A new religion

Chapter 3 - sacrificing my health

My eyelids flutter as I feel my eyes watering and rolling up into my head. You are driving me crazy, and yet it is an insanity which cures the blandness of everyday life, which heals the disdain of others, which makes me whole.

And you, you are insane as well, your body spasming atop me like a mental patient having a seizure, but there is no power which can stop this grand mal seizure as our hot blood courses through us, as you move your body up and down upon me, the slippery, slick juices between us making sucking, sliding sounds, and then the slapping of your flesh against mine.

Flesh against flesh, belly against belly, oh if only everyone could feel this, how wonderfully in tune the world would be. And yet, we are the ones with the courage to open ourselves up to such loving passion, to open our mouths and to stuff ourselves full of so much of the earth's bountiful deliciousness.

We stuff ourselves full of not only delicious foods, but we cannot get enough of each other. We are like two boa constrictors gobbling each other up, swallowing all the sweat and passion and love that we can possibly fit into our growing guts.

"You have created me, oh goddess!" I exclaim as I feel your body rolling across me, our sensory cells sending back to our brains the very stuff of life and living.

I am your Adam, created from your spark, your loving hands, shaping me, making me bigger and bigger, molding my belly rolls and love handles, my thickening thighs, my widening hips and flabby bottom. "Oh, I adore you," I mutter in an almost prayer-like tone. You are my church, my god, my universe, and I am here for you to enjoy.

I sacrifice myself to you, my body for your pleasure, goddess! I have sacrificed my fitness, my slenderness, and you have made much of me -- much much more of me! Our love and lust are like our appetites, growing and never-ending! I feel our bodies, slick with the juices of passion, drenched with sweet-salty perspiration of lovemaking. No one else is in our universe now, just us two, two bellies bobbing against each other, slapping flesh to flesh!

"I am your creation!" I scream again, my words echoing from every corner of our universe, and the song of them makes you smile, I feel that smile upon your lips, as they graze against my soft chest, you push yourself into me, my flab engulfing your smaller body.

"Roam the universe you have created," I whisper near your ear. "Roll about in the softness of the world you have made by stuffing me and loving me so so very much." And you do, rolling side to side, as I rock side to side, my flesh flopping about, wobbling and jiggling with every movement. You grab my love handles and thrust my belly up in between your legs, hard, so hard, it almost hurts, but any pain now is tinted with pleasure. It's all the same now.

"I'm starving," you confess, looking to the tray from which you have just fed me. My fat stubby fingers grab at the crumbs and stuff them into your mouth, oh, that mouth, those lips, so sensuous, so perfectly shaped, like a beautiful pink rose in the springtime. Those lips open like a rose, and my plump fingers stuff the crumbs between them, and soon, you are sucking on my fingers.

"Can't get enough," you mumble, then speak quickly, the words pouring from you:

"I'm starved for everything, for food, for you, love, for your big fat body, for your fat fingers." Your mouth, so warm and wet, oh, my fingers are like thickened shafts of manhood, feeling like they might explode any moment from your sucking, your nibbling, you oh, so wondrous, so slick, like our bodies which continue to undulate as if the gods themselves are pulling the strings and we are but puppets in an exotic show of passion.

I feed you mindlessly until the crumbs and the sweet stickiness are all gone.

"My body is as much yours as mine now," I murmur into your ear, the hot breath of my heated body warming your ear and neck. "What I have gained in weight and fat, what you have made me gain - I am more than twice what I weighed before we met."

I push my belly up between your legs, so hard it hurts me, but the pain is like pleasure now, it's all swirling together.

"I am yours to do with as you like," I say hoarsely, my throat soar from all the feeding and stuffing. "You made me into your fat piggy, now ride me until you can ride no more."

This kind of talk seems to drive you crazy. Insanity shines in your eyes, glows in your smile. And if this is insanity, then the whole world should be insane -- insane with the knowledge that pleasure trumps all. But your insanity is very specific.

You can feel fat rolls that you have made, just like the buttered rolls you baked and served me, these rolls are your creations as well. My fat is all due to you. I am yours in body and in soul, because you have not only expanded and shaped my body, but you have expanded my soul, my consciousness, my capacity for pleasure, for understanding, for love, my capacity for chocolatey cream-filled donuts, my capacity for chocolatey cream-filled you.

I will worship you for all the days of my life. In this very moment, I am worshipping you all the days of my life. Now, let us eat well, stuff ourselves full of life and living. Let us enjoy one another.

This is a new religion.

THE END (for now?)
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 2 years
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Built4com4t 7 years
good job...you're zeroing in on the magic
Pd500 7 years
Love this!
GrowingLoveH... 7 years
Sorry, Rustina, that you don't like this. At least one person does like it, and I have immensely enjoyed writing this -- the words spilling out as if heaven-sent (or hell-sent).