The babysitter part ii

Chapter 5 - a feast ensues

"Hi, I'm Leah" she greeted the girls.
"Like the princess!" said Hannah.
"Yeah, but I spell it differently." She replied.
"You four go watch TV while we talk, OK?" suggested Kelly.

As the three older girls walked off, Hannah trotting behind them to keep up, Kelly formally introduced herself to Leah.
"It's so nice to finally meet you Leah, your mom has told me so much about you!"
"Thanks, you too ms..." began Leah before she realized she didn't know Kelly's last name.
"Oh please, you're not a kid, call me Kelly!" she replied, laughing.

For the next half hour, Kelly explained what would happen. Since Emma's place wasn't big enough to add the four girls, Leah would essentially move in to their house, like a domestic au pair.
As Kelly had recently been promoted, money would be no issue. She could take care of expenses like insurance and rent, but buying food and the like would be Leah's responsibility. (Foreshadowing!)
Just when Kelly had finished covering how to work the alarm system, the girls came back into the kitchen, their show having ended.
"Mommy, can we have food now?" asked Hannah
"Emma, is lunch ready?" Kelly said, turning to her host.
"Yeah, the burgers should be just about done," Emma responded, before proceeding to go out to the grill to get them.
As Kelly went to her car to get the dishes she'd brought, Leah sat the girls down at the table and went to the cabinet for chips. To her surprise, she found not only a large bag of Lay's Potato Chips, but bags of almost every kind: Tostitos, Fritos, Cheetos, Jay's, Pringles, Barbecue, Sour Cream and Onion, Ranch, Doritos, Ruffles, you name it! Not knowing which ones the girls would like, she brought them all out.
It was a good thing, too, as everyone wanted something different, so every bag was opened. Each girl had just grabbed a handful of their favorite chips paired with one of the half dozen dips laid out when Kelly returned from her car with a large pan of creamy macaroni and cheese, and Emma reentered carrying an enormous platter of burgers.
As soon as the new dishes arrived, everyone began grabbing at the available food, too concerned with beginning to stuff themselves to have any regard for politeness. All of them piled serving after serving onto their plate, burgers loaded with cheese and bacon, mounds of greasy chips, and enormous heaps of rich macaroni and cheese.
The lightest eater was Cynthia, even though she took at least two servings of macaroni and cheese and five servings of chips in addition to her burger. Each of the other girls had three burgers. Amy and Becky matched each other bite for bite, each taking three to four servings of macaroni and cheese and half a bag of chips.
Surprisingly enough, Hannah consumed the most among them. Though she took as many burgers as Amy and Becky, she ate at least five servings of macaroni and cheese and nearly an entire bag of Lays.
What the girls ate, however large its amount, was little compared to that ingested by the adults present. Emma and Kelly seemed to be in a tacit eating contest with one another. When one took more food, the other would match them, plus a little extra. By the time the food was gone, Kelly had been barely edged out by Emma. Both had eaten 5 burgers and a bag of chips each, but Emma consumed eight servings of macaroni and cheese to Kelly's seven.
By far however, the victor of the dinner was Leah. Despite having feasted on cake batter and Oreos recently, she devoured burger after burger as if starving, not stopping until the seventh one rested in her distended stomach. It wasn't only burgers that contributed to her gorging; she also ate enough macaroni and cheese to feed ten normal people. However, the pinnacle of her banquet was the chips. There was never a moment from start to finish when there were not a bunch of chips in her hands, excepting when she was reaching for more. On top of an entire bag of Cheetos, she also finished all of the other opened ones, amounting to nearly three full bags.
As Emma was clearing everyone's plates, Leah leaned back on her chair and exhaled heavily, releasing her belly. As she did this, her tee shirt rose up, exposing at least a foot of her increasingly convex stomach. Emma and Kelly spotted this and gave each other a sidelong glance; their plan was working...
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Half an hour later, the dishes were done, and all of them had finished talking about how the next few months would work. As the discussion wound down, Emma excused herself from the table, only to return moments later with an enormous cake. The recipe said it would feed 40, but it was probably more like 38 after taking Leah's batter eating into account. Setting it down, Kelly began to slice it while Emma returned to the kitchen, only to reappear once more with two five gallon drums of ice cream under her arms.
As soon as everything was set upon the table it was all Emma could do to keep the girls, Leah included, from tearing into it before it was cut. She quickly began doling out hefty servings, which were just as expediently devoured. The only reason the girls slowed down eating the cake was to shove some more ice cream into their mouths.
After mere minutes had passed, he cake was all gone and amazingly everyone felt full. After everything had been cleaned up, Kelly and the girls walked, or rather waddled, out the door, bellies distended. As she was extremely tired, Emma went straight to bed. Leah, however, stayed up watching TV.
Just after entering the living room, she noticed a faint glow coming from the kitchen. Investigating, she realized it was the freezer door cracked open. Before closing it, she saw that about half of one of the five gallon ice creams was left over.
Unable to resist, she took it out and went to town on it. Before long she was eating it by scooping gobs of it out and into her mouth with her hands. It was all she could do to finish, and fell asleep soon after, belly bursting out from between her waistline and shirt, with her hands and face covered in fudge ripple.
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Polik12345 11 years
I accidentally uploaded this part before the additions to it which are coming soon, sorry