Maria and tabitha

  By Edxl

Chapter 5 - hard landing

During class two days later, Maria got her first text from Tabby: "Im going n 2 yoga. U ready 2 snack?"

Maria had to respond that she was in class, without any food. Tabby responded "If this is going to work, U have to be ready always." Maria replied "I always have to have snacks with me?"

The response was "YES!!!!!!"

Maria almost objected, but she wanted Tabby's attention. On her way home she bought a supply of candy bars, meal replacement bars, and candy. She dug through her closet and pulled out a purse she had seldom used, because it was a little too big. Now it was just the right size, to carry her usual items plus a generous snacking supply.

The next afternoon at work she received a text "Good 2 go?" and
replied with a smiley face. Tabby responded "Me - jog, food - U!"
Between her various tasks Maria managed to eat a meal replacement bar
and two candy bars before Tabby texted "Done."

Over the next week Maria realized that Tabby was testing her, hitting
her with demands to snack at various times of the day, checking that Maria
was ready to snack at all times.

After a week Maria was not just ready, but getting impatient for Tabby's texts, wanting to dive into her snacks. When Tabby finally texted that evening "Changing to swim" Maria snapped back "about time, starving!"

Tabby replied "Silly fatty, don't wait for me then, just snack more
when I tell you, too!" Maria responded "I'll get so fat!" to which
Tabby sent a happy face.

Soon Maria was used to constant snacking, to the heavy feeling that told her she was growing again. Soon her clothes confirmed her growth.

Before Maria gave in and bought larger clothes, Tabby shared some good news "I'll be in SF next weekend!!!"

That was good enough news to send Maria in a renewed frenzy of snacking. By the time she met Tabby at the airport her pants were stressed trying to hold back her growing belly. Right in the airport concourse Tabby came up to hug her and purr "Oh honey, you are looking SO fat!"

That night Tabby fed Maria well, but they were so eager for each other
that the eating was not as epic as it could have been. Still the next
morning, Maria found buttoning her pants a rather unlikely event.
Tabby went looking through her closet, and found a sun dress for her.

It was too tight to be flattering, straining somewhat against the
buttons that ran up the front, but was not so tight in any one place.
They then went shopping, and finally arrived at Maria's old high
school, lugging several bags of groceries.

Tabby quickly stripped off her sweat suit, leaving her with goose bumps
on the flesh exposed by her t-shirt and running shorts. She quickly
stretched while Maria got settled onto a picnic table with a good view
of the running track. She thought it was one of the ones that the fat
girls had sat at back in her day, and by the appearance it was still
the same table, etched with graffit and age.

"Ready?" "Ready!"

Tabby started jogging around the track, while Maria pulled out a box of pop-tarts and started eating them. By the time Tabby finished her
first lap Maria had finished her first three. Another lap, another
two. Maria hurried to finish the box of eight before Tabby finished
her third lap.

Maria went diving into the groceries and pulled out a package of two eight inch sub sandwiches. She tore it open and started eating the first sandwich. Soon her mouth was dry, so she pulled out a big bottle of pepsi, and started alternating bites with sips.

At the end of her fourth lap--her first mile-- Tabby had warmed up
enough that a light sheen of sweat added a shine to her face. Looking
at Maria feeding her face she gave a thumb's up as she passed.

It took Maria six more laps to finish the two subs. By now her stomach was
feeling pretty full, but Tabby was still looking fresh, like she could
go for miles still. Maria began to think that she would not be able to
keep up with Tabby. She decided that perhaps she should try to seduce
the smaller woman into quitting before she was exhausted. Rummaging
through the bags, she came up with a tray of chocolate brownies, and a
can of whipped cream.

She was so focused on piling the whipped cream high on her second big
piece of brownie that she didn't even notice the kids coming to shoot
hoops in the school yard. She really only registered them when she
heard a girls voice. She looked over: there were three teenage boys,
and one tall, lean, athletic looking girl. As they started playing
two-on-two it was obvious that the girl was a match for the boys.

With a low moan, Maria shoved the brownie into her mouth, not caring
that she smeared whipped cream on her face. She cut an enormous piece
of brownie, covered it in whipped cream, and ate it urgently. She
could remember being like that girl, light, strong, athletic. What
would that girl think of this fat blob, shoving her face full of junk
food. What would she have thought?

The tension seemed to emphasize her
need to be stuffed full.

She was shocked when she found the tray of brownies to be empty. Tabby
was beginning to look a little tired, but far from ready to stop.
Maria found the box of left over
fried chicken from the previous night. The four pieces went down
easily, washed down by the second bottle of pepsi. Oh, her stomach was
full, but now she wanted it to be so full, so big, so stretched out.
Tabby was beginning to slow, openly sweating now, but Maria was not
done eating.

She emptied a big bag of M&Ms quickly, then a box of half a dozen
donuts more slowly. By now Tabby was positively staggering around the
track, but grimly keeping her feet moving. Maria's stomach was
starting to feel, totally full, while the grocery bags were mostly empty.

With a sense of triumph Maria pulled out a frozen chocolate cream pie, now partially thawed. Using her hands she pulled out big hunks and shoved them in her mouth. Once the pie was mostly gone she carefully licked up the crumbs.

Tabby came around the track once more, dripping with sweat, barely faster than walking. Maria was so full she could barely sit up-right. She felt almost as flushed as Tabby looked, and was
breathing nearly as hard too.

When Tabby saw Maria put down the empty pie plate she started to turn off the track, but Maria snatched up the last bottle of pepsi, sending the thin woman onto yet another lap.

Slowly Maria drank back the bottle. It seemed enormous. She could
feel the liquid filling in her stomach, pushing it out in every direction, stretching it out yet farther. It got painful, but she kept drinking. She started rocking back in forth as she drank, the rhythm somehow helping her get down the last of the pepsi.

She was almost done when, with a loud "Crack!" the cut up and decayed boards of the picnic table gave way. At first cracking and sagging then breaking completely and dropping Maria bottom first into the middle of the table.

Tabby came staggering up as Maria lay stunned, calling urgently "Honey,
are you OK?" After a moment Maria was able to answer "I think I am,
probably a good thing I have a fat bum, it cushioned my fall." After a
brief struggle however she had to admit "But I can't get up!"

Just then the four teenagers trotted over to see what was happening.
"The table broke?" "Are you OK?" "Can we help?" The initial gush of
questions trailed off as they took in the whipped cream and chocolate
smeared across Maria's face, the trail of greasy chicken crumbs over
her overstressed dress, and the litter of empty food containers and
chicken bones.

Tabby took charge, cutting off any questions. "She's stuck in the
table. I don't know if she is really caught so much as she's much to
fat to get up from such an awkward position. We need to either pull
her up to her feet, or something."

Two of the boys each took one of Maria's hands, and tried to pull her
up. However between the chicken grease on Maria's hands, and the fact
that she weighed more than the two of them put together, this was
impossible. Finally the other boy said "Maybe we could tip up the
frame of the picnic table? So working together the four teens pulled
and levered and lifted, and managed to tip up the remains of the table,
so that Maria was more or less sitting normally on the ground. From
there, while the boys held the table in place, the girl and Tabby were
able to push Maria's backside forward along the dirt enough that
finally, with a great gasp of effort, she managed to roll out of the
table. The teenage girl braced herself, and Maria was able to lean on
her to pull herself to her feet.

As she stood there gasping, one of the boys handed her something,
saying "Here, I think these are yours." Looking at what he handed her,
Maria realized that it was three buttons. Looking down she realized
that the buttons of her dress over her belly had given way, leaving her
distended stomach forcing its way out of the dress.

Maria stood there, blushing, while Tabby and the teenagers gathered up
the litter from feast. Tabby then suggested "Why don't I go bring the
car around to this nearest entrance, you aren't in any shape to walk
all the way over to the parking lot." Maria had to admit that this was
true. She still could not draw a proper breath, her blood was
hammering in her ears, and her back was starting to hurt.

While Tabby headed off to the car, visibly tired, one of the boys asked
"What were you doing here anyway?" Maria said "Oh, my girlfriend was
going for a run, and I was eating, and we were seeing who could last

That brought a few moments of silence, then the boy asked
"But why here?" Maria laughed slightly, then explained "Oh, I used to go to this school, in fact I was a star on the basketball team."
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Juicy 11 years
Wonderful story! While you wrote it for someone in particular, I hope you'll decide to continue it for the rest of us smiley