Betrayed by her own body

Chapter 3 - the stakes are raised

Sophie tries to protest, shaking her head and squealing into the gag as the vibrations exert their inevitable influence on her, slowly wearing down her ability to resist. Her desperate protests reflect her realization that she is starting to loose the ability to think clearly, her mind fogged by the heat in her loins and the hunger in her belly.

She is wakened from her thoughts by the ending of the vibrations, and braces herself for the sensation of her mouth filling with sweet fatty goodness. A part of her brain is alarmed by the fact that her mouth is watering, and she is anticipating the pleasure of swallowing the fluid, her belly already feeling full, and slightly distended in a way that makes her feel warmly content.

Resolving to fight these feelings, she tells herself that the feeling of fullness from the dildo in her ***, and the intense but frustratingly brief vibrations are not good. That she hates them, and would get up if only she could escape this relentless rape machine that is feeding her against her will while it stimulates her.

It takes her addled mind a moment to realize that the taste has not arrived in her mouth, and a moment more to remind herself that this is good, that she does not want more. She stiffens, trying to stop her body from gyrating in small circles, grinding her pussy on the now stationary vibrating ridge. She makes another effort of will, insisting to herself that she can overcome this torment.

Minutes pass, and she maintains her stationary posture, whimpering softly as she tries to calm the feeling of need in her pussy, to reduce the desire to thrust her swollen and hungry *** again and again up and down on the cock that she is impaled on. Her intense concentration is broken by the voice again:

"You are doing well. In the last hour you have ingested four times your daily recommended calorific intake, and your pussy is already well lubricated and engorged. You are responding beautifully. The next stage of your training will introduce a new element. In order to receive stimulation and nutrition you will be required to suck on the cock in your mouth. Suck it enthusiastically and skillfully and you will be rewarded."

Sophie struggles again in horror at the new twist her her predicament, squirming on the dildo that pins her in place, pulling on the thigh straps that hold her to the saddle, and thrashing against the bonds that hold her arms high above her head. Her breasts swinging wildly as her torso thrashes.

She slows her struggling, exhausted and sobbing, relaxing back down into the saddle, taking the dildo back inside her most intimate hole. She gasps softly as the ribbed ridge of the seat separates her pussy lips, insistently searching out her engorged and sensitive clitoris. Sobbing in defeat, she twitches her hips subtly, grinding her nub against the softly rippled intruder. The sensation it delivers is evident in the soft look of pleasure on her face, but the rubbing is not enough for her, and her rhythmic grinding is leaving her tired and unsatisfied.

Her breathing is ragged and shallow, she wriggles desperately, seeking relief from the burning need in her pussy. Knowing that she is surrendering to her carnal needs, humiliated, and defeated, she tentatively sucks on the artificial penis in her mouth. Sobbing softly, she sucks again, more vigorously this time, shaking her head and whimpering as nothing happens.

Calming for a moment, she regroups, realizing that she is caught in a trap built on her own need. She begins to firmly and rhythmically suck on the cock, grunting and moaning as she simultaneously grinds her pussy against the saddle, seeking relief from her burning need.

After what seems like an age, she squeals as a small shot of fluid, sweet and fatty, squirts into her mouth, and a low whirring gives sends shards of pleasure into her searching crotch. As rapidly as it began, the brief stimulation is over, and the sweet taste has left her mouth. Frustrated, she thrusts her hips up and down the dildo, ***ing herself in an attempt to satisfy her need, as she redoubles her efforts at sucking on the cock, even as she sobs in humiliation, realizing she has been reduced to begging for sexual taste stimulation, unable to resist the temptations presented to her.
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