Enema of the female 2

Chapter 5 - five

I slip a soft rubber mouthpiece into your mouth, activating a second pump that delivers a cool and creamy version of the same solution, mixed with ice cream. You greedily suck on the mouthpiece as this second pump delivers a steady flow. Yes baby, suck it down, put as much as you can into your stomach, make it big and tight. I am so turned on by the sight of you with one tube in your mouth and one tube in your anus. You are letting me fill your every orifice with thick fattening fluids, making you swell from two directions at once, pushing your body to hold as much fattening liquid as possible.

My first orgasm jets through my body as I watch you and clutch your belly as the waves ripple through me, eliciting a moan from you.

It is time to help you up and onto the bed. Your belly is getting too heavy. It will be easier to continue on your side. I remove the tube from your mouth, satisfied that your stomach is full again. Oh baby look at you, I say as I help you ease forward onto the bed. It is an effort for you to move even this small amount. The war for space being fought in your abdomen between your stomach and intestines has ballooned you into a tight sphere. I have never seen you so big and you have two quarts left.

You moan as I adjust your belly, pulling it out, settling it next to you on the bed. I place your arm over your belly, wanting you to hold it, cradle it, and admire what you achieved. Already big before we started, you are now staggeringly huge, barely able to move.

I hold you softly and stroke your belly as the last two quarts flow into you plumping you even larger. Deep breath, baby, now let it out, concentrate on relaxing and I slide the tube out as you exhale making sure the little bladder is still snug inside you. I guide your own hand back over your belly, my mouth to your ear whispering, feel that, baby, you took it all in. There is so much inside you baby, thousands and thousands of calories, now all you have to do is keep it in, let it do its work.

Your taught skin is so sensitive the stimulation of my hands rubbing your belly is too much and you begin your long orgasm, your body spasming, your swollen belly pulsing in my warm hands. Just hold me you gasp, barely able to talk, hold me while I fatten for you. I can feel you shiver, your orgasm throbbing almost endlessly at the thought of the new fat your body will be able to create and store in the dys to come as you lie there, pinned by the immense balloon we have made of your abdomen.

You lift your head with effort; how much you ask, one hand on your belly. I cover your hand with mine, I whisper the answer, watching your eyes widen. You groan, but as your head sinks down onto the pillow I know that you are pleased.

Sleep now Baby, I say, sleep and fatten for me.

Tomorrow we will try for more.


care to share fantasies? yahoo messenger: bilt4com4t
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 11 years , updated 2 years
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BeSoft 10 years
Zaftig 11 years
Oh, my. It made my day to find this sequel. I so enjoyed the original and hoped for further installments. Lo, and behold. Thanks so much for sharing. This just... really pushes my buttons.
Fatlilboy 11 years
Love it! Anything you do, Built....always pushing the envelope. I enjoy your erotic, bdsm, narrative, out of control fattening of men!! We really have gotten to be out of control pigs and need to be punished. Punish us, Built. Punish us good and fat!
Juicy 11 years
Fabulous story, sweetheart. As always. And as for the physiology, of course it would work. Not volunteering, just sayin' smiley
Built4com4t 11 years
she figured out a way to safely and lovingly push his envelope for their mutual pleasure: wiki/Digestive_tract
Built4com4t 11 years
thanks for the comment bb. it is a real albeit illegal technique to increase the weight in pigs before slaughter. in this physically unrealistic ->FANTASY