ate the first few pieces of chicken without really noticing, so mesmerized was she by Tabitha's tiny but oh so flexible body. She had a suspicion that the smaller woman was showing off, doing splits and back arches that surely were not part of her usual warm down routine, but Maria was not complaining.

Needing a drink, Maria absently wiped off her greasy fingers on her belly and guzzled almost half of the pepsi. The soda did make her belly begin to feel full, but then she started munching on the fries, only a few at at time, and they seemed to go down well. Tabitha was now switching to yoga, and between the salty fries and the site in front of her Maria needed frequent drinks. Each time she wiped her hands off on her belly, to assure a good grip on the bottle, until soft belly was liberally marked with greasy smears.

Tabitha went into a contorted position that Maria did not think she could have achieved even in her athletic days, and seemed to drift off into a meditative state. Maria wondered how long she'd hold it, and since she was now out of fries she decided to see how much chicken she could eat before Tabby broke the pose. She was getting full again, but she knew from experience that from full to 'can't eat another bite' was a lot of food for her.

She tore into a drumstick, not worrying about eating delicately. As a result her face was soon greasy and coated with crumbs of the seasoning, and her breasts and belly were dabbled with bits of the seasoning too. After the drumstick a breast, then another, then another drumstick. Now she really was getting full, but Tabby was still holding the pose. Maybe if she ate quickly enough she could get the food down before her body started complaining too loudly about being full? She gobbled down two more drumsticks as if she were starving, and then tore apart another breast with greasy fingers, shoving the meat into her mouth as fast as she could chew and swallow.

She looked into the bucket. Three pieces left. Could she eat them? She noticed Tabby was beginning to breath a little harder, was the position beginning to strain her? Maria grabbed a chicken breast in each hand and gnawed the meat straight off of them in big bites, shoving bigger pieces in with the back of hand. It was getting hard to breath, but she'd finished them off.

Just one last drumstick. Tabitha was beginning to wiggle like it she could not hold the position much longer, so Maria opened as wide as she could, dunked the drumstick in her mouth, bit down, and then stripped the meat off as she pulled the bone out. Dropping the bone she grabbed the bottle of pepsi and drained the last of it, just as Tabitha broke her position.

Tabitha eased to her feet and came over to the couch, lightly flushed and breathing just a little deeply. Maria by contrast was panting shallowly and was deeply flushed and sweating a bit. She was also coated with grease and crumbs from the food she'd just devoured. "Maria! Did you eat it all? That was supposed to be enough to feed a hungry family of four, and you'd already had all that sushi and a bag of chips!" "Two bags of chips" Maria groaned. "Two? And all of this? What a Piggy!" But the slim woman's eyes were glowing approvingly as she said it.

"Come on, let's get you into the shower and cleaned up." Tabitha added, but Maria muttered "I can't move right now, I really can't. I'm SO full that it hurts just lying here, I just couldn't move." "Well, would this help?" Tabitha started massaging Maria's stuffed belly. At first it almost hurt, but soon it began to make it feel better.

"What would you ever do without me?" teased Tabby. Maria explained "I don't normally eat THAT much. You....inspired me." Tabitha's eyes widened, and she giggled "I've never been anyone's muse before, but I think I like it. Far be it from me to deny you inspiration, I'll have to visit as much as I can."

"If I do this too often I'm going to get huge!" sighed Maria.

Tabitha grinned and pointed out "Oh honey, you already ARE huge. But you'll get even more huge, and I can hardly wait for that. I've never managed to hold that position for so long before, but seeing you practically getting fatter before my eyes was amazing. Just think what great shape I could get in if I exercise whenever you are eating?"
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 11 years , updated 2 years
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Juicy 11 years
Wonderful story! While you wrote it for someone in particular, I hope you'll decide to continue it for the rest of us smiley