Maria and tabitha

  By Edxl

Chapter 4 - departures

Once Maria could move again the two women showered together, Maria just standing there while Tabby washed off the grease and food crumbs. Once they were done Maria was feeling a little wobbly, being still stuffed plus the effect of the hot water.

Tabby got Maria to lay down on her bed, then pulled out some massage oil and spread it all over Maria's front. She proceeded to thoroughly knead and rub Maria's belly. Once maria seemed able to handle some pressure, Tabby again straddled her and started rubbing against Maria's flab. This time she used her hands to mound it up in a ridge, the better to rub against.

Soon the small woman was gasping "Oh honey, you feel so good, so soft, oh god already you feel fatter, I love how your fat feels, so soft, so good..." Eventually she started moaning loudly, then shifted forward to straddle Maria's face. Having learned a few tricks from Tabby already Maria was eager to finish driving her new lover over the edge.

Once Tabby had recovered a bit she crawled down between Maria's legs, where Maria could not see her at all over the mound of her stomach. She could only feel the delightful things that Tabby was doing, and that made it all even hotter. Eventually, as Maria was reaching a very intense state, Tabby reached up and started vibrating Maria's flab, giving an incredibly erotic feeling that helped several waves of pleasure wash through her body.

Afterwards, as they lay on the bed, Tabby's head pillowed on one of maria's breasts, the smaller woman said "This is so much better than with my boyfriend."

Maria was confused. "Boyfriend? I thought you were gay?"

"Well, more like Bi, with a serious attraction to women--and my boyfriend is OK with that, as long as I don't flaunt it in front of him. I do still appreciate a good cock, it is just....guys! I'm so small they always seem to go all macho on me. I love that you are willing to let me be more in charge."

"Well" replied Maria after a few moments thought, "I wish you'd told me sooner, but if this is allowed, and we never said this was more than a fling, I guess I can see why you didn't. And I guess I'm not too upset. I just would have liked to know."

Tabitha looked abashed "I should have told you, I know! I never thought things would go so far, that we'd match up so well. And as things got going, I didn't want to de-rail them....and so I left it too late."

Maria rubbed her double chin for a moment, then asked "Tell me about him?"

"Oh, he's a pretty typical guy. Average height, sweet face, pretty cut--he does rock climbing and mountain biking. Loves ***ing me, but the rest of the time he's as apt to be off with his buddies drinking beer and watching the Seahawks game or something. Oh, really he's not that bad, I just don't have much patience for guy stuff I guess."

Maria mused "I guess really you have four choices. You can put up with the whole guy thing. You can dump him and stick to women. You can dump him and find a more femme sort of guy. Or you can try and turn him into a more femme sort of guy."

"Oh my god" said Tabby. "You are the first person who's even really admitted those last two choices! My straight friends are all 'that is what guys are like, deal with it' and my gay friends are all like 'dump him, chicks are just better.' I'd thought about the other two options, although I used 'sissy' instead of 'femme,' but whatever, same idea, that seemed like the perfect match, you know? But I'm not sure. I don't know if I'd like the sissy guys who are out there, and I don't know if I could change him or not. "

"Well," said Maria, "you don't have to decide right now. We still have a night together, and a morning. Once you go back, you can see how you feel."

"What about you?" asked Tabitha "Anyone else in your life?"

"Not really. There is this one guy, I kind of had a thing with him briefly in high school, back then he was, to use your word, kind of a sissy, but really sweet. I met him again recently, and despite me being fat he seems interested in me, but he's a body builder now. On the one hand his muscles would make me feel even fatter, I think, but I'm not sure I even like him any more, I just don't know if that sweet sissy boy is still in there somewhere."

They chatted about boys, girls, and all the complications of the various combinations until they fell asleep, curled together.

When Tabith woke with the dawn she was curled around Maria's projecting belly, head nuzzled up against Maria's breasts. Tabby went right to licking and nibbling what was available, starting a lazy morning of love making. They got out of bed only to use the washroom, and of course to get some breakfast into Maria.

When they finally had to get Tabby to the airport Maria found that her pants were snug--her belly was still full from her massive feast the night before. Tabby grinned and suggested "You might need bigger pants before the next time we meet."

As their cab pulled up at the airport they came together for one last intense kiss. Pulling away, Maria said "So, think on it for a few days, then let me know which way you are leaning. I might have a few ideas for you. And don't forget, if you start with the sissying of him, if it doesn't work, or you don't like the result, you can still go to one of the other three solutions."

Later, in the airport, just before disappearing into security, Tabby lightly slapped Maria's belly and said "Don't diet, OK? I promise I'll get back to see you soon."

Maria smiled and said "Tell you what, when you are going to work out, text me. I can snack while you exercise. I don't promise a bucket of chicken every time, but I think that could be good inspiration."

"Oh! Well, that is good incentive for me to work every day, isn't it?"

On that, Tabby headed through the security gate.

Maria waddled back through the airport, wondering where this would go. For that matter, where did she want it to go? She'd always known that she could find certain women attractive, but she'd never expected to be in a relationship like this. If Tabby broke up with her boyfriend, and moved to the Bay area, was Maria ready to have a full time girlfriend? And if they lived together, how fat would she get? She'd been getting more active again, but she had the feeling that living with Tabby, that would not last. The petite woman seemed to love the image of Maria as the helpless fatty.

On the other hand, if Tabby did not break up with her boyfriend, was she willing to settle for occasional visits? If she found a boyfriend of her own, would he be understanding of what was between her and Tabby?

These thoughts might have made for a painful ride home, but she stopped and got a burger and fries from one of the restaurants, and that little snack helped clear her contemplative mood and let her relive the toe-curling, belly shaking, pleasure of the last few days.
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Juicy 11 years
Wonderful story! While you wrote it for someone in particular, I hope you'll decide to continue it for the rest of us smiley